When Was Jesus Christ Born? - Alternative View

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When Was Jesus Christ Born? - Alternative View
When Was Jesus Christ Born? - Alternative View

Video: When Was Jesus Christ Born? - Alternative View

Video: When Was Jesus Christ Born? - Alternative View
Video: Beyond Today -- When Was Jesus Born? 2024, October

In late 2012, Pope Benedict XVI announced that, in his opinion, the generally accepted date of birth of Jesus Christ is incorrect. That is, the year 2013 comes not from the Nativity of Christ, but it is not known from what …

Until a certain moment, people were not at all interested in the past, since there was no practical benefit from studying it and even describing it. Accordingly, humanity as a whole and individual peoples did not have chronicles, history and chronology. There were no surnames (generic nicknames): everyone lived quietly, not knowing not only the names of their ancestors, but even the names of their parents; the words "father" and "mother" were enough.

Only when there was a need for hereditary property transactions, the need for evidence of involvement in power, did the chronicle appear (in northeastern Russia it began in the 13th century) and generic nicknames (the Russian boyars had surnames only in the 16th century). However, science assures that there were some historical enclaves in which they became interested in describing the past much earlier …

First lists

They say that in the 5th century BC. e. some Greeks tried to make up the history of their land. True, they limited themselves to writing the lists of the kings of Ancient Sparta, who ruled this provincial village "in time immemorial", and equally ancient officials (archons) of Athens. Where did they get the information for these lists, it is completely unknown why they were written - it is also incomprehensible. It is generally accepted that the kings and archons mentioned in their list ruled seven hundred years before these primary historians.

Two hundred years later, a new shoot of educated Greeks - Eratosthenes, Timaeus and others - composed lists of even more ancient kings, which are now thought to be 1100-1200 years apart from their time. In history, due to the placement of Greek "roots" in such a crazy antiquity, paradoxical "dark ages" arose, as if the civilization of the Greeks began twice: pottery, architecture, jewelry, etc. appeared and developed, but from 1100 BC. e. they disappeared for no reason.

Even writing has been forgotten! Only about 800 BC. e. the Greeks began to use writing again and "remembered" their crafts and arts.

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Meanwhile, other peoples also desired their own history. Jewish authors dated the biblical events, claiming them as their history. Should we be surprised that the history of the Jews turned out to be older than the Greek one?

Egyptian priest Manetho allegedly 300 BC e. composed a list of thirty dynasties of the pharaohs. Not thirty pharaohs, but thirty of their dynasties! Of course, Egyptian history appeared even more ancient. The next “brigade” of chronologists can be called Christian. One of the tasks was to establish the date of the Nativity of Christ. Less than two centuries have passed since the crucifixion of the Savior, but there have already been about two hundred different judgments about the date of his birth …

Calculations of magicians

Few people notice that the traditional history of our civilization "hangs without a nail", since it is not connected with the general chronology of not only geological, but also biological life on the planet. This virtual "nail" is the era from the Creation of the world, on which all chronologists "hung" the past. Even Chinese history begins at a time only a little distant from the scattering of people from the unfinished Tower of Babel.

Don't touch religion

In 1899, at a meeting of the commission of the Russian Astronomical Society, Professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy Vasily Bolotov proposed to exclude the date of Christmas from consideration, directly saying that "it is impossible to establish scientifically the year of Christ's birth."

This is the correct conclusion. God is God, and Caesar, as you know, is Caesar. “My kingdom is not of this world,” said Christ, according to the Gospel texts. And the chronology in these texts is not mundane. Unfortunately, the religious orthodox do not understand this. Historians don't understand either.

The biblical history already existed, the writers of civil history could only fill the voids from the Creation of the world to their time with any events, even fictional ones, repeated many times. Since the occultists and kabbalists were engaged in chronology in the Middle Ages, the magic sevens and nines were used; about the cube of twelve they said that this is the great number of Plato. For example, the history of the Assyrians from King Nin to Alexander the Great was calculated so that its duration was exactly equal to this number. And when building historical repetitions, they relied on two sign numbers: 360 is half the value of the precession circle, which can be counted as the number put by God as the basis for the rotation of the Earth, and 333 is the devilish, half of 666, the number of the Beast.

So, at the heart of our story (which children still study in schools) is the combination of the number of God and the number of the Beast.

In the 16th century, Joseph Scaliger introduced an end-to-end counting of days, starting from the Creation of the world, and was able to create a general historical chronological scale on the basis of previous calculations. Soon his colleague Dionysius Petavius recounted his dates to the era from the birth of Christ.

And the date of Christmas was calculated by the chronologists themselves, remaining inside the chronology from the Creation of the world, so the chronology continues to hang "without a nail"!

Throughout the 17th century, this "novelty" was criticized by churchmen of different confessions, and among the masses it remained unknown and was not used. Even in the 18th century, many scientists did not trust Scaliger's calculations. His numerological version of the history of mankind was established only by the end of the 19th century and only in the 20th century became generally recognized.

Suspicious doubles

Suppose you decided to create a chronology of some kind, and among other heroes you placed your great-grandfather, the famous cavalryman, a hundred years before you. Your neighbor also makes a chronology, and his ancestor was a fellow soldier of yours. But the neighbor wants to have a more ancient history! And he wrote down that his great-grandfather lived three hundred years ago, and sent the regiment's heroic campaigns there. When combining your works, not only will your great-grandfathers be among the historical characters twice, but you will also find yourself two hundred years before your birth as one of the chronologists who described the history of the famous cavalryman.

There are plenty of similar "doubles" in history! European alchemist Geber (XIV century) and Arab alchemist Jabir (VIII-IX century); the great Roman jurist Erennius (III century BC) and the great jurist Irnerius (XII century). Ancient Greek Plato founded Platonism, created the Academy, wrote the treatise On Laws. Later the same ideas were put forward by the philosopher Plotinus. A millennium later, in the 15th century, Gemist Pleton not only revived ancient Platonism, but also created his own Academy and wrote a utopia about laws. Utopia has not reached us, but it does not matter: just in the 15th century, the manuscript of that ancient Greek Plato, the founder of the doctrine, was discovered.

Of course, historians say that they are all different people. But sometimes the "doubles" cannot even be hidden, and they are given the prefix "pseudo": Pseudo-Mauritius, Pseudo-Simeon, Pseudo-Methodius, Pseudo-Zacharias … But in most cases, the "doubles" went down in history with nicknames in different languages and their can no longer be caught.

It cannot be ruled out that the primitive "brigades" of chronologists - Greek, Jewish and others - are just doubles of medieval magicians!

For example, the creator of the chronology from the Nativity of Christ, Dionysius Petavius, was mentioned above (his name, Pope Benedict XVI, also tries to make his feasible contribution to the historical chronology means “Consecrated by God”, and his surname is “Insignificant” because of his height). And before him, the same era was introduced by the archivist of the Pope Dionysius the Small (so named for his height). Interestingly, between these two Dionysias - 1053 years (360 x 2 + 333), numerological repeat.

Nowadays, Pope Benedict XVI blames Dionysius the Small for miscalculating the date of Christmas, directly admitting that the dates of our history are calculated, nothing more. And for the sake of completeness of the picture: in the III century there was supposedly another Dionysius, a very famous chronologist. He calculated the dates of the Passion of the Lord, and died 333 years before the death of Dionysius the Small …