The Life-giving Power Of Prayer - Alternative View

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The Life-giving Power Of Prayer - Alternative View
The Life-giving Power Of Prayer - Alternative View

Video: The Life-giving Power Of Prayer - Alternative View

Video: The Life-giving Power Of Prayer - Alternative View
Video: Walter Veith - God Is A Living Reality - WHY I SPEAK - Episode 9 2024, June

This article is about what directly touches our Higher Self, and touches the innermost essence of our existence - about PRAYER.

"A person who makes a prayer ceases to be a man, he becomes an angel, for his wings grow."

Nikolay Panchishin "Touching the Light".

Modern man lives by reason. From birth, a child is introduced to a variety of learning systems. Toys, books, children's electronic devices, alphabet with pictures … the mind needs diagrams and instructions, only then it feels comfortable.

If there is no instruction on some issue, or the mind does not understand it, this question cannot be resolved for the mind. A man who lives only by reason stops whenever the instructions end.

Such a person is easy to control. He just needs to be given enough instructions for all occasions. Then he will not think and apply his creative abilities, which means that he will never touch the height of his own Spirit and will never know his real self, and will not be attracted by his feeling of flying wide-spread wings.

They explained to us at school that people fly only on airplanes. Most believe it. And as a child, everyone dreamed of an airplane carpet, magic shoes, or flying a dragon …

When a child is read a fairy tale, he imagines images and events, creates his own world, lives in it and changes it the way his heart wants. Modern children, with all the abundance of visual aids, lose their ability to dream, because there is an illustrated answer to any question.

Promotional video:

The ready-made schemes satisfy the mind, the brain, but not the Soul, and therefore many people come to an internal conflict. It does not matter how a person lives, dissatisfaction with what is, and the desire, and sometimes a burning desire to get what is not, are now characteristic of very many. I will not say that this is a feature of our time, it has always been, just in our electronic age it has worsened. From this "dissatisfaction" life becomes difficult and difficult, full of suffering and claims to the world, and this is not the content that will make a person happy.

Most people live in constant hectic. They are busy with endless important and necessary things. These matters completely occupy the mind and seem so important that everything else becomes secondary. Most of these matters relate to physical existence, and concern for its comfort. What happens to the Soul and how the goal of its embodiment is realized is not noticeable in the bustle.

Dissatisfaction grows, and people again attribute it to the lack of comfort and do even more so as not to hear the Soul … Not to hear the true voice of ourselves.

And only when something happens … that the brain cannot cope with, when what happened does not fit into the framework of a comfortable existence, a person remembers that he is a part of the Universe and in this Universe there is a Force, much more powerful than him, and that without her human existence is meaningless and very vulnerable. And then the person lifts his eyes to the sky and from the depths of his heart shouts: "Lord, help!"

- There is life.

- Does she care about images, about illusions? Does She know about their existence?

- No!

- If there is Life, does this mean that She knows only herself?

- Yes!

- Does She know about the stars? Does She know the beginning and the end? I asked. - Space and time?

- There is life. Till the end of time. No.

- Does the Life of Dicky Bach know?

Long silence.

“She doesn't know my body.

"Does She know … your address?" your planet? your name?

He laughed.

- No!

- Does Life know you?

“She knows … my life,” he said. “She knows my soul.

Richard Bach "Escape from Safety"

At the moment when the schemes and instructions do not work, a majestic raid of our egoistic “I” flies off us and what is true and immortal - our eternal Essence, is revealed, and this Essence speaks to God.

Turning to the Universal Consciousness, we join All That Is, and become powerful, because at this moment we become real. Prayer is talking with God. A conversation in which there is an exchange of energy and information, an exchange of streams of life, because God always answers and the Soul hears these answers! When a person prays, he reaches out to God with his Essence, and this movement is true life.

