The Photo Shows The Saint's Apparition 100 Years Ago. - Alternative View

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The Photo Shows The Saint's Apparition 100 Years Ago. - Alternative View
The Photo Shows The Saint's Apparition 100 Years Ago. - Alternative View

Video: The Photo Shows The Saint's Apparition 100 Years Ago. - Alternative View

Video: The Photo Shows The Saint's Apparition 100 Years Ago. - Alternative View

Australian twins Phil and Mick Kahalan surprised with a mystical family heirloom. It was a photograph taken over 100 years ago in Scotland. The ancient photograph captures the brothers' great-grandfather … and the strange figure of a translucent woman in a light robe

The thing is that in reality the great-grandfather was in the picture, but there was no translucent female figure. The history of the family clarifies the mystery of the photograph, which for hundreds of years the relatives passed to each other and cherished like the apple of their eye.

- I heard this story from my mother, - says Phil, - our great-grandfather went out on his boat into the ocean, to fish, and got into some terrible storm. Seeing that he was dying, he began to pray, and the storm miraculously subsided. And in calm water, my grandfather caught as many fish as he had never caught again.

- Returning to the ground, he took a picture with the caught fish, and then saw the figure of a woman in the picture.

The brothers were told in childhood that this is the image of St. Teresa of Avila.


Typical Australian biker Phil talks about a mystical family heirloom without much emotion

Mick admitted that his mother always carried this picture with her all her life until her death. And then their father transferred the photo to his wallet. After the death of his mother, he held out for another six months and soon went to retirement himself. All this time the picture was with him.

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Twins Mick and Phil found a photograph they had almost forgotten among their father's belongings.

“It’s very difficult for me to believe in something abnormal myself,” Mick says. - But this picture proves that there is something unusual, something that we do not know, and, perhaps, this will help some to start believing in God, to find hope.

“They didn’t tell us anything especially about this picture,” says Phil. - In 45 years of my life, I think I've only seen him twice. Now I don't even know if any of my relatives will remember the real name of my great-grandfather, because he changed it, having moved from Scotland to Australia.

“My brother and I don't need to deceive anyone, this picture is of no particular value to us,” says Phil. - I don't care what people think of him. The only thing I can say is that our mother was a very honest woman, and she really valued this photo.