Real UFO Contact And Alien Star Map - Alternative View

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Real UFO Contact And Alien Star Map - Alternative View
Real UFO Contact And Alien Star Map - Alternative View

Video: Real UFO Contact And Alien Star Map - Alternative View

Video: Real UFO Contact And Alien Star Map - Alternative View
Video: NASA now investigating Navy's UFO videos: 'There is something there' 2024, June

Sometimes this is not a fairy tale, but a cruel truth…

Most of the cases of human contact with UFOs belong to the so-called "yellow press", and even if they carry some kind of healthy grain, they are categorized as unprovable and "believe or not believe". They will give nothing to science. But there are literally isolated cases, which not only have material and logical confirmation of what happened, in addition, confirmed by academic science … Such rare cases include the contact of the American couple Hill in September 1961.

It happened in the state of New Hampshire. Suddenly the night sky was illuminated by a very strange flying object, in shape it resembled a helmet, below which windows were located in two rows. The searchlight shone with a powerful beam of light, which dazzled the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Barney and Betty Hill realized that this celestial car was chasing them, and decided to turn on the gas, but they heard very strange sounds, reminiscent of car signals on the roads, and after that they seemed to fall into some kind of night abyss. What happened to them later, they did not remember at all.

They woke up from this nightmare after two whole hours, their car was also moving along the highway, although the driver had not yet had time to take the wheel, as if some unknown force controlled the whole process. They reached home in silence, none of them could even start a conversation, as if they were both numb at once or swallowed their tongues. As soon as at home, having come to their senses a little, they began to ask themselves. What happened to them on the road? They remembered absolutely nothing. Both spouses developed headaches and nausea. In a dream, constant nightmares began to torment. After a few days, these symptoms only worsened, and they decided to turn to doctors who helped them to cope with nightmares a little.

They did not tell anyone about the story that happened to them for two whole years, but this did not give them any peace and tranquility. The couple's health gradually deteriorated, and they made a firm decision to see a psychiatrist, whom they entrusted with their amazing story.

Simon decided to treat Barney and Betty Hill with hypnosis. And it turned out something that amazed everyone …

The same sky map received from aliens

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… In a state of regressive hypnosis, both spouses said in detail that after a traffic signal, their car stalled. The alien ship has landed nearby. Six aliens emerged from the UFO, dressed in dark suits, and on their heads glittered metal helmets with sharp points. It sounds somewhat "fabulous", but, in spite of everything, we have material artifacts confirming this information …

So. The strange creatures took the spouses to their ship and placed them in different rooms. They began to examine them very carefully and carry out various manipulations with them. First, they scraped their arms and legs with some metal objects, then their bodies were exposed to various needles, which were whole ligaments, and in addition to this they were given several injections.

The woman said that the aliens opened a map of the starry sky in front of her, on which the routes of flights and more than seventy bright shining stars were indicated. After all this, they were simply ordered to forget about what happened. They woke up again in their car from loud sound signals.

Simon was very surprised by the story he heard, since he conducted hypnosis sessions separately for Betty and her husband, and their stories were similar to the smallest detail. The psychiatrist conducted all the repetitions and repeated sessions, but everything continued with perfect precision. Simon himself had already taken their side, since he believed that they were telling the truth, because it was impossible to simulate such a thing. But Hillam, except the psychiatrist, did not believe.

The situation changed only in 1964: they again began to experiment with Betty using regressive hypnosis. She, in a trance state, restored in her memory an alien star map, which was later even printed in newspapers.

This stellar map was able to be compared with a real star system, located 54 light years from the Sun. This view of the sky, depicted on the map, fully corresponds to that observed from the constellation Grid in the vicinity of the star Zeta Reticuli. But the most surprising fact is that the three stars forming a triangle on the map should not have been there at all, because the first of them in 1964 was not noted in any of the Earth's catalogs, and the position of the other two was calculated incorrectly! The position of the stars Gliese 95 and Gliese 86.1 was precisely determined only in 1969. No one on Earth could have seen before that three stars form such a triangle. Even if the Hill family wanted to come up with such a thing, they simply could not …

The solid lines on the Hill map represent the "trade routes" of the aliens, and the dotted lines represent "places where they have been occasionally." Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli were marked with two large circles. This is - "their Suns".

According to modern data, at least one of these two stars has all the favorable physical properties and conditions for the emergence of life in its vicinity. The existence of the planets is proved in 54 Pisces and 82 Eridani, which are indicated on this card.

Thus, the facts show that this story (unlike most others) is not fiction.

You can also watch a short video about this UFO contact:
