Futuristic 2024, September

By 2030, Almost 40% Of Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View

By 2030, Almost 40% Of Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View

Almost 40% of jobs could be taken over by robots and artificial intelligence by the 2030s. Nearly two out of every five jobs could belong to robots in just 15 years, says a new report

NASA: We Will Build An Orbiting Lunar Station By 2030 - Alternative View

NASA: We Will Build An Orbiting Lunar Station By 2030 - Alternative View

One of the most important goals set by the American aerospace agency NASA is to deliver a man to Mars. The idea has been nurtured for many years, and lately there have been real shifts in this direction

Stephen Hawking Named Four Doomsday Scenarios - Alternative View

Stephen Hawking Named Four Doomsday Scenarios - Alternative View

The end of the world for the Earth is most often announced by mystics. Predictions from "soothsayers" sounded in 2000, and in 2007, and in 2012. These forecasts most often do not tolerate any criticism, and for the most part, they do not affect public opinion

Physicists Have Begun Raising Funds For An Antimatter Engine - Alternative View

Physicists Have Begun Raising Funds For An Antimatter Engine - Alternative View

American physicists, including a former Fermilab lab employee, have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to build an antimatter engine. Reported by Popular Science

The Pentagon Is Concerned About The Attempts Of Russia And China To Create Killer Robots - Alternative View

The Pentagon Is Concerned About The Attempts Of Russia And China To Create Killer Robots - Alternative View

The Pentagon is paying close attention to attempts by China and Russia to create autonomous killer robots. This was stated by Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work (Robert Work)

DARPA Wants To Create An Advanced Neural Interface "Brain - Computer "- Alternative View

DARPA Wants To Create An Advanced Neural Interface "Brain - Computer "- Alternative View

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced the start of a program aimed at developing a high-tech implant capable of creating a kind of communication bridge between the human brain and biocompatible

In 30-40 Years, The Synthesized Substance Will Replace Alcohol - Alternative View

In 30-40 Years, The Synthesized Substance Will Replace Alcohol - Alternative View

A group of scientists from the United States managed to synthesize a substance that in the future can replace alcohol and save people from the severe consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages such as addiction and hangover

Leading Physicist: “Quantum Computers - An Instrument Of Destruction, Not Creation "- Alternative View

Leading Physicist: “Quantum Computers - An Instrument Of Destruction, Not Creation "- Alternative View

Quantum computers are considered by the IT industry as the next step in the evolution of digital information processing technologies

In The USA, A Sports League Of Fighting Robots Will Be Created - Alternative View

In The USA, A Sports League Of Fighting Robots Will Be Created - Alternative View

It seems that the plot of the Hollywood movie Real Steel may come true in the very near future. California startup MegaBots Inc

An Orbital Camp On Mars Will Be Created By 2028 - Alternative View

An Orbital Camp On Mars Will Be Created By 2028 - Alternative View

Lockheed Martin announced plans to send humans on a three-day flight around Mars

How Mars Will Become Earth: Terraforming Mars - Alternative View

How Mars Will Become Earth: Terraforming Mars - Alternative View

We tried to go into space for decades, but until 2000 our stay in orbit was usually temporary

Is Humanity Threatened By "digital Dementia" - Alternative View

Is Humanity Threatened By "digital Dementia" - Alternative View

We understand together with an expert what dangers the computer revolution is fraught with. Some scientists believe that computer technologies give a person fantastic new opportunities. Others believe that they will wean humanity from thinking

The Largest Objects Humanity Will Build In Space: The Future Has Become A Reality - Alternative View

The Largest Objects Humanity Will Build In Space: The Future Has Become A Reality - Alternative View

In the near future, the largest buildings will not be built on the planet, but in space. Archinaut - a prototype of a unique 3D printer that can print structures of any size right in the Earth's orbit

How To Build A Dyson Swarm And Why Is It Needed - Alternative View

How To Build A Dyson Swarm And Why Is It Needed - Alternative View

For anyone with an interest in science fiction, the Dyson Sphere can almost act as the Holy Grail

When Will We Make Robots Like In The "wild West"? - Alternative View

When Will We Make Robots Like In The "wild West"? - Alternative View

Although we will not learn how to create robots with artificial intelligence, like those in the series "Westworld", progress in the field of 3D printing of organic materials is moving very, very well

Starting From Scratch: How To Recreate A Society After The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Starting From Scratch: How To Recreate A Society After The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Scientist working on technologies for future flights to Mars has written a manual on how to rebuild civilization after the apocalypse. Imagine: the world as you knew it came to an end yesterday

In 25 Years, People Will Turn Into Biorobots - Alternative View

In 25 Years, People Will Turn Into Biorobots - Alternative View

Futurist Ray Kurzweil claims that in 25 years, humans will turn into biorobots. According to his forecasts, by 2041, microchips and other devices will begin to be introduced into the human brain and body

An Army Of Cyborg Butterflies Is Coming - Alternative View

An Army Of Cyborg Butterflies Is Coming - Alternative View

Cyborg insects will soon be able to replace humans in high-risk reconnaissance operations, say American researchers

Scientists Have Created Miniature Biorobots - Alternative View

Scientists Have Created Miniature Biorobots - Alternative View

They are soft, biocompatible, about 7 mm long (that is, quite macro-sized) and are able to move independently

