UFO Repair Crews - Alternative View

UFO Repair Crews - Alternative View
UFO Repair Crews - Alternative View

Video: UFO Repair Crews - Alternative View

Video: UFO Repair Crews - Alternative View
Video: Unidentified object caught on camera flying close to SpaceX capsule l GMA 2024, October

Ufologists are still arguing whether UFOs are material ships or whether it is something like a projection, an illusion, a temporary materialization that arises from nothing and turns into nothing again. However, it is difficult for the supporters of the second version to explain why the aliens in some cases have to repair their ship, like the most ordinary plane or tractor …

40-year-old mechanic Bruno Faccini from the Italian village of Abbiate Boazzone did not expect that a banal trip to the toilet could be the main adventure of his life.

On that day, April 24, 1950, the weather was rainy. At 10 o'clock in the evening, the rain stopped, and Faccini left the house: the "amenities" were on the street. After leaving the wooden booth, he was about to smoke a cigarette and walk back, but then he saw several strange flashes on the field next to the house. There was a power line, and he thought that during a thunderstorm, a wire might come off. But the wires were in order, and Bruno was about to return, when suddenly he saw the lights again.

“I decided to go there and see what was going on,” Faccini told the ufologist Antonio Guidicci. - He came closer and saw a huge dark ball with a flattened top. Near the ball, as if leaning against it, was a small ladder illuminated by green light. The light came from an object that resembled a lamp, which was held in the hands of a man standing on the ladder. He seemed to be welding something. I noticed that he was wearing something like a diving suit with a mask on his face.

The door on the side of the ball opened, and Bruno saw inside another staircase leading up. There were cylinders connected to each other on the walls, between them various scales and tubes were visible.

- Driven by curiosity, I came closer and saw two other people in the same clothes walking slowly around the ship. I think their diving suits were heavy, restricting movement.

The sparks that Bruno saw came from an instrument with which one of the crew members was working. The air around the UFO was unusually warm, with a constant buzzing sound, like a giant bee hive. The "people" were dressed the same - in grayish tight-fitting suits and helmets. Through oval glass, faces were visible, hidden by gray masks. A flexible tube emerged from the bottom of the mask at the level of the mouth, probably for breathing. The growth of the inhabitants of the UFO was about 1.7 meters.

Bruno thought that some new aircraft had made an emergency landing due to a thunderstorm, and the crew was trying to fix it. After looking a little, Bruno approached the ship, offered his help, and only then began to realize that these were not Americans. The "pilots" talked to each other in a "guttural dialect", making incomprehensible gestures. Bruno thought he was being invited inside, and this, combined with the discovery that there were no people in front of him, horrified the Italian. He ran away.

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- I already ran off pretty well when I decided to turn around. At that moment, one of the "pilots" quickly took off some apparatus from his belt and shot a narrow beam of light in my direction. I ran on, but immediately felt as if I was being cut in two by some kind of blade or a jet of compressed air, and fell on my face.

Bruno Faccini was thrown a few meters, he hit his head on a stone. He later said it sounded like a strong electrical discharge. He made no attempt to get up, pretended to have passed out, while he himself discreetly watched what was happening. The repair was apparently complete, the pilots entered the ship, and the door closed behind them. The ship took off with a loud hum and disappeared from sight.

“They didn't seem to be interested in me anymore,” Bruno said. - I am convinced that they only wanted to scare me and were not going to harm me.

When the mechanic was convinced that his offenders were no longer visible, he got up and went home. He returned the next day, having lost his cigarette case while falling. There are footprints on the pitch, including four dents, a meter in diameter, located at the corners of a six meter square. The grass was burnt around, and drops of frozen metal were scattered on the ground. Only then did Bruno go to the police.

The officers examined the landing marks and picked up drops of metal. The metallurgical institute in Novara said that it is a heat-resistant metal, "ideal for space flights, given the burnout when the ship enters the earth's atmosphere."

Ufologist Renato Vesco from Geneva also studied the metal from the scene and came to the conclusion that it was bronze with an admixture of lead.

A few days after the contact, Faccini felt unwell and went to the hospital. The doctor saw a black mark on his back where the beam hit him. Soon the blackness spread to the whole back, which had ached for a whole month. In addition, due to falling to the ground, he received several ordinary injuries. In 1981, ufologist Ezio Bernardini questioned Bruno again and did not hear any changes in his story. The mechanic said that when he saw the Americans landing on the moon on TV, he was shocked by the similarities between the astronaut's spacesuits and the suits worn by aliens in 1950.

