Why Wasn't The Liar Exposed? - Alternative View

Why Wasn't The Liar Exposed? - Alternative View
Why Wasn't The Liar Exposed? - Alternative View

Video: Why Wasn't The Liar Exposed? - Alternative View

Video: Why Wasn't The Liar Exposed? - Alternative View
Video: 'That's not true': Fox News reporter fact-checks host on air 2024, October

To understand why the liar was established on the Russian throne, you need to know well Russian history, and especially the history of the Time of Troubles, which ended for a short time with the victory of the Russian state and the Russian people. And, nevertheless, it has become a classic example and scenario of all future revolutions and coups d'état, improving with each new revolution.

The beginning, and maybe the first test of the strength of our Fatherland, was the Time of Troubles and the participation of the founder of the Romanov dynasty, boyar Fyodor Romanov, in these events. The first person in Russia who tried to find out the true history of the causes and events of the Time of Troubles was Alexander Pushkin. And it is not by chance that he passed from the Time of Troubles to the history of Tsar Peter. For which he paid dearly.

It should be noted that in the history of the Time of Troubles and the appearance of a series of impostors false Dmitriev, and then false Peter, in their behavior, foreign and domestic policy, there is a lot in common, except that the liar managed to gain a foothold on the Moscow throne. And this happened for the following reason.

Real power in our long-suffering country is primarily exercised by the entourage of its ruler, as if fulfilling the will of the ruler. Next, in terms of importance, power is determined by the mood of the capital's people of all classes (elections or protests, and that is why, both in the past and now, Muscovites are almost twice as rich in salaries, pensions and various benefits, richer than provincials), and only then a simple provincial people (approval, discontent or revolt). There is also the backstage of power, it prepares the conditions for future coups, and these are not necessarily groups of conspirators, but they are always like-minded people, united by common and personal interests and having real influence on the environment of the ruler and, accordingly, governing the country. It is the elite environment that chooses the king and, if he does not suit her, they get rid of him, moreover,in a variety of and mostly radical ways. And the list here is very long (that's just pre-October):

Russian rulers - Holy Great Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, Tsar Ivan the Terrible (???), Tsars Boris and Fyodor Godunov, Emperors Peter II, Paul, Nicholas I, Alexander I, Alexander II, Nicholas II;

pro-Western rulers - Catherine I, Anna Ioanovna and Ioann Antonovich IV, Peter III.

The Time of Troubles prepared and created the entourage of Tsar Boris Godunov, which did not suit the strengthening of his power. The backstage of this conspiracy was most likely somewhere abroad, perhaps in Poland, the Vatican or the Jesuit missions, but Fyodor Romanov became the main conductor of the conspiracy (in the modern way, the coordinator). It was the conspirators who precipitated the untimely death of Tsar Boris Godunov (he was probably poisoned after all). Before that, they, taking advantage of the poor harvest, literally organized famine and angered the people. But Godunov tried to organize the delivery and fair distribution of grain and bread. The palace nobility, who hated each other, believed: "Let the Polish tsar-king rule us, but not Godunov, and not from his personal enemies." Here the false Dmitry also arrived.

The entire period of the Time of Troubles (historians define this time period in different ways) is at first the struggle of the tsar's boyar entourage against his autocracy and for their privileges, and, in fact, his overthrow, and then the people's struggle with this boyar entourage and their foreign allies. The Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century is the First Civil War in Russia, almost completely, as according to the historical scenario, repeated 300 years later.

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The false tsar Peter and his curators took into account this historical experience well. The tsar's entourage, under the threat of popular reprisals, was forced to recognize its authenticity and, accordingly, power, and soon, satisfied with the privileges received, they were removed from the liar and deprived of any political influence. The old Russian army was intimidated by the executions of the archers, and then dispersed. The only one who, possessing his own armed forces, could really resist the liar, was Hetman Mazepa, But he, probably bribed by some promises and received the Order of St. Andrew No. 2, like everyone else, also swore allegiance to the liar. The Second Civil War was postponed 200 years.