“This is the connection between Heaven and Earth, captured by the spoken word, this is the impulse of the heart that opens the gates to the Eternal, this merging with your Higher Self, this sensation of the pulsation of the Cosmos, this is the flow of Grace pouring through us to the Earth. Prayer is the most faithful friend and the wisest advisor, this is a declaration of love, this is the whisper of Eternity, this is a touch to the mystery of Being”…

Nikolay Panchishin "Touching the Light"

For many people, prayer is an attribute of religion, and it is subordinated to the scheme adopted in this confession, and everything that is schematized, as a rule, no longer has life in it. If you read a prayer without understanding its essence, distorting the words and mentally distracting yourself, thinking about something else, then no one needs such a prayer. Reading canonized texts and performing generally accepted rituals is as far from the Truth as living in vanity. In fact, prayer without a heart is vanity, only verbal.

In prayer, which is intended for God by the heart, every word is the music of the spheres, and this music is born from the depths of feelings. Therefore, a prayer uttered in your own words, sincere and conveying feelings to the One to Whom it is addressed, is always valuable and effective. It doesn't matter what religion you prefer, what language you pray in, whether you pronounce your own text, or this is a prayer that has been used for a long time. The important thing is with what message and how sincerely you do it.

It is usually customary to ask God for something in prayer. Indeed, many turn to Him because of their extreme need, but do not turn to Him unnecessarily. And few people remember gratitude, and gratitude is the diamond of the human heart. A prayer of thanks fills a person with love and makes him alive, real. He is truly rich who knows how to bestow goodness.

Anyway, once in space-time, - I said, - we are free to believe that we exist independently and by ourselves, and to assert that the Principle of Numbers is nonsense.

He nodded, gathering everything together.

“The principle doesn't notice space-time,” I said, because space-time doesn't exist. For him there are no such things as sacrilege or heresy or blasphemy or godlessness or disrespect or disgust. Principle does not build temples, hire missionaries, or start wars.

“He doesn't care,” he repeated reluctantly.

“He doesn't notice the games that are so important to us,” I said. - You can check. Turn so that your back is to the Infinite Principle of Numbers, the Immortal Reality of Numerical Being.

He moved, turning slightly to the left.

- Say out loud: I hate the Principle of Numbers!

“I hate the Principle of Numbers,” he said without much conviction.

Nothing happened.

“So we can ignore the Principle, we can hate it, scold it, rebel against it,” I said, “and even mock it. In response - not the slightest sign of Heavenly Thunder. What's the matter?

He thought about it for a long time.

- Why is the Principle indifferent? I asked.

“Because he doesn't listen,” he said finally.

- So we can curse him with impunity?

“Yes,” he said.

- Wrong.

- Why? He doesn't listen!

“He’s not listening, Dicky,” I said, “but we are listening! When we turn our back on him, what happens to our arithmetic?

- Nothing adds up?

- Nothing. Each time the answers are different, business and science perish in confusion. As soon as we drop the Principle, we ourselves begin to suffer from this, not He at all. But come back to the Principle, and in the same moment everything will work again.

No trials are sent to anyone, there is no punishment, there is no Heavenly Thunder. The return to the Principle suddenly brings order to all our calculations, for even in the games of the illusory world it retains its reality.

Richard Bach "Escape from Safety"

Prayer is an appeal to the Heart of God. And the heart does not hear the words, but feels living energy, the feeling that we have put into our appeal. And what we send and there is a response. If this is a sincere prayer for help, then help comes, if it is sincere gratitude, then the Good comes in response, and if this is a revelation, then revelation comes in return. The heart of God always communicates with us and responds to our message if it is sincere. And if there is no our appeal, then there is no address message.

Some people think that their life is difficult because God has forgotten them. But everything is exactly the opposite. When a person plunges into vanity, does not hear his Soul and does not turn to God in his heart, then he himself forgets God and his life becomes difficult, heavy and hopeless.

God cannot forget or remember us, because this is not a persona, but a living consciousness that permeates all Being. He does not have a memory, but only responds to the message that he receives from us. He cannot love us more or less, His love is absolute and all-embracing. The question is, do we accept it and do we let this love into our lives? Our faith, striving for God, our sincerity and the need for communion with Him are needed not by Him, but by us.

