Suspended Cradle - Proof Of The Wisdom Of Ancestors - Alternative View

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Suspended Cradle - Proof Of The Wisdom Of Ancestors - Alternative View
Suspended Cradle - Proof Of The Wisdom Of Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: Suspended Cradle - Proof Of The Wisdom Of Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: Suspended Cradle - Proof Of The Wisdom Of Ancestors - Alternative View
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Why did almost all peoples raise a baby in a suspended swinging cradle? Recent studies show that this is not just a tribute to tradition, but an essential element that, along with the mother's lullaby, makes the child healthy and harmonious …

Even before the "roll-over" of technical civilization, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Tatars, mountaineers, peoples of the Komi, Chukchi, Khanty, Mansi, Nganasans, Dolgans and others - in the far north, Khakass and Mongols - in Central Asia, as well as Egyptians, Moroccans, Ethiopians and other peoples in Africa, Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Cambodians and others in Southeast Asia, and so all over the world raised a baby in a suspended swinging cradle. This means that the stay of a child in the infancy period in a suspended swinging cradle carries in itself a culture of human incarnation, which we have not realized, consistent with the nature of the child. And, paradoxical as it may seem, science not only did not study this method of culture, but, like many other things that were in the people's educational pedagogy, simply rejected it. But the truth here literally lies on the surface.

It is known: the 9-month period of intrauterine development of a child in terms of biological (genetic) time is much longer than the entire subsequent life. It is during these 9 months that a ready-made little man is formed from 2 cells. And this entire stage of development takes place in a liquid medium. The environment that supports the child's development process is virtually zero gravity. Now imagine: from zero gravity, a child suddenly finds himself in an environment of enormous gravitational pressure, incl. “Heavy” (in terms of pressure drops) gravitational rhythms.

That is why generalized tensions spilled over the body, muscle stiffness and convulsive movements are characteristic of an infant who has emerged from the mother's womb. And it will be removed only when the body rhythms are attuned, incl. volitional-volitional with earthly rhythms (gravitational). But such an attunement requires a long period of time and hand-made help.

The suspended cradle converts the vector of static gravitational pressure into an oscillatory-wave gravitational rhythm. In the process of rocking, the baby in a rhythmic mode experiences peculiar moments of weightlessness (when the cradle reaches its maximum height and, as it were for a moment, “freezes”) and moments of the highest gravitational forces (when the cradle passes through the lowest point to the ground). Consequently, with the help of a suspended swinging cradle, the vector of the unidirectional gravitational press "unfolds" into a gravitational life-giving wave adapting to terrestrial conditions.


Moreover, it turned out that all human life is a hierarchy of mutually subordinate, mutually synchronized (in frequency) algorithms: from super high genetic rhythms to ultra low - meaningful volitional actions. The suspended cradle is a special technology that is absolutely necessary for the child's gradual effective non-traumatic entry and adaptation to the gravitational environment of the earth, incl. to trigger the gravitational rhythms of life.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, under our leadership, on the basis of the Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the following experiment was carried out (N. F. Kazachkova). One group of mothers raised babies in a hanging cradle, another in a regular crib. At the same time, it was found that the babies from the first group slept better, cried less, sucked their mothers better. Their gravitational-muscle tension, which squeezes the body, began to relax faster, and muscle spasm decreased. Nystagmus of the eyes was noticeably less pronounced. As a result, their eyes began to fix objects faster, i.e. a meaningful look began to appear faster.

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On average, 2-3 months earlier, they had humming and the first articulate words. Such children had less stiffness and fear. 1.5 - 2 months earlier, the children began to stand up and walk on the ground. With the development of purposeful manual actions, they showed less muscle stiffness (convulsions).

Formation of the internal gravitational rhythm is the formation of not only internal vegetative rhythms, but also of the spiritual stance, the formation of their resistance to various unfavorable environmental factors.