There is a great misconception that some Leaders create History, although it must be admitted that they have a certain Self-Purpose and the necessary Will for this. But the concentration of strength and the success of achieving the Goal give them the desires and intrigues of the same imperious environment and, in part, of the people, placed in unbearable conditions or deceived by false promises. Replacing one ruler with another is a palace coup; changing the form of government is a revolution!

The Time of Troubles and its heroes are a classic example of recognizing and rejecting imposture at the same time.

The first defeat of the false Dmitry, who entered Muscovy, received near Novgorod-Seversk, when the voivode Pyotr Fedorovich Basmanov stopped the advance of his mercenary army. Here, the false Dmitry for the first time seriously quarreled with his army, part of which had already abandoned him, including the future father-in-law of Yuri Mnishek. The pretender to the throne was saved by the surrender of Putivl, the only stone fortress in these parts, the key to the Seversk land. The city swore allegiance to the applicant as "the true Tsarevich of Moscow", and not only "black people", but almost all the local nobility went over to his side. At this time, the Cossack army approached in the amount of almost 15 thousand people. This allowed the impostor to leave and gain a foothold for the whole winter and spring of 1605 in Putivl, under protection, or rather in domestic captivity, the Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks. At this time, the impostor became discouraged and tried to flee to Poland, but the army forcefully put him under house guard and managed to prevent his escape. "He called himself a king - be him!" - the impostor needed the Cossacks more than he needed them.

And at this time, Basmanov made a brilliant career. In January 1605, for the courageous defense of Novgorod-Seversky from the troops of False Dmitry, he was granted a boyar and richly awarded by Tsar Boris. After the death of Godunov (April 1605), he swore allegiance to the new Tsar Fyodor Borisovich Godunov

Resentment, not appointed the chief commander over the tsarist army, pushed Basmanov to treason to the Godunovs. On May 7, 1605, Basmanov suddenly went over to the side of the impostor and was included in his government. By his betrayal Basmanov opened the way to Moscow for False Dmitry. Later Basmanov was one of the closest associates of False Dmitry until the last minute. In 1606, during the uprising of Muscovites with a saber in his hands, Basmanov stood at the door, blocking the entrance to False Dmitry, but was killed. The naked corpses of Basmanov and the impostor were put together on public display at the Execution Ground

Pyotr Basmanov, was one of the most loyal people to the impostor, and was killed with him during the uprising. But this is what he said: “Although he is not the son of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, he is now our sovereign. We accepted him and swore allegiance to him, and we will never find a better sovereign in Russia. How similar is Alexander Menshikov, a servant of Tsar Peter and an associate of the liar, to his predecessor, Peter Basmanov! This is where the key to the mystery of the false Peter's accession to the throne is.

Is it possible to believe that all relatives and friends, those who loved Tsar Peter and were friends with him, abandoned him and recognized the power of the ugly liar. Yes, unfortunately it is. It is enough to cite the facts, again from the Time of Troubles, when his own mother recognized her own murdered son in false Dmitry, and after some time, already under the new government, she refused this recognition. Vasily Shuisky, who investigated the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry, and then became tsar, first states the murder of the Tsarevich, then his resurrection, and then glorification in the face of a holy martyr. Well, the crowned Queen Marina generally sets records of false confessions. The first husband is false Dmitry I, the second husband is false Dmitry II and gives birth to a son from him, the third husband, Zarutsky, also signed up as Tsar Dmitry Ioanovich.

A very recent example of general betrayal is the overthrow of the Russian monarch Nicholas II. Relatives and friends, the clergy, the officers who swore allegiance to him and even the people who did not care about it at all (Note: The Tsar-Martyr, really was not Romanov by blood, but by works for the good of Russia, he atoned for the sins of all his royal predecessors and the entire Russian people).

