To Be Able To Count Money - Alternative View

To Be Able To Count Money - Alternative View
To Be Able To Count Money - Alternative View

The "State Department Special Forces" on our television now, like a red flag, is waving the results of a study by one of the largest and most influential marketing companies in the world, Nielsen, for which Russians have sharply cut their costs and began to save on everything, including food.

I will say right away: I, in contrast to the "state deputies", were pleased with these data. When I was young, I noticed how Russians and Europeans spend money in different ways. With comparable incomes, Europeans counted every pfenning, every filler. The Russians, on the other hand, were reckless, scattering money in a fan with or without reason. A Russian table in any restaurant was distinguished by the fact that the waiter had nowhere to put something. And orders were pouring in. And the Europeans were sitting with a whole company over two bottles of mineral water, with a cup of coffee and a tiny glass in front of each nose, and managed to pull these drops for an hour and a half.


And at the same time, the standard of living of Europeans, even Easterners, was noticeably higher than ours. Although outwardly they lived much more modest, and could not afford "Russian expenses", luxurious houses in resort areas and expensive cars were hidden behind their daily stinginess. And ours, surprising the world with “breadth of scope”, held out to pay off on pasta with mixed fat (heh … the modern reader, probably, doesn't even know a word like that - “comb fat” …), and darned socks for the third time. It was the ability to save, the ability to calculate our costs that we always lacked.

I’ll say more - I even envied the Ukrainians when, after the Maidan disaster, they collapsed into austerity and began publishing videos on how to painlessly save electricity, gas, heat and food. What to do for this, how to change your habits. There was much more “movement towards Europe” in this economy than in Maidan screams. We, who live in an abundance of material benefits, which we do not even notice (and to this day, by the way, do not notice), who reduced the concept of “well-being” to real money, were still very far from the correct understanding of the meaning of the words “household”. We just forgot that money is not a goal. But only a means to an end.

That is why I have deep respect for those people who know how to save in a European way, that is, without denying themselves anything. That's right, yes! “Without denying yourself anything,” this is the point! This is a real art - and do not deny yourself anything, and pamper yourself, your beloved, tasty and fashionable, dear and desirable, because we live once. And at the same time not to spend an extra penny, and even put it on a bank account.

To find the line between “reasonable economy” and “redneck asshole” - this is the culture, and the correct spending of funds, and the guarantee of welfare. Without prejudice to yourself, but only for the good. Having learned to live on 15 thousand, you will live on a million. And you will keep it and increase it. And if you don't learn, you can screw up a million and a hundred million. And you will not notice how. And again you will find yourself in poverty, a million will not help you.

Therefore, the data of the Nielsen company pleased me immediately. And when I got on the Internet, got to know the issue better and read marketing specialists and retail leaders, and then compared the items of expenses of Russians, I was simply delighted, honestly!

Promotional video:

Look here.

We spend less on clothing and entertainment. But - increased the cost of online clothing stores. Do we wear rags? Yes, never, look around. They just stopped spending money on stupid labels, giving preference to the price-quality ratio.

We spent less on pubs, cafes and restaurants, and increased purchases of draft beer and coffee beans. What does this mean? Only that we have become more demanding in catering. We no longer just need to “go to a cafe”, we need quality and comfort! Why do I need a pub or cafe where you can't smoke, there is no normal toilet, and even bad coffee? Wouldn't it be easier for me to drink coffee in the car, with a cigarette and music, or even in general - to brew it at home, the way it should be, and not the kind that the restaurateur's coffee machine spits out? And even for 200 rubles? I want it to be better for ME and not for the owner of the cafe. And if the owner of the cafe has not taken care of the Russian as he should, then sit, owner, without income, this is already yours and only your problem. Say "thank you" to the Ministry of Health and the Duma, which left you without income. And I will not suffer, I will always come up withhow can I do well for myself.

Also on nutrition - purchases of fatty foods and foods with an abundance of sugar decreased. Are we starving? Yes, nifiga! They began to buy much more vegetables and fruits, fish, low-fat and sugar-free products. In other words, we do not eat whatever is horrible, but we learn to take this issue seriously. Progress? What another!

Movie. Last year, the attendance of cinemas really decreased significantly compared to 2017: from 213.5 million viewers to 200.3 million. But there has been an increase in views in online cinemas and purchases of films in programs like iTunes. And what is especially gratifying - there has been an increase in purchases of computers and gadgets, and especially of expensive home TVs with large diagonal and other devices for the equipment of "home theaters". That is, we have become more watching movies, we just want to do it so that while watching, some primate does not slurp popcorn under our ears. And no one would let go of moronic comments to the whole audience. Do cinemas want to increase traffic? So let them think about making me feel good in their cinema, better than at home, and I will appreciate their efforts. If I see fit. Because I don't need a distributor,and I - to the distributor. I support him, I am his breadwinner. And not vice versa. If the distributor understands this, he will survive. If he doesn't understand, he'll go broke to hell, but that will be his problem, I'll watch my movie at a time convenient to me.

And the absolute record for mortgage lending speaks volumes about whether we started to live worse or better: last year Russians took out almost one and a half million mortgage loans. For a total amount of over 3 trillion rubles. This has never happened in Russia. Tell me - will you go to get a mortgage loan if you have nothing to eat and you are not sure of your own future? I don’t think so.


Yes! I almost forgot! Less vodka sold last year! Instead, the market for the sale of passenger cars grew, and by as much as 13.3 percent. The classic “Quit drinking - bought a car!”, Don't you think?

Yes, we started saving. Calculate. Plan and procrastinate. To live better. And even better, and more. We are no longer those “dashing rasiyani” who “once such a booze has gone - cut the last cucumber!”. We won't cut the last cucumber. We will first use the calculator to figure out how best to use it.

Now I really see that “new Russians” are emerging. Not primitive post-Soviet gangsters in crimson jackets and with a chain around their necks, but smart and calculating who not only want to “live well”, but also know how to do it. And such “new Russians” will have no barriers in the world. Because they will be able not only to preserve and increase the countless riches of Russia, but also to derive the maximum benefit from them for themselves and the Motherland.

Calm down, world. Sit down. Think - what can you oppose to such “new Russians” and such “other Russia”? Only recognition and hugs, peace. Only. Actually, we never needed another.