Scratch The Belly Of The Deity - Alternative View

Scratch The Belly Of The Deity - Alternative View
Scratch The Belly Of The Deity - Alternative View

Video: Scratch The Belly Of The Deity - Alternative View

Video: Scratch The Belly Of The Deity - Alternative View
Video: Woman’s 20-Year-Old Cyst Finally Gets Popped 2024, June

When I was a correspondent for a Moscow regional newspaper, I had to attend various events: from the most boring bureaucratic gatherings to incendiary concerts of old ladies from the CSO. But most of all I loved it when days dedicated to the culture of a country were organized in the central recreation center. And so a difficult lot once brought me to a holiday in India.

Already in the lobby, I realized that the hour allotted to myself for an interview and a photo report would not be easy: my eyes rippled with colorful clothes, and my nose ran treacherously after the very first breath of sweet smells of incense.

But very soon I was amused: the attention was attracted by a group of Slavic women in saris, who carefully installed a funny structure on the stand. The installation was a kind of den. Only instead of the traditional manger and mournful figures of the emaciated "holy family" it was decorated with a swing, entwined with bright artificial vines and lotus flowers. A plump body of a smiling deity is comfortably located on the swing. He was not at all embarrassed by the round belly, which treacherously peeped out of the loose clothes. God was well-fed, pleased with himself, dark-skinned and rejoiced in life. The relaxed pose invited you to join the party, and the rounded tummy gave the creation a sweet look. I froze at the sight of a wonderful picture, and my hands reached out to the doll to scratch the belly.

A rope was tied to the swing, for which, as the kind women explained to me, it was necessary to swing the good-natured fat god Krishna.

The essence of the ceremony was as follows: with one hand you pull the rope and swing the swing with Krishna, with the other you ring the bell. According to mythology, these actions will help fulfill any desire. The smiling maids of the deity gladly explained that this is the so-called. “Home worship”. For the exhibition, they brought their home idols to the House of Culture, which they always pray to. At the next stand, a semblance of a lawn was set up: on it, popular prints and sheep were quietly grazing, guarded by sacred dogs.

Seeing that I was going to capture a wonderful picture, the hostesses of the shop windows got worried and asked me to come a little later, when they were completely ready. The women invited me to make a wish myself, swing the swing, ring the bell and please the charming little god, but only when everything is ready. I agreed, and, having secured their promise to give an interview, reached out to the counter with products made of magic stones.

When I remembered my direct responsibilities and looked up from the display case with beads, my new acquaintances had everything ready, but no one was in a hurry to see them. According to the law of meanness, as soon as I approached with a camera and a dictaphone, the people, attracted by the funny picture, slowly began to pull themselves up to the wonderful installation. One of the hostesses volunteered to be interviewed. She said that she and her friend are followers of Hinduism in general, and in particular they worship Krishna. The positive lady told that the young deity is very kind. God the Child loves to swing on a swing, ride a boat on the lake, and play the flute. You can stroke him on a rounded belly, and he will not mind. Loving Krishna loves when people are doing well. He laughs with us, and is sad when we feel bad. He cannot bear human tears and also cries.

I looked at the god suspiciously. A corpulent body in loose robes sat at ease on a bench. God winked and patted the bench with his palm. “Sit down. Stroke me, pull the string, ring the bells, and I will fulfill your wishes. " My inner troll did not fail to blurt out: “Wow! I love your religion! I want to be friends with this deity. This is not an evil Christian God from constant diets and night vigils, who only rejoices when his slaves feel bad!"

Promotional video:

The kind Hare Krishna woman who was giving an interview widened her eyes in fright and looked askance at the numerous spectators: “Well, why are you doing that! We will not talk badly about other religions. There is something good in everyone. " But there was no stopping me. Forgetting about my status as a court reporter, I commented loudly and sarcastically: “But no. God should love his children and friends, and not want them to die of hunger and cold. Warmth emanates from your deity, it is so cozy and cheerful. I will gladly shake him in my arms, not just on a swing!"

Yes, I am sinful, I like to annoy the world community in this way. Along the way, I inquired if Krishna was sending any curses on his worshipers or prescribing tests. It turned out - no. The only thing he sincerely wants is for everyone to be cheerful and happy: people, sheep, cows, and dogs.

As we discussed theological issues, the crowd around us grew and formed a long line. There was no end to those wishing to bring joy to the obese friendly creature. And it doesn't matter that I saw crosses on the necks of many of the women: this is how our man is arranged, if there is an opportunity to fulfill his desire for free, he will not miss his. I watched with a grin as the Orthodox zealously pulled the string and diligently rang the bell to appease an essentially pagan deity.

How funny the desire to follow fashion and inner superstitions are intertwined in us. And none of the guests swinging Krishna on the swing had the idea that they were committing a great sin. And where to go there, if they have a vague and vague idea of their "true" faith.

The queue was so long that I no longer waited in the wings. I kindly said goodbye to the owners of the shop window and was about to leave when one of them handed me a ruddy liquid apple. It was to be eaten for the glory of Krishna. I smiled and asked if I could share it with my dog, otherwise she would not let me safely enter the house. The woman nodded: Krishna loves animals and is glad when they and us feel good.

Now I am thinking, but not whether I should arrange a small altar at home for a cheerful god? He doesn't need much - scratch his abdomen, and the desire will come true, and I already have a sacred animal.