Secrets Of Longevity Of The Ancients - Alternative View

Secrets Of Longevity Of The Ancients - Alternative View
Secrets Of Longevity Of The Ancients - Alternative View

In search of health and longevity, mankind has tried many different recipes. So, it is reliably known that ancient civilizations had their own views on the quality and duration of life. They possessed such knowledge that is not subject to modern man. But, despite the centuries separating modern man and people who lived before our era, nevertheless, some secrets of longevity, youth and beauty have been revealed by modern scientists.

So, what did the ancient civilizations keep in the strictest confidence. It is reliably known that the ancient man gave great attention to the positive qualities of stones and metals. So, even there was a kind of healing culture, on the basis of which, many diseases could be cured using the therapy of precious stones. In terms of metal, everything was simpler. It was believed that dishes made of gold and silver enriched food and drink with useful elements that strengthened human health and gave him youth.

Modern scientists agree with our ancestors in this hypothesis only partially, since it has been scientifically established that dishes made of pure silver are capable of disinfecting liquids and food. But scientists failed to prove the rejuvenating effect of the procedure of eating food from dishes made of precious metals. And today, for infants and young children, caring parents try to purchase at least a teaspoon made of silver, so that their child can eat only the most useful and safe foods.

But ancient man unconditionally believed in the power of precious metals and their effect on the body. So, the yellow color of gold was equated in Egypt with the favor of the god Ra. It was believed that if a family wants to beg the gods for an heir, then future parents should not only present golden gifts to the deity, but also surround themselves with golden objects in everyday life. The color of gold was supposed to attract good luck and prosperity to the family and thereby interest the soul of the future heir.

Of course, today there is a tradition of attracting good luck and wealth to the house with gilded coins laid out in the corners of the apartment. But the effect of rejuvenation from this procedure does not come. Then it turns out that our ancestors had more knowledge than we do in the field of restoring youth and health. Studying ancient Egyptian manuscripts, scientists came to the conclusion that for this civilization there was not a single incurable disease.

During the study of Egyptian manuscripts, scientists came to the conclusion that the basis of medicine at that time was precisely herbs, and drugs made from them. Herbal medicine to this day is in demand and in some cases the only option for curing ailments. So, if we take into account astrology, then certain herbs correspond to each sign of the zodiac. It is they who are able to quickly restore the vitality of the body and give it vigor and freshness.

Ancient healers made a discovery, they found that poisonous plants can not only kill a person, but also heal. The only difference is in the dosage of the poison. So, celandine, has always been considered a poisonous plant, but using its tincture in small doses, it is possible to cure tumor neoplasms in humans. In addition, the age-old problem of young children, adenoids, can be easily solved using a decoction of celandine, burying it in the nostrils of a sick child. And no operation will be required after a month of applying this procedure.

Another discovery of our ancestors was the beneficial properties of mushrooms. They have been using them for food precisely for medical purposes for many centuries BC. Of course, most of the recipes since that time have been lost, but thanks to mushrooms, mankind was able to develop a cure for most infections - penicillin. In addition, there is ample evidence that ancient man used a certain mushroom as a rejuvenating agent. Today, scientists have established the fact that dried mushrooms store in their composition a huge amount of useful vitamins and microelements and their systematic use helps to restore the body's energy balance.

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But modern scientists could not discover a recipe for eternal youth, but they proved the benefits of contrasting water procedures. So, modern medicine recommends a contrast shower even as a hardening of infants. It is believed that sudden changes in temperature contribute to the gradual strengthening of human blood vessels. So, the baby's body gets used to the temperature drop and, when meeting with them in everyday life, does not get sick. This is a very useful feature of such a fairly simple procedure. Contrast showers are very useful for strengthening the adult body. As a rejuvenating procedure, contrast showers are good to use with various scrubs and masks for the face and body.

So, after steaming the body in hot water, thereby opening the pores, it is good to use scrubs from ground coffee, apricot pits, which help to exfoliate dead cells, after that it is worth using cold water to close the pores and then apply masks for the face and body. Especially well-proven honey masks and masks based on goat milk. Milk has always been famous for its healing power, because it is not for nothing that children with ruddy cheeks and healthy complexions were called milk children. Goat's milk can replace breast milk for a baby if the mother does not have enough of it.

But not only eating milk gives health to a person, taking milk baths stimulates the production of new cells in the body, and if the procedure is supplemented with contrast baths, then the effect of renewing strength is guaranteed. This rejuvenating and toning treatment was known and used by our ancestors. Wellness routes to countries with thermal springs are in great demand today. In addition to the contrast of temperature, thermal springs give the human body a saturation of useful minerals, which helps to strengthen health and prolong life.

Returning to the healing properties of milk, it is worth noting that modern medicine has discovered a way to quickly recuperate after a severe illness, and a recipe for a cold that can cure the symptoms of this disease in a few steps. It's about eating hot milk with garlic juice. It was with garlic that our ancestors treated many intestinal and pulmonary diseases, even scurvy retreated before garlic. So, if you drink a healing drink made from milk and garlic, recovery will come very quickly. In addition to medicinal properties, garlic is used for preventive purposes. So, scientists have established the fact that the essential oils of garlic are capable of disinfecting the air, therefore, during the period of a cold, it is very useful to lay out grated garlic indoors.

In addition to garlic, lemon has high properties of strengthening the immune system. Our ancestors used lemon pulp paste for cosmetic purposes. She refreshed and whitened the skin of the face, giving it a youthful look, and also fought against hair diseases.

And this is not the whole list of decoctions and means that our ancestors used for their longevity.