The Disappeared Pacifida - Alternative View

The Disappeared Pacifida - Alternative View
The Disappeared Pacifida - Alternative View

Video: The Disappeared Pacifida - Alternative View

Video: The Disappeared Pacifida - Alternative View
Video: The Disappeared 2024, June

Between North and South America in the south and between Australia and Eurasia in the north lies the largest ocean on the planet - the Pacific Ocean. Its area is about 180,000 km2, and its average depth is 4 km. It is in the Pacific Ocean that the eleven-kilometer Mariana Trench is located.

Interestingly, the name of the ocean was given by Fernand Magellan, who traveled around the world. God was merciful to the navigator, and during his voyage there was not a single serious storm. Therefore, he came to the conclusion that these are "quiet" waters. In fact, most of the hurricanes on earth form in this place.

It is important to note that the waters of the Pacific Ocean contain a terrible secret of a catastrophe that happened once. The legendary mainland known as Pacifida perished here. Ancient legends speak about the mysterious continent, as well as numerous archaeological evidence. It is believed that in those distant times it was inhabited by a powerful civilization, identified with the Lemurians.

Many researchers believe that this country was inhabited by giants, whose growth reached five meters and more. Today it is very difficult to confirm or deny information on this issue, since the catastrophe that occurred has practically destroyed all evidence.

The only indisputable fact of the existence of pra-civilization is moaya - giant statues on Easter Island, the mystery of which has not yet been solved. The mass of these stone statues, of which a great many have been found on the island, reaches many tens of tons, which indicates the impossibility of transporting them in a primitive way (for example, on skating rinks). Manufacturing is, of course, a special conversation.


The indigenous population, obviously, died, and if someone survived, then they did not remain on the island. The inhabitants of Easter Island today settled on it later, and therefore do not know the secret of moaya.

Scientists are trying to understand what happened in those days. The most common hypothesis is that the Pacifida was sandwiched between the continental plates, which constantly pressed on her. The moment came when the continental plate carrying the Pacifida, unable to withstand the pressure, cracked, and magma poured onto the surface of the mainland. This was a verdict for Pacifida, which began to sink to the bottom of the ocean.

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It is believed that Easter Island, along with other small islands, is all that remains of the legendary mainland. However, there is little reliable data today. What was the real cause of the monstrous catastrophe is still a mystery.