Stone Cutting Machines Of The Past - Alternative View

Stone Cutting Machines Of The Past - Alternative View
Stone Cutting Machines Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Stone Cutting Machines Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Stone Cutting Machines Of The Past - Alternative View
Video: Powerful Stone Cutting Machines. Extreme Rock Splitting Techniques 2024, June

Perfectly processed giant and not very stone blocks and structures made of them, scattered all over the world, are evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization of gods on Earth in ancient times. Where are the remains of a stone cutting tool? It is more difficult with this, because the tool is smaller than the products created with its help, and the tool could rot if it was metal. And the craftsmen themselves could take the instrument with them.

On the other hand, more primitive people, eyewitnesses to the activities of the gods, could preserve the models of instruments in works of art, just as savages in the Pacific islands modeled American planes and other equipment from straw (“Cargo cult”). The Metropolitan Museum (New York) and the Museum of Art in San Francisco contain 2 ancient Indian censers from Costa Rica or Nicaragua.

On the head of the animals there are strange jagged incisors very much like circular saws and wire saws. Moreover, the wheels are not so much aesthetic as they are technologically advanced with an axis of rotation, grooves, holes and stiffeners.

They are very reminiscent of the rollers of tracked tractors and tanks: This is despite the fact that the ancient civilizations of America did not know the wheel! And iron! They made these wheels from the clay and brains of modern scientists who believe in their own lies! And all kinds of teeth on the heads of animals can be the prototype of a mobile circular saw.

Another censer from Costa Rica (Gold Museum, Bogotá, Colombia). If these animals were cut with something on their heads, then the burial found during excavations in the town of El Caño in Panama held a chisel on its tail, painfully reminiscent of a modern mining harvester.


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