Footprint 120 Cm - Alternative View

Footprint 120 Cm - Alternative View
Footprint 120 Cm - Alternative View

Video: Footprint 120 Cm - Alternative View

Video: Footprint 120 Cm - Alternative View
Video: Using a Groundsheet Under Your Tent 2024, June

The adherents of the theories about the race of giants, which lived on our planet millions of years ago, received new evidence - a giant footprint was found on the territory of southern Africa. He was found in Swaziland. The human-like footprint reaches 120 centimeters in length. According to scientists, it could well have been left by a prehistoric giant.

True, there were skeptics who said that a huge imprint could not belong to a giant, since it is located on a vertical section of a granite rock, where it is physically impossible to put your foot at the required angle. But later it turned out that the age of the trace is almost two hundred million years. During this period, tectonic plates moved in the regions, as a result of which the horizontal section took a vertical position. Also, experts put forward the assumption that the shape of the track was perfectly preserved due to the fact that the giant passed through the area with cooling magma, and not through sand or clay soil, which could be washed away by rain or blown away by the wind.

Also, scientists have put forward several more assumptions about the mysterious find. It is possible that the giant footprint is an example of prehistoric art. For example, in places where Cherokee American Indians lived, as well as in other areas, stones with carvings depicting footprints of humans, animals and birds were found. True, their sizes correspond to real paws and feet, so it is not yet clear for what purpose people could cut out the image of a foot, the length of which reaches 120 centimeters.

It is worth noting that solving the mystery of the origin of the Swaziland footprint is not the only occupation to which followers of the theory of giants can devote themselves. There is also a 38-centimeter finger. Several years ago, an amateur Swiss archaeologist Gregor Sperry reported on an Egyptian tomb raider who kept a mummified finger in his home.

Sperry said that he was able to photograph the find, and also saw an X-ray taken by the owner, which proved that the elongated object was indeed a human finger. The Egyptian did not want to sell the relic under any pretext, so Sperry returned home to Switzerland without it, and the scientific community took his stories and photographs with a fair amount of skepticism. In 2009, the archaeologist made another attempt to get the finger and again went to Egypt, but this time he was unable to find the grave robber.

Renata Shishkina