Biorobots In The Service Of Humans: The Future Belongs To Biotechnology - Alternative View

Biorobots In The Service Of Humans: The Future Belongs To Biotechnology - Alternative View

These living beings will never be able to live in freedom. Their genome has been redesigned many times for just one task - work tirelessly for a person. Millions of these biorobots produce in huge quantities what they themselves practically do not need

A Biorobot With A Heart, Lungs And Blood Has Been Created - Alternative View

A Biorobot With A Heart, Lungs And Blood Has Been Created - Alternative View

For years, bio-robots have only existed in science fiction's wildest fantasies

Human Symbiosis With A Robot - Alternative View

Human Symbiosis With A Robot - Alternative View

One of the most famous figures in the field of research into the possibility of longevity, founder of the SENS Research Foundation Aubrey de Gray claims that "many people living today will live a thousand years or longer."

10 Versions Of What Will Happen Next To Humanity - Alternative View

10 Versions Of What Will Happen Next To Humanity - Alternative View

Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts and other disasters constantly remind people that they are not so good at controlling the situation on Earth

10 Predictions About The World That Our Great-grandchildren Will Inherit From Us - Alternative View

10 Predictions About The World That Our Great-grandchildren Will Inherit From Us - Alternative View

What will our world look like in a hundred years? MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) economist Daron Acemoglu asked this question when he was waiting for the birth of his son

Posthuman Era - Alternative View

Posthuman Era - Alternative View

Computer technology is getting better day by day. Computing machines double their capacity every 18 months. Human interaction leaves its mark on the machine. She is becoming more and more like a living being

Teleportation And Weapons Of The Future - Alternative View

Teleportation And Weapons Of The Future - Alternative View

Scientists are on the verge of discoveries that will radically change the means and methods of warfare

The Future Of The Impossible - Alternative View

The Future Of The Impossible - Alternative View

In the history of science, this happened more than once: scientists argued that this or that phenomenon is impossible, and then it turned out that they were mistaken

Floating Cities Of The Future - Alternative View

Floating Cities Of The Future - Alternative View

The Water Circles concept involves converting old oil platforms into desalination plants. The water can be sent to dry countries or used for the food industry on site

Modified People: Pentagon Plans Take On Real Features - Alternative View

Modified People: Pentagon Plans Take On Real Features - Alternative View

Having tried hundreds of ways to create superweapons, the American military decided to approach the case of high-tech killing from the other side - and ndash; "correct" the person himself. Who of us would not like to become stronger, faster, harder, smarter

Floating Arctic City Of The Future - Alternative View

Floating Arctic City Of The Future - Alternative View

As polar glaciers send more and more icebergs into the ocean, it comes as no surprise that people are trying to envision a future in which climate change is part of our lives

Fantastic Buildings Of The Future - Alternative View

Fantastic Buildings Of The Future - Alternative View

This building is already being called more stunning than even the Taj Mahal itself. Stretched for 100 meters and as if hovering over the city, the designer structure eclipses everything that has ever been built in the history of India

The Cities Of The Future Are Already A Reality - Alternative View

The Cities Of The Future Are Already A Reality - Alternative View

Science fiction writers, back in the 30s of the last century, dreamed of the life of a man of the future in unusual environments

By 2062, The Architects Propose To Print A Skyscraper 4.8 Km High - Alternative View

By 2062, The Architects Propose To Print A Skyscraper 4.8 Km High - Alternative View

According to modern architects, it is quite possible that many kilometers of towers will become part of the megacities of the future

The First Space City Will Be Built In 50 Years - Alternative View

The First Space City Will Be Built In 50 Years - Alternative View

Many people talk about the colonization of planets. There are several daring projects to build bases on the Moon and Mars. They are sponsored by both government space agencies and private corporations

The City Of Free People In The Ocean - Alternative View

The City Of Free People In The Ocean - Alternative View

Soon, the first floating country will appear near the island of Tahiti. Seasteading, a nonprofit institute, will undertake this project. The city on drifting pontoons is going to "free people from politicians" in the next 10 years

Bill Gates Will Build His "smart City" - Alternative View

Bill Gates Will Build His "smart City" - Alternative View

Bill Gates' investment company acquired 10 thousand hectares of land near Phoenix, the capital of Arizona

The "City Of Free People" Will Appear In The Ocean - Alternative View

The "City Of Free People" Will Appear In The Ocean - Alternative View

PayPal creator Peter Thiel will sponsor the creation of a floating city of free people. The city is slated to set sail in the open ocean by 2020

Google Will Build An Experimental City - Alternative View

Google Will Build An Experimental City - Alternative View

Google launches Sidewalk Labs to build a unique community with high-tech urban innovation

2027: What Will Your House Be Like In 10 Years - Alternative View

2027: What Will Your House Be Like In 10 Years - Alternative View

How did the dreamers of the last century see the houses of the future? The man of the XXI century was supposed to be surrounded by humanoid robots, obediently carrying out the commands of their masters. But naive futuristic concepts were never realized

Cities On Tracks And Wheels - Alternative View

Cities On Tracks And Wheels - Alternative View

World Upside Down (1974) is the most famous science fiction novel by Christopher Priest, which takes place in a mysterious city on wheels that moves along the surface of the planet along rails from south to north at an average speed of one mi