Is The US Navy At War With Aliens? - Alternative View

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Is The US Navy At War With Aliens? - Alternative View
Is The US Navy At War With Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Is The US Navy At War With Aliens? - Alternative View

Video: Is The US Navy At War With Aliens? - Alternative View
Video: New videos raise questions about military UFO encounters 2024, June

Back in September 2012, Gordon Duff, Editor-in-Chief of Veterans Today (Veterans Today, the prestigious American specialized publication of US Army veterans and State Department officials.) Told the world that there are "UFO wars" and that China and the United States have united efforts to fend off UFOs off the coast of San Francisco. Gordon Duff is usually not sensationalistic.

Here's what he wrote then:

Asian intelligence reports that the combined operation of the US and Chinese navies is ongoing and is already a full combat operation against what is called a 'highly hostile extraterrestrial threat.'

There were many checks on the operations of the fleet, there was no confirmation from the United States, although the ships were spotted and it is clear what each ship is doing. The true nature of both factors, the threat and the degree of use of multinational military forces, are beyond any conceivable level of classification.

Rumors: Extraterrestrial vessels operate at underwater bases. The actual classification of events allows us to say that the "enemy" is of extraterrestrial origin and is extremely aggressive and unfriendly.

The "threat" is a "clear and immediate threat" and is isolated in the Pacific Basin."

Another major source, a former US military contractor and scientist named John Kettler, reported on October 26 that "the war is raging in Antarctic waters". Kettler cites unnamed “confidential sources” to substantiate his claims that the US Navy-led coalition is in military engagement with hostile aliens. And that this "UFO war" is a continuation of the alleged naval battle off the coast of San Francisco, which was previously reported by Gordon Duff of Veterans Today. Both cite unnamed "reliable" sources.

Promotional video:

As Michael Salla writes in, “There is little more than a collection of unnamed sources to support such a claim, and there is every reason to conclude that Duff and Kettler's claims are part of a psychological warfare operation that may involve planning. an important event under a "false flag" (falsification). There is one historical case that relates to Kettler's new claims. It is not proven information that in 1946/1947 the famous Admiral Richard Byrd, during a naval expedition, met and entered into battle with mysterious UFO forces in the waters of Antarctica.

According to John Kettler, “UFO warfare continues to expand with serious action taking place in the Southern Ocean … according to highly informed sources. Two Chinese submarines (People's Liberation Army Navy) were immobilized as a result of the accident, but none of the submariners died."

Kettler also states that: Last night (October 25, 2012), 20 UFOs, moving in a group at 25,000 mph, left the Antarctic Ocean and traveled to Guadalajara, Mexico. Another group of 15 UFOs flew at the same speed and went to Argentina. This morning, 12 more showed up and went to Chile."

The lack of confirmed sources casts much doubt on the claims of Kettler and Duff about an undeclared war between hostile aliens and forces and coalitions led by the US Navy in Antarctica and / or the Pacific Ocean. If not required to dismiss them entirely, write to Michael Salla. This is especially important because an information operation about false UFO collisions could have been planned decades ago. And there is a high possibility that Kettler and Duff, unknowingly themselves, are simply spreading misinformation about hostile aliens, which could be part of the military's plan.

The alleged meeting and battle with a UFO in 1947 in Antarctica with the participation of the US Navy, could indeed have taken place, but information about this could also be false. That is why it was handed over to the USSR during the Stalin era. And for the general public, it surfaced later, in 1991. If the Soviet message is based on disinformation, then it helps to create conditions at the international level for the announcement of a "UFO event" under a false flag. If the Soviet message is, in fact, accurate, and in line with the historical precedent in 1947, then it would be unwise to simply dismiss Kettler's statements and Duff's claims as disinformation, concludes Michael Salla.

Meanwhile, a video clip appeared on YouTube, which, using the capabilities of Google, shows a place in Antarctica where a UFO crash allegedly occurred. And that several tanks (or all-terrain vehicles) headed towards him, and even a short battle took place. The tanks (very similar) that are visible in the image have been stationary for weeks and are therefore covered in a layer of snow.