Oceanoids - Highly Developed Underwater Civilization - Alternative View

Oceanoids - Highly Developed Underwater Civilization - Alternative View
Oceanoids - Highly Developed Underwater Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Oceanoids - Highly Developed Underwater Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Oceanoids - Highly Developed Underwater Civilization - Alternative View
Video: Обьеденение Речи Посполитой в ADDON+ | сценарий Another World | 2024, October

Some time ago, the American researcher Sanderson, in his work "Biological Aspects of UFOs", put forward a hypothesis that in ancient times there was a highly developed civilization on the planet, which settled on the ocean floor. Many will perceive such a theory as another fantastic story, but there are many facts that prove its validity.

In his fantastic story entitled “In the Abyss,” H. Wells described an underwater inhabitant, saying that it was a multi-colored creature: the skin fell like a cloak, was gray, and the legs, hands and head were purple. If the writer gave free rein to his imagination, then fishermen from Japan are absolutely sure that humanoid amphibians can be seen in the coastal Japanese waters. These creatures are called kappa. They have a tortoise-like shell on their backs.

It should be noted that such mysterious inhabitants are told not only in Japan. Mentions of the same creatures are found in the myths and legends of many peoples of the world. So, for example, on the clay tablets of the Sumerians it is said about the race of half-people, half-fish that lived in the Persian Gulf. It is interesting that for a certain period the underwater inhabitants maintained rather close ties with the Sumerians, taught them writing, sciences and arts, taught them to build houses and temples, and engage in agriculture.

It is also logical to mention that among scientists there is a hypothesis that life originated in water. The waters of the oceans have everything necessary for life - minerals, food resources, large spaces. Why can't there be intelligent life then? There is a hypothesis that man evolved not just from a monkey, but from aquatic primates. It is unknown if all these primates made it onto land. By the way, in ancient times, the ancestors of whales also went on land, but soon returned to the water element, because it was much more comfortable for them there. It is quite possible that some of the aquatic primates remained in the water space, and some ended up on land. It cannot be ruled out that some land primates could adapt to underwater life.

An ancient civilization could have existed in the waters of the ocean, moreover, it could have been much more developed than modern mankind. If we talk about the mysterious underwater inhabitants, then many stories have been preserved about meetings with them.

So, for example, according to the author of the books "Without a trace" and "Bermuda Triangle" C. Berlitz, in the area of this anomaly in underwater canyons and caves, representatives of an underwater civilization, which is still unknown to mankind, could and can live. One of the proofs of the consistency of his words, the writer quotes the words of a professional diver from Miami, who in 1968 met a terrible sea monkey under water. According to him, the group of researchers was at the edge of the continental shelf, near the Great Isaac Light lighthouse. A special boat for rescue and underwater work was slowly towing near the diver, and at that time he himself was inspecting the sandy bottom, the depth of which was about 12-13 meters. The diver could also see the bottom in front of the boat. Suddenly the diver saw something round, like a large fish or turtle. He went down even lower to get a better look at the animal. He turned out to have a head stretched forward, a monkey's face, a long neck, at least 4 times the size of a human, which was constantly bent like a snake. The eyes were also very similar to human eyes, but were larger in size. Soon, the creature swam away.

Another case was published in the chronicle of the inexplicable “XX century. Year after year . This time I met with the underwater inhabitants G. Borovkov from Riga. According to the man, in his youth he was fond of spearfishing, so every summer he tried to come to Anapa or Gurzuf. But after one incident, the hobby was over. Borovkov said that at that time he sank only 7-8 meters in depth and suddenly saw huge creatures swimming right at the hunter. They were completely white, without scuba gear and masks, with human faces and large fish tails. Their eyes were large, bulging. Instead of fins, the creatures had hands, with membranes between the fingers. The creatures looked at the man intently, and then quickly swam away.

If meetings with underwater inhabitants took place earlier, then why have they stopped now? If we summarize all the information that is contained on this matter in ancient sources, then the sea people stopped communicating with land people, since they were distinguished by envy, dishonesty and aggressiveness. Well, unfortunately, since those distant times, humanity has not changed much …

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Of course, skeptics can perceive stories about encounters with underwater inhabitants as unconvincing evidence of the existence of some unknown civilization in the depths of the sea and ocean - you never know what anyone might have thought. But there are more serious facts, which are not so easy to dismiss. And these facts concern not just meetings with mysterious underwater inhabitants, but with mysterious underwater vehicles, the origin of which is unknown.

