How Does Lucifer Differ From Satan - Alternative View

How Does Lucifer Differ From Satan - Alternative View
How Does Lucifer Differ From Satan - Alternative View

Video: How Does Lucifer Differ From Satan - Alternative View

Video: How Does Lucifer Differ From Satan - Alternative View
Video: Lucifer Reveal His Wings to Amanadiel (S03E01) 2024, June

Despite the delusion of millions of people, Lucifer has little to do with Satan. Sometimes Satan is mistakenly called Lucifer or vice versa.

In the Bible, Lucifer is called the son of a star, who for a long time brought light to this world. That's right, Lucifer was one of God's favorite angels. But later the most beautiful cherub betrayed the Lord, because for a long time he was jealous of people. It was after the creation of Adam and Eve that God, according to Lucifer, loved them too much, forgetting to admire the beauty of cherubim. Lucifer rebelled and many angels rebelled after him. Subsequently, all those who rebelled against God were thrown into hell.

There is another version of the fall of Lucifer, which can be read in the Book of Enoch. According to her, the angel with the close cherubim was carried away by the beauty of women on earth. Angels descended from heaven to earth, as a result of which their descendants of the Nephilim subsequently walked on earth. In particular, the famous Goliath is also considered by some theologians to be a nephelim.

In ancient Greek, the name Lucifer means "light bearer." This name is even mentioned in the works of Virgil. This means that it is the name Lucifer that is much older than people think. The prophet Isaiah also remembers this name. And they began to identify Lucifer and Satan already in the 5th century AD.

"Satan" is a Hebrew term that actually means "adversary." At one point, everyone began to call the enemy of God Satan, although the Bible does not provide a qualitative description of this term - it is neither bad nor good. The sat part of the word means either "true" or "hard." At the turn of the 4th-5th centuries, Satan began to be compared to an Angel.

An important difference between the two is that Satan has long stood for absolute evil. And Lucifer, because he was first a cherub, sometimes means good beginnings. Satan is the enemy of God and his army of good angels. In addition, Satan's main goal is to lure as many people as possible onto the sinful path. He is called the Dark Prince or Beelzebub. Satan has so many names that most of them could be heard by everyone, but simply did not know who they were talking about.

The main common characteristic of Satan and Lucifer is hidden in rebellion. Satan lives only to oppose the slavery of God, and Lucifer staged an open rebellion, for which he was punished along with his worshipers. That is why these two names are often associated with unwillingness to obey.