All this does not look like a play performed for one person: the aliens were forced to neutralize Bruno so that he would not call for help. Otherwise, extra witnesses to the performance would only come in handy …

Sometimes the UFO crew cannot cope with the breakdown on their own, and then another ship arrives to help them. This is exactly what happened in New Berlin, a town in upstate New York. On November 25, 1964, an unusually clear NIGHT stood out in those parts. The sky was cleared of clouds, the moon was shining, and there were many stars. Mary Merriweather and her husband Dick were visiting their parents a mile from New Berlin on the occasion of Thanksgiving. That day Dick went hunting with his father. Mary could not sleep, and she decided to walk a little down the street.

When Mary looked up at the sky she saw a meteor. He made an arc and disappeared to the east. Another meteor followed, but this time it moved in a different way: at first it flew in a straight line close to the path of the first meteor, then began to descend directly over the highway, emitting a bright light. Mary realized that it was not a meteor. Now she heard a low sound, "like from a water pump, constantly working and not changing the tone of the sound." Mary called her mother-in-law to come out and look at the mysterious object.

A car drove past the house, then a second appeared. Apparently, the drivers also noticed the strange light and stopped by the side of the road just as the object moved towards Mary. After he made this maneuver, the cars immediately rushed away from sin, and the luminous object hovered behind the road. Mary had the feeling that she was being watched. The dog did not leave Dick's mother and trembled with fear.

Another car appeared on the road. At first she started to brake, but then the driver gave the gas and drove off. The UFO reached the slope of the hill, which was a kilometer away from the house, and sat down at the very bottom. Mary no longer heard the sound of the engines, but she still saw the bright light. The night was cold, and at the request of her mother-in-law, Mary eventually returned to the house, but, taking binoculars, began to observe the UFO from the window. The binoculars didn’t help her much, as light from the object played on the lenses. After making several attempts to change the position of the binoculars, the woman finally eliminated the glare and noticed some creatures around the UFO. She could not pinpoint the shape of the object. Mary watched as the creatures carried something that seemed to her as boxes of tools - two creatures for each box. There were three such boxes.

Mary held out the binoculars to her mother-in-law so that she could see the ship and its pilots. There were five or six creatures. The tight-fitting jumpsuits made them look like scuba divers. Light-colored wrists protruded from the sleeves. Mysterious creatures looked like people, but much taller (Mary determined the height in comparison with the height of the bushes located next to them). “They were working on the ship, and I thought that my father was also repairing his harvester,” Mary said. “They seem to have had wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools that people use when doing repairs. They pulled something out of their ship and slowly, carefully laid it on the ground.

Then another UFO arrived and landed on the top of the hill above the first one. Four or five beings emerged from the second UFO and joined the workers. They arrived just as the crew of the first UFO pulled what looked like a motor out of the middle of the ship. The newcomers got involved in the work.

Mary recounted that the creatures seemed to chop the long cable into equal pieces and use the pieces for repairs. At the same time, they moved on their knees and in the process of work rested on their elbows. Now 10-12 creatures were bustling around the UFO. Some of them brought some items from the ship, while others carried some parts into the ship.

All this time, fear reigned in the house. The dog clung to its owner, who could hardly restrain her nervous trembling. Nevertheless, they continued to observe the ships. “You know,” Mary said, “if we had called someone, they would have come with guns and disturbed the aliens who just wanted to finish repairing and fly away. Mary had a strange feeling that the aliens knew that the frightened women were not going to do anything against them, so they did not harm them.

Minutes turned into hours. It was 4:30 am when Mary noticed that the creatures had lifted the Engine and set it in place at the bottom of the ship. He probably didn't go in properly, as they pulled him back out and put him back on the ground. After working on it, after about ten minutes they tried to install it again, and again failed. The enlonauts repeated the whole procedure again - cutting the cables and attaching them to the "engine". An attempt to install the "engine" in place failed a third time. After a few minutes of additional fitting, luck finally came to them. Having collected the tools, they went to the ships.

At 4.55 the vehicle, located at the top of the hill, rose and disappeared almost instantly. A minute later a second apparatus followed.

As Mary remarked, "It was a long night."

The next day she decided to go and see if she could find any traces at the landing site. She found three footprints from supports 35 centimeters in diameter and 45 centimeters deep, located as if at the tops of a triangle. These marks indicated that a heavy aircraft had landed here. Continuing her inspection, Mary came across something like a 7.6 cm long cable cut with insulation made of a strange material, unlike anything else. The mother-in-law hid the find, but when ufologists became interested in the story, the "cable" could not be found. He disappeared as mysteriously as he appeared …

Mikhail GERSHTEIN, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society, UFO, No. 42