So, near the coast of West Africa, in the Gulf of Guinea, in 1902, the ship "Fort Salisbury" from Britain met in a giant object. First, the watchman noticed two red lights above the surface of the water, and then, when he took binoculars in his hands, he saw a dark object, the length of which reached 180 meters, at the ends of which lights were burning.

When the watchman called Mate Reimer, he also saw the mysterious object. After that, the device went deep into the ocean. Witnesses later came to the conclusion that they saw some kind of deep-sea ship. Although both the one and the other sailors noticed the scaly surface of the apparatus, no one could even imagine that there was an animal unknown to science in front of them.

In the logbook, Rymer wrote about the mysterious object that it was a little intimidating. Although it was not possible to see the object well in the dark, it was still visible that it was approximately 500-80 feet in length. Water boiled around him, indicating the presence of some kind of mechanism or fins.

The British could not understand what it was. No other state could build a submarine of this size.

In the early 1960s, Argentine patrol ships discovered two huge submarines in their territorial waters. One lay at the bottom, and the other circled around. Signals were received from Argentine ships that the submarines would surface, but to no avail, so they were bombarded with depth charges.

Imagine the amazement of the Argentines when they saw that the submarines not only survived, but also surfaced, after which they escaped pursuit at great speed. Globular cabinets of gigantic proportions towered above the water, and their hulls amazed with their fantastic, unusual shapes.

Since these mysterious objects significantly gained in speed and managed to break away at a great distance, Argentine ships opened fire on them with all guns, but the submarines instantly went under water. And then the instruments began to show something completely unreal: first, instead of two submarines, four appeared, then six. After that, all objects developed a unique speed and disappeared into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

7 years later, the Argentines again met a mysterious object. The merchant ship "Naviero" was in the South Atlantic when an object approached it, the length of which was about 40 meters. Its surface was illuminated by a dim light that constantly changed the color scheme. The object did not leave any sounds and no traces on the water. For about a quarter of an hour, this mysterious object accompanied the ship, after which it passed under it and disappeared into the depths of the ocean. At the same time, its speed was constantly changing, its good maneuverability and controllability was felt. Later, according to the descriptions of the sailors, experts came to the conclusion that the Argentines could meet with a mysterious submarine, which is not in service with any country in the world.

The Americans also met with the mysterious underwater vehicles. In 1963, during a military exercise off the coast of Puerto Rico, the Americans noticed an object that was moving at speeds up to 280 kilometers per hour, freely maneuvering in the depths of water and making incredible vertical movements.

The meeting off the coast of Indonesia turned out to be more dramatic. The American sailors recorded noise from the submarine, different from the noise of those submarines that took part in the maneuvers. The command sent one of its submarines to approach an unknown submarine, but tragedy struck - an American submarine collided with an unknown submarine. As a result, there was a big explosion, both boats sank. Since the American warships had equipment for rescue operations at great depths, a rescue team was deployed to the scene of the tragedy.

The rescuers managed to lift several pieces of metal that resembled a piece of sheet metal and part of a periscope. But unexpectedly, the search operation had to be stopped, as the acoustics reported that 15 unknown submarines were approaching the crash site. These objects surrounded the crash site, not missing the locators. One of the American submarines tried to get closer, but suddenly all of its instruments failed. None of the attempts to establish contact with mysterious objects have been successful. Soon all the submarines disappeared. When the Americans tried to re-examine the site of the tragedy, it turned out that there were no debris in place.

As a result, only those fragments that were initially retrieved were transferred for research. It was found that the composition of the metal is unknown to modern scientists, as well as some of the chemical elements. It is quite understandable that all information about the incident was classified …

Until now, there is no single name for a hypothetical underwater civilization. Many experts are inclined to believe that it is quite appropriate to call intelligent underwater inhabitants Oceanoids. This term is already used to name the Polynesian tribes, but this happens extremely rarely. If the existence of the Oceanoids is quite possible, then why have they not shown themselves in any way over the past decades, have not tried to get in touch with "land" people? It is extremely difficult to answer this question unequivocally. It cannot be ruled out that the underwater inhabitants tried to do this, but people simply failed to understand the received signals (we are talking about the phenomenon of "light mills" - a mysterious glow in the depths of the sea).

The depths of the sea and ocean still remain unknown to scientists. There are only a few devices around the world that can descend to great depths, and each of their applications is a whole event. Therefore, we can safely say that in the future, researchers of the sea and ocean depths will find many more discoveries, and it is not at all excluded that in the near future they will meet with the true masters of underwater spaces.