Fire Poltergeist Burned Pillows And Blankets - Alternative View

Fire Poltergeist Burned Pillows And Blankets - Alternative View
Fire Poltergeist Burned Pillows And Blankets - Alternative View

Video: Fire Poltergeist Burned Pillows And Blankets - Alternative View

Video: Fire Poltergeist Burned Pillows And Blankets - Alternative View
Video: Massive Attack - Teardrop (Official Video) 2024, June

The poltergeist research sector ONIOO "Cosmopoisk" almost every year encounters the most dangerous level of poltergeist activity - spontaneous combustion.

In past years, the expert groups of Cosmopoisk studied fire poltergeists in Kazan (July 2009), in Omsk (January-February 2011) and in one of the villages near Bryansk (May-July 2012). This year, an outbreak of a fire poltergeist occurred in the village of Butor (Transnistrian Moldovan Republic).

Initially, the main sources of information about this case were publications on the Internet and reporting from local television. But last week the Kishinev-Kosmopoisk group together with the DTV channel managed to directly visit the scene of the fire events in the village of Butor. Thus, we have the opportunity to reconstruct the picture of events in more detail.

As it became known, all poltergeist episodes took place in a private house where pensioners live - the head of the family (75 years old), his wife (78 years old), as well as their son with daughter-in-law (they are about 30-35 years old) and granddaughter (8 years old) … The house itself is divided into 3 parts: an old house where old people live, and a later building - a house for young people. The family has three cats and a dog, which are constantly in the yard.

The inexplicable phenomena began on March 3, 2013, when the granddaughter noticed that the lids fell off the milk cans, and the cans themselves were overturned, the milk spilled out, but they did not break. After a while, grandfather saw that in the basement, where the barrels of wine stood, through the taps opened by someone, all the wine had flowed out.

A few days later, the family found a complete destruction in their room: all things were thrown out of the wardrobe, but nothing was missing. The icon, which stood on a shelf under the ceiling, was turned to face the wall. A television set in the same corner was knocked over, but not broken.

About 10 days after the start of the first wave of anomalous events, spontaneous combustion began. Objects and things began to flare up. The back of the sofa in the part of the house with the stove flared first, but the fire was quickly extinguished. A little later, the granddaughter called her grandfather, the sofa seat was already on fire.

In another part of the house, where the son-in-law and his daughter-in-law lived, a sofa flared up, after which things (charred wallpaper, clothes, spots on the heating radiator) began to spontaneously flare up, including in the girl's room. The local Orthodox priest was summoned, but no changes occurred.

Promotional video:

When the main fire broke out on April 24, 2013, there was only an elderly woman in the house, who saw the smoke from the windows and roof and began to shout loudly and call for help. The neighbors who came running helped to pull things and pieces of furniture out into the street, but part of the house was seriously burned out. At the same time, the neighbors opposite (the brother of the head of the family) also flashed things that, fortunately, were quickly put out. After such a serious episode, another Chisinau priest from the monastery was invited, after which the poltergeist no longer showed himself.

As the head of the Kishinev-Kosmopoisk group notes, there were no significant intra-family conflicts. When communicating, eyewitnesses give the impression of being very calm, God-fearing, and even phlegmatic people. According to the initial statement of the arrived firefighters, the wiring was serviceable. At the moment, the poltergeist does not manifest itself in any way, so it can be stated that the phenomenon has entered a phase of remission. Despite this, the Cosmopoisk researchers keep in touch with eyewitnesses and track the current state of affairs.

Photo: Yanina Aristova, Kishinev-Kosmopoisk.
