UFO For Sale - Alternative View

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UFO For Sale - Alternative View
UFO For Sale - Alternative View

Video: UFO For Sale - Alternative View

Video: UFO For Sale - Alternative View
Video: Faking a UFO Sighting 🛸 How hard is it? | Area 51👽 2024, October

The search for extraterrestrial life on Earth is in full swing. UFOs are searched for, but - despite thousands of eyewitness accounts - they cannot be found. Meanwhile, in the spaces of Western Internet flea markets, advertisements for the sale of spare parts for flying saucers appear with enviable constancy. What is this: a series of scams or UFOs can really be bought?


If we analyze the number of offers of alien artifacts, or simply nuts and gears that fell off flying saucers and then put up for online auctions, it seems as if only broken rattle cars, purchased from Alpha Centauri's "commissions", are flying over us. But if even one of the offered artifacts turned out to be real, it would immediately become a sensation of the century. However, even the ufologists themselves are doubtful about such lots.

One of the most trustworthy salespeople was physicist Jim Hughes, a Florida native. In 2002, he sent an ad in a newspaper in which he not only put up a part of an extraterrestrial spacecraft for sale, but even promised that a happy buyer, with the proper patience and scientific experiments, could use the UFO wreck to unravel the secret of antigravity. The physicist estimated the cost of the artifact at $ 10 million. The funny thing is that the seller himself has never seen a flying saucer in his life, and part of the alien ship came to him quite by accident. Half a century before the events described, his bosom friend saw in the cloudless New Jersey sky a long elongated metal cigar of enormous size. Further, the spaceship of an unknown civilization behaved extremely strange. He flew purposefully to the city dump,opened the hatch and some mechanisms fell from its womb to the ground. An eyewitness picked up one of them and later passed it on to Hughes. How the aliens learned in an incomprehensible way that garbage on Earth should be thrown out exactly at the landfill and where they found out exactly how it looks on our planet - remained unclear.

Laboratory research revealed that the physicist was holding an object that is an alloy of indium and antimony. At the same time, according to the scientist himself, if you bring other metal objects to the artifact, the alien alloy began to vibrate, and its weight changed. The sale of an amazing object ended rather mysteriously: Hughes disappeared. As an option, I got the money and left. But, perhaps, frightened by the exposure, the physicist chose to hide.


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You can mock the hapless American physicist as much as you like. However, several well-known Russian ufologists, who preferred to remain anonymous, reported that the market for UFO artifacts actually exists. The cost of a fragment of a flying saucer overseas ranges from 10,000 to 1,000,000 dollars. The most paradoxical thing is that the prices for this or that artifact do not depend at all on scientific examinations confirming its extraterrestrial origin, but on the beautiful legend of the acquisition of a mysterious object. In the land of Hollywood, it is not facts that are valued, but legends. The most famous stories of space artifacts for sale are eloquent proof of this. So a certain Bob White, according to numerous ufological publications, in 1985 became not only an eyewitness to a UFO flight during a trip from Denver to Las Vegas,but also the happy owner of a part of it. In the place where White observed cosmic lights, and then a large UFO, he saw an object engulfed in flames falling from the sky. Having cooled down, the "heavenly fire" turned into a frozen metal drop about 20 cm long. After repeated laboratory studies, to which White subjected his amazing find, it became clear: this is an alloy of metal, consisting of 85% aluminum, 9% silicon, and 2% iron. In a word, there is nothing anomalous and extraterrestrial in the iron drop.composed of 85% aluminum, 9% silicon, and 2% iron. In a word, there is nothing anomalous and extraterrestrial in the iron drop.composed of 85% aluminum, 9% silicon, and 2% iron. In a word, there is nothing anomalous and extraterrestrial in the iron drop.

But the impressionable Bob White was not going to retreat and organized a kind of ufological museum. By paying $ 5 for admission, visitors could enjoy the story of the museum organizer about his UFO sighting and the drop itself. Which, by the way, was never sold. And all because the legend disappointed …


Another alien antiques dealer, Dave S. Goodman, proved this with his own example. His story, widely disseminated by the Western media, is striking in its originality. Indeed, if you want to deceive someone, come up with a fantastic story to the point of absurdity, and the public will willingly believe you. In 2009, Goodman put up on eBay - not much, not enough - "a veritable wreck of the Roswell UFO crash." In the description of the lot, a sentimental story was given about how a certain officer of the cleaning group gave this piece to his relatives, who had hidden it for many years and only now decided to sell it. Moreover, the object was accompanied by the results of the examination, issued officially, even a tag indicating the date - 1947.

What started here! Goodman was bombarded with offers, some of which were very tempting. But in the wake of his success, Dave made a stunning statement: both the exhibit and the story of its acquisition are a clever fake. The joker was forced to confess what he had done by his own conscience: he was offered really big money, which he simply did not dare to take. Such recognition not only does credit to the UFO seller, but also leads to some reflections regarding the rest of such lots.


Flying saucers are not sold in Russia. Even strange. After all, if where to look for spare parts from UFOs, so in a country that occupies 1/6 of the land: we have where to roam. Moreover, the "mushroom" places are known. It is quite possible to try to find parts from UFOs in the Molebsky triangle (Perm region), on the Medveditskaya ridge (Volgograd region), in the Valley of Death (Kamchatka), on Lovozero (Murmansk region), on Samarskaya Luka (Zhigulevskie mountains), in the Patomsky crater and etc. And so on. However, it is not at all necessary to go to the anomalous zone and, armed with a wrench, watch the UFO landing for days on end. Thanks to the well-known ethnographer of Karelia Aleksey Popov, we can suggest where the artifact of extraterrestrial origin should be.

In the fall of 1928, a strange cylindrical object the size of a peasant house flew over the Karelian village of Shchuknavolok, 120 km from Petrozavodsk, and collapsed into Vedlozero. An abnormal phenomenon was observed by about 50 residents of Shchuknavolok and the village of Vedlozero, located nearby. Popov was told about this event by a local resident Fyodor Petrovich Egorov, who at that time was nine years old. The boy's memory retained everything down to the smallest detail: “The incident became known to the NKVD. A special group arrived at Shchuknavolok almost immediately. Security officers cordoned off the area of the incident. Everything was kept in the strictest secret: there were times - you know yourself … There was no technique to properly examine the bottom of the lake and even more so to raise an object to the surface. We knew that IT lies about 70 cm from the surface of the water. " So IT remained in the lake. And in the village of Shchuknavolok - from the summer of 1933 - strange things began to happen. In the summer, a "gelatinous rain" fell on the village. The unusual mass covered the area of the entire village of about 50 square meters. m. On the advice of the local healer Maria Lvovna Agarkova, local residents began to collect it in bottles and use it as an external medicine. They said that even during the Great Patriotic War, this medicine helped to heal wounds.

In addition, the locals began to notice on the shore of the lake a strange creature of meter height - thin and big-headed. His body and arms were disproportionately long, while his legs, on the contrary, were short. The attire, according to the description, resembled a tight-fitting jumpsuit. The creature usually sat quietly on the shore. At first the local children threw stones at him, then they got used to it. Today this strange inhabitant does not show himself to people. Maybe he's gone for a long time. But IT continues to lie in the lake. Waiting in the wings. And, who knows, maybe it is the parts of the Karelian cylinder raised to the surface by researchers that will become the first ufological artifacts put up for sale in Russia.