The Fire In Notre Dame Cathedral As A Starting Point In A New War Of Opposing Archetypes - Alternative View

The Fire In Notre Dame Cathedral As A Starting Point In A New War Of Opposing Archetypes - Alternative View
The Fire In Notre Dame Cathedral As A Starting Point In A New War Of Opposing Archetypes - Alternative View

Video: The Fire In Notre Dame Cathedral As A Starting Point In A New War Of Opposing Archetypes - Alternative View

Video: The Fire In Notre Dame Cathedral As A Starting Point In A New War Of Opposing Archetypes - Alternative View
Video: Notre-Dame Cathedral fire: Paris landmark ablaze as spire collapses 2024, June

No other incident of our dark age will continue to grow overgrown with myths and legends, fairy tales and riddles as abundantly and persistently as the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral.

No other incident of our dark age will continue to grow overgrown with myths and legends, fairy tales and riddles as abundantly and persistently as the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral. Now, before the end of time.

Even if someone ever manages to prove with absolute clarity the only true cause of spontaneous combustion or arson, you can be sure that the most unthinkable versions will continue to breed and feed around this significant event ad vitam aeternam.

It is now believed that in terms of the scale of the impact on all those involved in European civilization, the fire of Notre Dame (or the burning of Notre Dame …) significantly surpassed the traumatism caused by the tragedy of September 11 to the same civilization.

Hordes of psychologists, ideologists, astrologers and other traumatologists have already rushed into this newly formed gap, for whom this generous manna of pain and depression means a real gift of fate and will allow to feed entire generations of present and future interpreters.

I will not talk here about researchers of purely technical or purely mystical reasons for the event itself, about fortunetellers in the midst of all kinds of theories and conspiracies, about rumor inspectors and experts in pictures. About those who know for sure that among the remains burned to the ground it was possible to unearth “three intact cigarette butts” and use them to “restore” the history of the crime. And about those who definitely saw the figure of an angel with a raised hand, who appeared in a flame to the stricken people and explained to whom and for what the punishment was. Not about those who, by the stars, suddenly realized what the hitherto undeciphered quatrain of Nostradamus means, and explained the meaning of the “collapse of the vertical” until it burned out.

I want to draw your attention to only one aspect of serious analysis from the entire cohort of already stitched and printed volumes.

There is one absolute constant in this event, noted by all interpreters and analysts without exception. The destruction of the Cathedral has caused a hitherto incomparable shock to a completely unexpected, unthinkable mass of people - believers and non-believers, mixed together. All these people, as noted in the host of studies that have already been published, reacted to the fact that Notre Dame was turned into ruins, nothing more and nothing less than "the evidence of the collapse of civilization to which they personally belong." That is why numerous testimonies have mentioned disturbing impressions of the "end of the world" and "associations with one's own death."

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The most quick-witted and quick-witted researchers immediately wondered what seemingly irrational reaction so sharply and powerfully united the most diverse, even ideologically or religiously incompatible people, fanatics and agnostics, atheists and Pharisees, who until now lived side by side without much interest in each other …

Jan Avril
Jan Avril

Jan Avril.

Psychiatrist Jung called it the “collective unconscious” - that unknown part of ourselves that connects us with our contemporaries, through epochs, in the manner of a single umbilical cord that feeds civilization with a common history and culture.

In contrast to Freud, who believed that the subconscious is exclusively personal and primarily stores our latent desires and urges, Jung assured that the personal subconscious feeds on historically developed and jointly experienced collective archetypes. In the case of European civilization, we are talking about its biblical fundamental. And the archetypes here are basic biblical concepts. Such as, for example, “almighty father, Lord”, “woman-mother” (Notre Dame), “end of the world”.

Therefore, the visual destruction of one of these symbols - or several at once - causes instant awareness of one's own involvement not only in the event, but also in a whole layer of historical and civilizational community.

Even if within this community there are insurmountable disagreements and confrontations: fanatics vs atheists, agnostics vs indifferenceists, royalists vs liberals, etc., etc.

One of the most “practical” approaches to interpreting the impact of the fire in the Cathedral on the collective consciousness also considers another common truth: one that takes into account that each person is built in accordance with the system of ideals and prohibitions (vowel and unspoken taboos) that was left to her in the inheritance of all previous generations of the same civilization, from which the individual himself, in the process of self-improvement, selects the most suitable sum of ideas and concepts for him.

The psychoanalyst Jean-Claude Laudet calls this "neuroses": biblical neurosis, republican neurosis, liberal neurosis, and so on.

So, for example, "republican neurosis" - a kind of collective subconscious nostalgia for the forgotten revolution and its sansculottes, according to the psychoanalyst, gave rise to the movement of "yellow vests" associating President Macron with the monarch missing for this neurosis.

Even if this movement has just as hastily and stupidly extinguished itself, as it has ignited spontaneously, and is now dejectedly smoldering on the ground, according to the psychoanalyst, it first of all testifies to the existence of a “collective psyche of the French”, poorly susceptible to deep liberalism and even very “refractory to liberal neurosis”.

And now, according to experts, the shock of the fire in Paris served as the “Big Bang,” Big Bang, which gave a new start to a new expansion of the universe. Without suspecting it, the universe threw itself scattered through the dormant brains (paraphrasing: “Everyone ran, I ran …”), and experts believe that it will not work to drive the agitated collective archetypes back into the subcortex.


This only positive interpretation of the Parisian tragedy would have been more encouraging in terms of the much anticipated awakening from pan-European lethargy, if not for one not noticeable in the general turmoil, but very significant moment.

Absolutely the same explanation about the awakening of the collective subconscious should be applied to the civilization that today is working to oust and replace the already pretty shaken Christian civilization, which is increasingly receding and yielding its vital positions to the new conquerors of European minds and territories.

This means that if a powerful awakening of the collective subconscious and collective memory, realizing the collapse of its own world, receives an impulse to expand its own forces, - exactly the same impulse for no less powerful expansion is received by another collective subconscious, another collective neurosis and another collective nostalgia - that today stands not side by side with Christian civilization, but face to face with it.

On the other hand, exactly the same collective memory and subconsciousness, led by a different history and other archetypes, operates.

Burned out of unknown reasons, the Cathedral here is a starting point, from which, contrary to all the laws known and promised hitherto, galaxies do not scatter in different directions, but galaxies run to fight their heads in a new war of opposing archetypes.

Quite simply, it's a duel. And the duel, as the wise classic correctly noted, never decided anything, except for one thing - who shoots better.

Christian civilization will either have to sink into a new “Bible”, leaving the descendants the right and care to guess the meaning and necessity of what we have done and lost (or won …) by us.

Or urgently learn to shoot better.

Author: Elena Kondratieva-Salghero