Atlantis By Heinrich Schliemann - Alternative View

Atlantis By Heinrich Schliemann - Alternative View
Atlantis By Heinrich Schliemann - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis By Heinrich Schliemann - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis By Heinrich Schliemann - Alternative View
Video: Stuff You Should Know SYSK Selects Was Atlantis A Real Place 2024, October

The well-known researcher of the problem of Atlantis V. Shcherbakov published in the almanac "On the Verge of the Impossible" (No. 7 (173) 1997) an article about another sensational find, in addition to the discovery of the legendary Troy, made by the famous archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. It is not known why, but G. Schliemann until his death was silent about everything that he managed to learn about the sunken continent - the legendary Atlantis.

Only 22 years after the death of G. Schliemann, his grandson Paul Schliemann revealed to the world the results of his grandfather's "secret" research on the problem of Plato's Atlantis. Paul Schliemann wrote:

“My grandfather, Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, a few days before his death, which occurred in 1890 in Naples, gave one of his best friends a sealed envelope with the following inscription:“Only a family member who swears to devote his whole life is allowed to open the searches mentioned here."

An hour before his death, my grandfather asked for a piece of paper and a pencil. With a trembling hand he wrote:

“A secret note on the sealed envelope. You must break the owl-headed vase after examining its contents. It concerns Atlantis. Dig in the eastern part of the Sais Temple and Shakuna Cemetery. It is important. If you find evidence to support my theory, the night is approaching - goodbye."

My grandfather ordered to give this letter to his friend, who handed it over for safekeeping in one of the French banks. After several years of study in Russia, Germany and in the East, I decided to continue the work of my famous grandfather. In 1906 I took an oath and broke the seal. The envelope contained photographs of numerous documents."

So, it was about Atlantis. Heinrich Schliemann was sincerely convinced that Atlantis was not only a large continent between America and the western coasts of Africa and Europe, but also the cradle of human culture. And there are facts confirming its existence!

During excavations in 1873 on the ruins of Troy, G. Schliemann found an unusual-looking bronze vase. It contained clay shards, small gold items, coins and objects made of fossilized bones. On some of them, as well as on a bronze vase, the inscription was made in Egyptian hieroglyphs: "From the king Chronos of Atlantis."

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Ten years later, Schliemann discovered a collection of objects from Central America in the Louvre. Among them there was also a vase, and in it were clay shards and objects of fossilized bones - exactly the same as in the bronze vase from Troy.

G. Schliemann investigated these findings chemically, studied them under a microscope. Analyzes showed that the shards were made of homogeneous clay, but this material was not from ancient Phenicia or Central America. The study of the same metal objects gave an amazing result: they consisted of platinum, aluminum and copper - an alloy unknown to this day.

An extraordinary discovery forced G. Schliemann to continue his search. And in one of the museums of St. Petersburg, he found an ancient papyrus containing a description of an expedition (about 4571 BC), which went in search of traces of the country Atlantis, from where the ancestors of the Egyptians arrived 3350 years before the creation of the papyrus itself. The expedition returned six years later, never meeting any continent and not finding any traces that would tell about the fate of the vanished country.

The veil of secrecy was revealed by an inscription on the Lion's Gate in the ancient Greek city of Mycenae: it said that Mismor, from which the Egyptians descended, was the son of the Egyptian god Thoth. And Thoth, in turn, was the son of a priest from Atlantis, in love with the daughter of the king Chronos. Forced because of this to flee Atlantis, after long wanderings he arrived in Egypt. It was Thoth who built the first temple in the city of Sais and passed on to people the knowledge acquired in his native country.

And the last thing that Heinrich Schliemann managed to write about Atlantis:

“… I came to the conclusion that neither the Egyptians nor the Mayans… were never good navigators, never had ships on which to cross the Atlantic Ocean. We can also say with full confidence that the Phoenicians would not have been able to establish a connection between the countries of the two hemispheres. But the similarities between Egyptian culture and Maya culture are so great that they cannot be considered accidental. There are no such accidents. The possibility is not excluded that once, as the legends say, there was a huge continent that connected the so-called New World with the Old. It was Atlantis. Its inhabitants established their colonies in Central America."

Inspired by his grandfather's ideas and findings, Paul Schliemann worked tirelessly for six years in Egypt, Central America and various archaeological museums around the world. He managed to discover new facts confirming the former existence of this powerful state, from which all subsequent civilizations originate.

First of all, P. Schliemann went to Paris to find a second vase, which originated from Central America and which his grandfather had reported. It turned out to be a copy of a Trojan vase. At the bottom of it, he found a quadrangular silver-white metal plate, apparently a coin, with intricate figures and signs that did not look like the usual hieroglyphs or letters. They were on one side, while on the back there was an inscription in ancient Phoenician script: "Issued in the Temple of transparent walls."

P. Schliemann considered that if the vase was made in Atlantis, then the coin should come from the same place. In addition, he found other objects in the Louvre, whose homeland was Atlantis. Among them were a ring made of the same amazing metal as the coins, an extraordinary elephant made of fossilized bone, and others.

After leaving Paris, P. Schliemann again went to Egypt and began excavations in the ancient ruins of the city of Sais. For a long time they were sterile. But once, having met an Egyptian shooter, who showed him his collection of ancient coins, P. Schliemann discovered two coins among them, which almost did not differ from those found in the Atlantis vases! By the way, on the west coast of Africa, Schliemann Jr. managed to find a sculptural image of a child's head made of the same metal as the ring and coins. However, all this seemed to P. Schliemann to be insufficient, so he went to excavations in Peru and Mexico. Here's what he wrote about their results:

“I have searched in cemeteries and excavated in cities. Finally, in a pyramid at Teotihuacan in Mexico, I found coins from the same alloy, but with different inscriptions. I have reason to assert that these unusual coins were used in Atlantis as money forty thousand years ago. This assumption is based not only on my own research, but also on some of my grandfather's works … The evidence I have found quite convinces me that the cultures of Egypt, Mycenae, Central and South America, as well as the cultures of the Mediterranean, have a common source.

Further, Schliemann Jr., based on two ancient manuscripts (one from Tibet and the other from Central America), provides evidence on the catastrophe that resulted in the death of the country … Mu ?!

"It will cease to be a mystery when I give the rest of the facts I know."

But he did not have time to do this. The Second World War began. It is not known where P. Schliemann was and what he did during those war years. It is only known that after the war the scientist was no longer alive. According to one version, he was allegedly shot in the Balkans by the allies as a German spy. All the relics from Atlantis disappeared with him …

Subsequent attempts to obtain any information from the now living members of the Schliemann family constantly ran into a dull and even, to some extent, mysterious silence … Perhaps, like P. Schliemann, they were bound by some kind of family oath to keep secrets?..