The Most Mysterious Places In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

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The Most Mysterious Places In Kazakhstan - Alternative View
The Most Mysterious Places In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Places In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Places In Kazakhstan - Alternative View
Video: 8 grade. Mysterious places around the world 2024, October

Kazakhstan has always attracted tourists, archaeologists and researchers from various fields. There are many places with ancient history that attract people with their mystery.


This Asian desert is located between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers. The main local attraction is rock paintings. They were found back in the last century in the Central Kyzyl Kum mountains, in the mountains. But the very fact of their existence is nothing special. Researchers are worried about the content of these drawings: they depict people in spacesuits that look like astronauts, as well as objects like spaceships.


Are the aliens? They say that unidentified flying objects are often seen in these parts. And also geologists allegedly discovered some fragments of extraterrestrial origin in local rocks. Ufologists are inclined to believe that an alien ship crashed there once …


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The area of this desert plateau, located between Mangyshlak and the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay, is about 200 thousand square kilometers. This is one of the most unexplored territories on the planet.


On the plateau, there are mysterious "arrows" - stone man-made structures up to 80 cm high. But they can only be seen from the air, as they have gigantic dimensions: 800-900 m in length and 400-600 in width. They were discovered only in 1986, when they carried out aerial photography. Curiously, all the "arrows" are oriented to the north-east.

Also, near the arrows, you can see small pyramids made of stone and sculptures of animals that look like huge turtles. It is curious that all these structures arose in the desert many centuries before the appearance of the first settlements in these parts. Who created them?

Turgai trough

This is a hollow that stretches south of the Trans-Urals

to the quicksands of the Aral Sea region. There are ancient places of worship.


From time to time, a strange glow appears over Turgai, which can be seen for several kilometers. It flares up brightly, then goes out.

According to the beliefs of local residents, these are the souls of the dead, who wander around their graves - mazars. Scientists who visited these parts also recorded the phenomenon, but could not give it any explanation.

Valley of balls

There are many stone balls of various colors and sizes in the Torysh tract of the Mangistau region. According to legend, once the brave warrior Ersary-Baba fired here from his cannon, and the cannonballs remained on the ground …

Scientists, of course, explain the origin of stones by more rational reasons, for example, electric discharges in the zones of tectonic faults, affecting the formation of rocks, or the accumulation of petrified plankton.



This palace complex was built in the VIII-IX centuries. on the territory of the present Zhambyl region. The palace was erected from multi-ton stone blocks of dark red color.

It is unclear how the ancient builders managed to dock the stone slabs together. Therefore, there is a version that Akyrtas was built by aliens. It is allegedly supported by the fact that UFOs are often observed over the ruins of the structure.


And many more people on the territory of Akyrtas experience strange sensations. Some feel heat in the extremities, others have sharpened vision and hearing, others have a feeling of physical and mental uplift, the fourth fall into a state akin to a trance, the fifth start dizziness and nausea, the sixth have hallucinations …

The local population believes that all this is a manifestation of supernatural forces. Although scientists believe that visitors are influenced by the processes taking place in the bowels of the earth: huge voids are gaping underground here, and such places have always been considered anomalous.


This sandy dune over 3 km long and about 200 m high is called "Singing Mountain". It is located in the Altyn-Emel Park, in the Dzhungarskiy Alatau region. The mountain really "sings": in a strong wind it "howls", "screams" or makes sounds that resemble the growing hum of a jet engine.


Tradition says that this is a mound that serves as a burial place for the remains of some prominent person. There is even a version that this is Genghis Khan himself, because the grave of the great conqueror has not yet been found.

Another local belief claims that Shaitan once hid from the wrath of Allah in this hill. Once inside, he fell asleep, and howls because he has nightmares.

Researchers believe that the dune was formed from sand, which was blown from the shoals of the Ili River. And the reason for "singing" is the movement of grains of sand crumbling and rubbing against each other.


This mountain, located in the area of the village of the same name, 100 km from Alma-Ata, is considered a "place of power". The researchers recorded a powerful stream of energy emanating from her. According to legend, it is at this point that heaven and earth are connected. Therefore, Ungurtas is sometimes also called the "navel of the earth".

They say that those who have been here for the first time cannot be in the radiation zone for more than 15 minutes: headache, weakness and other symptoms of malaise begin. But a return visit only adds strength. Many believe that Ungurtas cleanses the body, heals ailments, energizes a person …



In this lake on the territory of Zhambyl region, the water is always icy and transparent, and its level always remains unchanged. But from time to time on the surface of the reservoir you can observe large funnels, which even suck objects floating nearby.


The natives believe that the lake is bottomless and that the water spirit of Idahare dwells in it, which sometimes drags away animals and water birds that come to the watering hole - they serve it as food. Some claim that they heard the hissing and growling of an underwater monster from the reservoir.

Meanwhile, scientists are of the opinion that there are underwater caves under the lake, and the "terrible" sounds are caused by natural geological processes, and do not come from the mouth of a mysterious monster …

Irina Shlionskaya