Seven Stone Brothers - Alternative View

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Seven Stone Brothers - Alternative View
Seven Stone Brothers - Alternative View

Video: Seven Stone Brothers - Alternative View

Video: Seven Stone Brothers - Alternative View
Video: Vlad and Niki play Hide and Seek with Chris 2024, June

Wonderful wonder, wonderful wonder

This place is shrouded in all kinds of legends. No wonder! Originally from antiquity, Man Pupu Nyer has seen many nationalities and time periods. Now that we are his contemporaries, interest in the plateau is still unabated. What unusual things does the journey to one of the seven wonders of Russia conceal? Let's figure it out.

In the list of wonders of Russia, the pillars of weathering, as the stone sculptures on the plateau are also called, are adjacent to the Valley of Geysers, Baikal, Peterhof and even Elbrus. Sounds solid, don't you agree? This is far from the only way to identify the plateau. For a common man in the street, Man Pupu Nier is still automatically recorded in the mind under the heading "curious and mysterious", largely because it borders on a place whose name thundered in the middle of the last century - Dyatlov Pass, but now not about it.

Someone calls the plateau a real natural anomaly, while others call it another object in their tourist piggy bank. It's hard to believe, but once the stone pillars were impenetrable mountains. It was, just think, 200 million years ago. To touch, literally and figuratively, these statues created by nature, at least, is curious. In order to go in search of special meanings and practically get into a parallel reality, the Manh Pupu Nier plateau is also undoubtedly suitable. If only because in translation from the Mansi language the name of the plateau means “small mountain of idols”. The mountain may be small, but the so-called idols themselves are giants, their height ranges from 30 to 42 meters.

There are seven stone pillars in total. The number is also not an easy one: a stereotype or not, but the number is called lucky. Six of the seven stone pillars are grouped together, and one is kept a little apart, apart. This arrangement is explained by at least two legends, and in the content of both dramas: someone leaves someone. So much for your philosophy of life in the middle of the endless areas of the northern Urals. Another characteristic of the plateau is more primitive, but it is immediately recognizable with the naked eye: in any weather and season of the year, it does not occupy picturesqueness.

Down the valleys, but not over the mountains

Hiking in the summer is common, but what about winter or off-season? It is dangerous to say nothing, but still such attacks have a right to exist. For some, this is even an extra reason to tickle your nerves. Ekaterina advises, as a seasoned person: in early spring it is better to start from the village of Burmantovo. It is not worth going from Vizhai through the Dyatlov pass or across Lake Tuvat. Despite the fact that in taiga and mountain ranges, winter, as a rule, lasts longer than in urban and any other residential environs, the risk is not justified - reservoirs begin to open up in early April.

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By the way, the village of Burmantovo also has its own history. In these places it was considered the most northern Russian village before the revolution. And in the thirties of the XX century, here, on the banks of the Lozva, the development of the Ivdel north by the prisoners of the GULAG began. The first colony appeared here, and only then the detention centers began to appear like mushrooms after rain.

- Preparing for a serious travel jerk, we spent two nights in Burmantovo. The owners of the house where they stayed have long been dead, but local residents are looking after him. We got to the village by car, and then we had 200 km to the plateau on snowmobiles, - says Ekaterina.

By the way, in the early spring period, the path from Burmantovo is not only the safest, but also the fastest in comparison with the rest. The road, called a winter road, allows you to move at a speed of up to 45 km per hour. But it is worth noting that the total mileage along such a route turns out to be slightly more than through the mountains.

150 kilometers fly by without any complications or surprises. Fluffy fir trees, lifting their snow hats, warmly welcome new guests. Rivers are also encountered, the largest along the way - Northern Sosva, the rest, Leplja, Manya and Arbynya, remain almost imperceptible, but the fancy names indicate that they still exist. The main thing is that they are all harmless, and the further path is still safe, as far as possible in field conditions.

You can still find the stronghold of humanity in the taiga regions. About 45 kilometers before Manh Pupu Nier, near the Mania River, there is a geological base:

- There we met the supervisor of the farm, Leonid. He also receives tourists. There are several small houses. You can spend the night in them and leave some of your things to move on lightly. Which we, in general, did.

Difficulties began to be encountered along the way, probably in order to make the meeting of our travelers with the weathering pillars the most long-awaited. The path became very narrow, began to whip between the pines, and sometimes completely disappeared under the shallow streams. But the goal is more important than the circumstances.

Stonehenge in Ural style

- The last kilometers and meters to the pillars we walked groping - there was no visibility at all, - says Ekaterina.

But even in such conditions, you can arrange a complex of relaxation activities. Feel everything on your own skin, breathe, take a walk is priceless. The seed of tourism philosophy. But philosophical reflections do take place here. Fresh mountain air combined with an unusual picture blows out all mortal thoughts and brings the opposite - about the meaning of being. Try it - you'll love it.

It is clear that all types and beauty of Manh Pupu Nier can be viewed on the Internet. The associative row tells - what is this, like Stonehenge? No, the weathering pillars are formed naturally. The Russian version, more precisely, the Mansi version, has no analogues. Even for this reason, it will be pleasant if not to write on one of the large stone: "Vasya was here", then one day to declare, pointing to the photo: "Look, I was here!"

Ekaterina Rychkova is not only a tourist with 10 years of experience, but also with the title of CCM in sports tourism. She happened to see the Manh Pupu Nyer plateau in April 2016, when she was traveling on snowmobiles as part of a seven-person tour group. Her fascinating story intrigued us in earnest.

Where to eat and stop?

Responsibility for snacks, and it would be better, of course, for full meals - lies entirely with tourists. The amount of provisions is directly proportional to the number of days on the trip, as well as the composition of the team. The question "how much to hang in grams?" it is better to ask yourself long before the trip, to calculate to whom, what and in what quantity will obviously be useful, because on the way every can of canned food may seem like ballast.

Places in the Northern Urals have long been not deserted, and if you are lucky, you can come across some local house - a worthy place to sleep.

How to get there?

Hiking to the Manh Pupu Nier plateau can take up to two weeks. In transport, for example, snowmobiles, the time is reduced to several days.

From Pervouralsk to the village of Burmantovo more than 600 km by car, you need to keep the direction in the direction of Nizhny Tagil. From Burmantovo, change to snowmobiles and move towards the north, guided by the signs, about 200 km. You may have to walk part of the remaining path.

Tourist tours to Manh Pupu Nier with guides are also in great demand. There are enough options: by helicopter, and on foot, and extreme options. All this, of course, can cost a tidy sum. But it will clearly exclude an extra headache both regarding transport and the preparation of special documents for visiting the mysterious plateau.

What should be prepared for?

I sat down and went - it's not about a trip to the pillars on Manh Pupu Nier. And not because there are more and more people wishing to visit the plateau every year, although, to be honest, the place is a favorite among tourists. The main thing to remember is that the object is located on the territory of the Pechora-Ilychsky nature reserve. Before starting your journey, you should at least familiarize yourself with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental management, and even better - consult with the administration of the reserve. It is better not to visit the territory without the appropriate permission, since the security officers regularly patrol the protected areas.