And the reason for all the false confessions and perjury is that the main principle of the so-called "Russian" ruling elite is: "Let the devil rule us, only preserve our privileges and ensure our well-being." And if this devil also adds these privileges, then they will be devoted to him, as they say, to the grave. There is another explanation for the reasons for the recognition of the liar by the ruling elite. This is the strengthening of serfdom in their interests, and in fact, slavery of the Russian people, which made the boyars oligarchs (but deprived of political power), and made their own people slaves. And yet Ordin-Nashchokin and V. V. Golitsyn planned to abolish serfdom, as was already done in the West at that time, because it hindered the development of the country. Perhaps the real Tsar Peter would have done the same.

As mentioned above, in Muscovy, power was partly determined by the people of the capital, but to understand the attitude of the provincial people to the ruling power, it will be appropriate to give the following historical example. When the false Dmitry II began to send letters to the cities demanding his recognition, he was answered like this: "Who will rule in Moscow in the Kremlin, he will be our tsar." As you know, he never succeeded in taking Moscow. But the majority of influential boyars (seven-boyars) and the future patriarch Filaret, the opposition of Tsar V. Shuisky, recognized him, although before that they had sworn allegiance to false Dmitry I.

Why has our country, at all times, literally suffered from the invasion of conspirators and impostors, and now professional politicians, foreign advisers and managers of all stripes and specializations?

One of the reasons for all these attacks and disasters is the vastness and wealth of the territory of Russia.

But the main reason is in the state of Spirit and Faith of the Russian People.

Why did the Tatar-Mongol invasion take place?

- each prince was brave, strong, rich and self-sufficient and wanted to rule alone his land, equal to the European state, so they all fell under the foreign yoke.

Napoleon was attracted to Russia by the French imperial entourage, who almost forgot their native Russian language and almost surrendered the country to him. Yes, and the serf people, he promised liberation from slavery, and if not for the marauding of the French army, they could support the invaders-liberators. But if this had happened, then the Second Civil War would have started 100 years earlier in 1812.

Hitler attacked the godless USSR. Therefore, on the buckles of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht was written "God with us." True, the simple Russian people were still believers, and then, when the rulers, for a while, changed their minds, allowed them to return to the Faith, they managed to defeat the terrible and powerful enemy.

And the present times, when almost the entire people, the whole country at all levels were seized by an epidemic of profit and theft, deception and lies, and anger on the roads and in everyday life, resemble a civil war of everyone against everyone that awaits us? This is Russia, which is called the lot of the Most Holy Theotokos.

There are such expressions in the Gospel and Orthodox prayers:

"Jesus also said to his disciples: it is impossible not to come to temptations, but woe to him through whom they come"; Luke 17: 1

"Be the cover and take away all people on the day of testing, in which the good and evil deeds are tempted by fire"; Canon to the Guardian Angel, ode 8.

The power in Russia at all times has been what the majority of its population deserves.

Trials, no matter how difficult they are, heal, save and temper the people. Trust in God, but not the king or yourself. Loss of Faith is the cause of all our misfortunes and troubles. Russian is not a nationality, it is the fate and the cross of the country, which he bears all his life.

The successful fixation of the king on the Moscow throne was due to the fact that he and his puppeteers-conspirators took into account the experience of his predecessors, the false Dmitriev.

First of all, it is necessary to intimidate and deprive the former influential environment of the ability to act, and, if possible, to interest them in something. Next, you need to completely change your inner circle, choosing from those who would never have achieved such honor and power. And then, in the next circle of the environment, select people only devoted and executive, maybe not even smart and educated enough, but capable of finding intelligent helpers.

The political system established after the ascension of the liar to the tsarist throne became a compromise between the interests of the West, who made Russia a guide and instrument of their policies, and the boyars, who became oligarchs and slave owners of their people. And this alliance was secured with the blood and heads of Tsar Peter and the archers, who were innocently executed and sacrificed to strengthen and prosper this new power. The liar for centuries has laid bombs for the future destruction of the Russian state and the enslavement of the Russian people. It is no coincidence that he is called the creator of the revolutions of 1917, and the Old Believers considered him the Antichrist even during his lifetime. Now we know that this is not so, and he, like other well-known destroyers of states and executioners of peoples, was only the forerunners of this antipode and so far they were only preparing for his arrival.