Interstellar Asteroids - Alternative View

Interstellar Asteroids - Alternative View
Interstellar Asteroids - Alternative View

Video: Interstellar Asteroids - Alternative View

Video: Interstellar Asteroids - Alternative View
Video: First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists 2024, June

UFO - this word appeared in the human language quite recently. For scientists, it means an object that can move in outer space and not only in space. Moreover, such an object cannot be identified. Ufologists have given this abbreviation a much more logical decoding. UFO is an alien spacecraft.

Who Said Humanity Is Lonely? The fact that we have not yet entered into open contact with other civilizations does not mean at all that there was no contact. The US governments often hide important information from the people of the planet. Some retired intelligence officers sometimes say that both Russia and the United States are in constant contact with an alien civilization. Since then, when man learned to fly into the orbit of our planet. In the United States, an alien ship crashed in the last century. According to one of the ex-CIA officers, the crew of the ship died, but the space machine itself gave people stealth technology and led to an acceleration of technological progress. Mobile phones, touch screens, microwave ovens and guns. New chemical elements that do not exist on our planet. Many people think that this is not true - but it is not.

The United States flew to the moon at the end of the last century. According to them, the ships of the Apollo series were covered with top-secret material. The thinnest film capable of stopping space radiation and effectively protecting the crew. In addition, the USSR, apparently, also possessed such technology and intended to use it not only on spacecraft, but also in the Zvezda project, or, as it is also called, Barmingrad. This is a real moon base. Such projects are no longer possible these days. What happened? Rapid regression, or has humanity simply lost the mysterious material? No one will give an exact answer.

Recently, humanity has again moved to the stage of open space exploration. Private billionaire Elon Musk is ready to implement the most ambitious program in history and, apparently, he has all the technologies necessary for this. Russia has placed an order for the creation of technical documentation for an orbital tug, lunar modules and a new super-heavy rocket. It is clear that we have overcome the barrier that has hampered our progress. How did this happen and how are the asteroids and the Chelyabinsk meteorite connected with this?

Many foreigners and Russians were struck by the Chelyabinsk meteorite. A beautiful, fiery torch that hit the ground. But there are great oddities here. Judging by the expert analysis, the guest from space was shot down by the military, from which he exploded right above the city. It is known that the total mass of the object was not so large as to pose a threat. Then why was he shot down? Many argue that this is not a meteorite at all, but part of an alien spacecraft. The part that sent radio signals and interfered with our radio broadcast on all frequencies. Many radio amateurs encountered this that day. Amazingly, when the asteroid exploded, the interference disappeared. The Russian army instantly, together with the EMERCOM employees, cordoned off the main site of the object's fall and seized it. Part of the object was of natural origin and was used in the manufacture of Olympic medals. The other part and its fragments emitted radiation unknown to science, affecting a person. It was these fragments that the military seized on the first day. Some of them were found by people and put up for auction for incredible money. Surprisingly, the stones were bought not only by wealthy oligarchs, but also by foreign private research organizations. For example, the US Agency for Advanced Study.

Russian ballistics specialists concealed information about the trajectory of the object, however, ballistics from foreign countries revealed to the world that the meteorite came to us from Mars. Already in 2017, the first interstellar asteroid visited our solar system. It did not come from the Orth cloud, not from the main asteroid belt, and certainly not from the Kuiper belt. It is absolutely certain that this object did not originate in our system. He flew so fast that even the attraction of our Sun did not slow him down at all. Its shape is wedge-shaped. The most typical for spaceships. Ufologists and astronomers immediately decided to check the object for signs of life and were able to record strange subtle signals that it transmitted into space. But the most surprising thing is that Mars, a lifeless planet, responded with exactly the same subtle mechanical signals. Asteroids - cannot emit radio signalsand the planets do not know how to answer them in the required sequence. American experts are sure that this is not an asteroid at all. It is either a drifting spacecraft or an autonomous probe. Stone build-ups are due to the fact that it has been flying for more than one thousand years. Its flight may already last for millions of years. For such a period, any ship would be covered with stone build-ups and become like an asteroid.

The Chelyabinsk meteorite and this asteroid appeared only when man again took up space exploration. Mars is not such a lifeless world. Apparently, there is something on the planet that responds to our progress. Something that tries to answer us. Mars's intentions are completely unclear. Our technology is not enough to decipher the signals emitted by the planet. However, there is something that can be said for sure - such incidents will become much more frequent in the future. The more developed our civilization is, the more the red planet will react to this. It may be that, having landed there, the international crew will be able to find our fellow humans, an autonomous observation station, or even facts that indicate that our distant ancestors lived on Mars. Until then,so far, all attempts by Mars to contact the Earth look as if Mars is attacking us, but we cannot be sure of this, because no one has died yet, and any alien technology is absolutely capable of causing colossal damage to the Earth and our states.