The positive influence of the hanging cradle affected practically all subsequent stages of ontogenesis. For example, later these children had less internal tension when writing. As a result, they leaned over the notebook less when writing (Fig. 11). In addition, they had better handwriting, drawing and even an ear for music! Their speech was freer and more meaningful. Such children had less fear. At a higher level, these children had neuropsychic resistance to stress.

Figure: 11. Average visual-working distance for students in grades 1-2, who were brought up in a hanging cradle and without it
Figure: 11. Average visual-working distance for students in grades 1-2, who were brought up in a hanging cradle and without it

Figure: 11. Average visual-working distance for students in grades 1-2, who were brought up in a hanging cradle and without it.

Therefore, the disappearance of suspended cradles from the educational arsenal led to a deterioration in the development of bodily coordinating abilities in children, various voluntary-motor functions, incl. speech and manual. It led to a decrease in the functional capabilities of the basic life-support systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract, secretion, etc. - Fig. 12).

Figure: 12. Variational distribution of cardiointervals among students in grades 1-2
Figure: 12. Variational distribution of cardiointervals among students in grades 1-2

Figure: 12. Variational distribution of cardiointervals among students in grades 1-2.

A - children brought up in a hanging cradle;

B - children brought up in a floor rocking chair or crib.

In broad terms, this led to a decrease in the bodily-functional and spiritual-mental potential at the level of the whole people. All this made it possible to take a fresh look at the greatness of national educational cultures, incl. on the special developmental role of the Russian swing.


A lullaby is that spiritual force that pulls a baby out of the "tenacious" grip of instinctive fear and raises his feelings into the space of "sounding" protective motherly love. The word of the lullaby is the only spoken word that fully combines the spirit of the image and the soul of love. Our research has shown that among those children to whom mothers did not sing lullabies, fear and aggression (in pictures) were 4 times more likely than those who at least occasionally sang lullabies to the baby. But fear is one of the strongest animal instincts, with which all other instincts are "linked" in an inseparable bundle.

Our works have convinced that without the mother's constant singing of lullabies (preferably in the rhythm of the swing of the hanging cradle), the child will not be able to adequately humanize himself into a soulful, whole, free from fears and psychocomplexes personality.

Today, lullabies are recorded on electronic media, albeit in a professional, but not in a mother's voice. It is clear that such records are primarily intended for future and current mothers, but not for babies. Of course, they can be used in preschool institutions, including for orphans, as well as children being raised in various specialized institutions, etc.

A baby, like air, like breast milk, needs a lullaby sounded by the mother's heart.

Let us remind once again: for 9 months of intrauterine life, the child deeply imprinted in the memory of feelings the only close and dear voice - the voice of the mother. And only he and no other voice can convey to the child the feeling of love, security and happiness. That is why only mother herself should sing lullabies. I often hear from young mothers: how am I going to sing if I do not know the words or melody of lullabies? And these are the consequences of the deep alienation of the mother from her children at the stage of their early childhood.

Therefore, since 1979, we have been strongly recommending that girls be brought up separately from boys in preschool institutions. Tanks, guns, cars, machine guns are incompatible with dolls and lullabies.

And only in preschool institutions we strongly recommend that girls, together with their mothers, grandmothers (if possible), with educators make soft dolls with their own hands, compose lullabies themselves and sing them regularly.

As an example, below are lullabies composed by children together with their mothers and grandmothers in the early 90s in kindergartens in Voskresensk.

Experience convinces: the constant gentle communication of girls with hand-made soft dolls, singing lullabies to them is a basic step in instilling maternal feelings at the so-called psychic stage, i.e. at the stage of transformation and spiritualization of primary feelings.

Mothers who prematurely weaned their children from their love, from their breasts, from lullabies and loving "words of words" will pay dearly. And the sooner we teach today to sing lullabies of 4-6 year old girls, the more kind, loving motherhood we will receive tomorrow.

Bazarny V. F. Child of man. Psychophysiology of development and regression, fragment