It is impossible to be lonely and unhappy, to be in fear or depression, if you know that God is with you and his presence is filled with life. But in order for it to be so, you need to let Him into your life, into your heart! Let Him make those changes in our lives that we dream of and ask Him.

One of my clients, a former drug addict, for a long time could not understand what it means to "let God into your life." He tried to go to church, observe church rituals, tormented himself with lengthy prayers, even wanted to go to the pilgrims. But nothing happened.

One day he came very excited and said:

“I suddenly realized that God is cooler than the government, bandits, mafiosi and superheroes. He is the coolest and He is afraid of nothing and no one and He has everything, and He loves me! And if I call Him into my heart, I will always be with Him, then no one can touch me and I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about, HE already loves me, right now. He does not expect that I will become better than I am, that I will become different. He already loves me for who I am.

Someone considers me a scumbag, a lost person, unworthy, but He loves me and does not expect anything from me. And I don't need anything else! There is no need to prove that I have changed, there is no need to run away from myself or blame myself for the past.

Seek someone else's recognition or respect, because God loves me! He is with me! Already with me! And it's cool, very cool, the coolest thing that can be!.

After that, his life changed. He found himself and understood his destiny. Now he is doing what he loves and is quite happy.

When we ask God for something, this does not mean that we let Him into our lives. We allow His presence out of necessity. It is important to remember Him, turn to Him and be with Him not only at the moment of need, but every day, every moment of your life.

Love for God is not a visit to a church or a mosque, not fear of punishment or sacrifices in his honor, it is not fasting and self-flagellation, it is acceptance of everything that He created and the joy of participating in this. The most serious sin is despondency, that is, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world and lack of joy from life.

I do not urge you to rejoice at everything, but the Soul cannot live without joy. And when a person seeks joy and seeks to fill it with life, not only his own, but also those who are nearby, life becomes wonderful and amazing.

Usually people pray for some blessings, for health, for happiness, for the fulfillment of desires. But you can also pray for joy and that you can let God into your life and realize how it is. I know many people in whose lives prayer has played a key role. She raised the sick from bed, returned people to work, the meaning of life, love and filled life with joy.

I myself am no exception. I confess my love to God every day and every evening, before falling asleep, I thank Him for everything that happened that day, regardless of whether it was a pleasant event or not. I do this because life is a gift. And in life there are different events. Yes, there are situations where it is difficult to find the strength to thank God for them. But when I do say the words of gratitude, finding it in my heart, I thank Him for the fact that He is with me in all situations and ask Him never to leave me without his presence and guidance. And then everything lines up and I understand the meaning of what is happening.

Before finishing this article, I would like to present two prayers to all readers. The first is the prayer of Thomas More, with which he lived all his life. At one time, she shocked me with her sincerity and selflessness.

“Grant me, the all-good Lord, a passionate desire to be with You! Not in order to escape the vicissitudes of this wicked world, not in order to escape the sufferings of purgatory, not in order to escape Hell, not in order to attain the delights of heaven as a reward for my labors, but for the sake of only love for you …

And the other came to me from above, as part of one of the prayer practices.

Prayer for the Gifts of the Earth:

My soul is open before You, Oh, my One Father, the Unborn!

I pray you, give me Love, And her Light, sealed in the world.

May everything that I have from now on

Will be filled with her wonderful warmth

Let all the treasures be in my hands

They burn it with an everlasting, heavenly fire!

I pray you, give me joy

May my heart warm every day

And a ray of the sun, and a kiss of the wind

Let her shine multiply!

Grant me happiness to contemplate You

In the eyes of any of Your Creations

Grant me the Way where I will find You

In multitude and splendor of manifestations

Grant me feelings to color the world

Into wonderful divine colors

Grant me wisdom to see Life

Tasting the truth, throwing away the masks

Grant me wisdom to comprehend your essence

In everything that I meet on a long road

Grant me a bounty to bestow

The whole world by the glow of the unquenchable Spirit

In the radiance of the Spirit take on flesh

All happy thoughts and hopes

And the Heart shines with Gratitude again

And hearts light sparkles through the clothes.

Love you, happiness and sincere joy. And let everyone find their prayer!