Haunted Castles In Russia - Alternative View

Haunted Castles In Russia - Alternative View
Haunted Castles In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Haunted Castles In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Haunted Castles In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Watch: TODAY All Day - July 10 2024, October

According to the "From Moscow" group, there are, of course, fewer castles in our country than in Europe, but ghosts also live in simpler dwellings, there would be a corresponding mysterious prehistory.

The first place is occupied by the Mikhailovsky Castle. It is usually visited by tourists looking for ghosts in St. Petersburg. This castle instead of the former summer palace was built by Paul I. He designed it for 12 long years, after which 4 more years were spent on construction. He moved there with his family on February 1, 1801. Fearing palace coups, he made the Mikhailovsky Castle at the same time the royal residence. But 40 days after settling in his own bedroom, Paul was strangled. The family of the deceased together with the court returned to the Winter Palace, and the Mikhailovsky Castle began to grow overgrown with frightening legends and stories. According to legend, the emperor's soul remained forever wandering along the corridors of the Mikhailovsky Castle.


The second place was taken by a mansion in Novosibirsk. There, at the beginning of the 20th century, a prison hospital building was built. When it was later put up for sale, they could not find a buyer, because everyone was afraid of the notoriety of the house. Local residents talked about eerie groans and sounds emanating from the basement of the house, which supposedly emitted by the ghosts of prisoners who had found death here. As a result, the mansion changed tenants, but no one was able to adapt it to their needs. As a result, the authorities banned the demolition and even rebuilding of such a peculiar "historical monument".


Count Sheremetyev's castle is on the third line. This story unfolded in the Republic of Mari El, in the village of Yurino. There is the castle of Count Sergei Vasilyevich Sheremetyev, which has become a real haunted house. The count himself had a reputation as a cruel man, tyrant and libertine. The count never had a wife, but he always enjoyed the right of the first night when he gave his serf girls in marriage. With one of them - Broadsword - the same tragic story happened. But the girl could not stand it at the last moment and hit the tyrant on the head with a candlestick. She could not escape. By order of the enraged count, the servants immured the unfortunate woman alive in the castle dungeon. Local residents claim that now the restless spirit of the girl wanders around the house. Sometimes the ghost of the count himself is met.


Another creepy mansion is the mansion of the baker Filippov. According to legend, the son of the famous Russian baker Dmitry in this very estate is his mistress, the gypsy Azu. She behaved quietly and inconspicuously, but when she realized that Dmitry had stopped loving her, she committed suicide by throwing herself from the tower. Subsequently, a medical center was located in this mansion for a long time. So both the patients and local residents said that they had seen the ghost of a young girl in the park more than once.

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The Oldenburgskys' palace in the Voronezh region, in the village of Ramon, also attracts ghost lovers with its legend. According to popular beliefs, the palace was cursed by a sorcerer who wanted to take revenge on the owner of the palace, Eugenia of Oldenburg, for the fact that she had once rejected his offer. After that, oddities began in the estate. It was believed, for example, that the eccentric son Peter in the dungeon of the castle conjured over the serfs and for some reason looked for traces of the ancient Egyptians near the estate. In total, according to local residents, three ghosts live in the estate. By the way, recently the museum staff found collapsed plaster in the cursed basement, moreover, a fragment resembling a female figure remained on the wall. Many hungry for sensations immediately recognized the contours of Eugenia Oldenburgskaya in him.


There is also an estate in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, which once belonged to the famous statesman and scientist Yakov Bruce. During his lifetime, he was called a warlock because he loved to entertain his guests with unusual tricks. For example, in the middle of winter he could melt ice on a nearby pond, and in summer, on the contrary, freeze it. Others talked about how huge dolls were supposedly roaming the estate, and intricate labyrinths were dug under the building itself. People also claim that the terrible-looking masks hung around the house winked at them and grinned if they looked at them for a long time.


In this list of haunted mansions, Muscovites have forgotten about the Smolensk estate in Gerchiki. An old estate of the descendants of the famous Scottish family Leslie is located 30 kilometers from Smolensk. According to legend, a young girl from the Leslie clan, during one of the traditional receptions at the estate, fell in love with the gallant hussar, but her relatives criticized her choice because of the poverty of her lover. The girl decided to run away with her hussar, but Leslie's family turned out to be quicker. For disobedience, the father ordered the girl to be immured alive in one of the walls of the estate. Then construction work then went everywhere and the fresh soil forever took the stubbornness into its arms. Since then, people have seen the ghost of a beautiful sad maiden in white robes, who still wanders around the vicinity of Gerchikov to this day.

By the way, more than one ghost lives in this estate. Another creepy story is also told. They say that in the 19th century the owner of the village was a respectable, important, prim old woman, the widow of a colonel of Catherine's times, Praskovya Ivanovna Korbutovskaya. After her death, the estate was inherited by her nephew, who, unlike his aunt, did not shake over outdated luxury, but sold everything, to whom and for whatever, her paintings and furniture, and subsequently sold the estate itself. The aristocrat could not bear such injustice even from the other world. According to local residents, the ghost of an arrogant old woman with an upright posture can be found in various places of the estate that once belonged to her and was so mediocrely lost by the descendants.

Another mystery in the estate is the small one-domed Trinity Church with a detached bell tower. In it, according to legend, there is no echo, that is, the singing will be heard until the last spoken vowel, to a whisper. Since the beginning of the 60s, it was decided to equip a solid stone building as a granary. However, three villagers, involved in the creation of the granary, soon died under strange circumstances, and the granary itself burned down. After that, the church has been empty for many years.