Futuristic 2024, September

Sex With A Machine: Robot - It's Always Cool - Alternative View

Sex With A Machine: Robot - It's Always Cool - Alternative View

More than just a toy: manufacturers are striving to create ever more realistic sex robots. Can humans transfer all their fantasies to robots? Sex with real people may soon be a relic of the past

Sex With Robots - A Sign Of Democracy? Expert Opinion - Alternative View

Sex With Robots - A Sign Of Democracy? Expert Opinion - Alternative View

At the V International Conference Skolkovo Robotics, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Yekaterina Shulman said: love for robots in Japan means that democracy is flourishing in the country

Sex Dolls And Androids In The Future Can Replace Wives And Husbands For People - Alternative View

Sex Dolls And Androids In The Future Can Replace Wives And Husbands For People - Alternative View

In the near future, the sex toy industry will lead to androids becoming the replacement for wives and husbands. In particular, the development of prostitution with the use not of living people, but of aggregates, is predicted at the global level in the next 10 years

Sex Bots Can Literally Love Us To Death - Alternative View

Sex Bots Can Literally Love Us To Death - Alternative View

At the second International Conference on Love and Sex with Robots (yes, that's what it's called), Swiss researcher Oliver Bendel, who spoke to the audience, expressed concerns about the prospects for the development of the sphere of robotic lovers

Hawking's Last Fear Revealed - Alternative View

Hawking's Last Fear Revealed - Alternative View

English physicist Stephen Hawking, who died in March this year, predicted shortly before his death that in the future there would be a race of superhumans who would become a threat to humanity. This is reported by TASS with reference to The Sunday Times

Changing The Human Genome: How It Will Affect The World - Alternative View

Changing The Human Genome: How It Will Affect The World - Alternative View

In just a decade, HIV and cancer may no longer be a death sentence, and the question of how to provide themselves with food will no longer be faced even by the inhabitants of the Sahara

How Does Spider-Man Work And Can Superhumans Appear In The Future? - Alternative View

How Does Spider-Man Work And Can Superhumans Appear In The Future? - Alternative View

This story has been told in thousands of Marvel comics, hundreds of cartoon series and several box-office blockbusters about Spider-Man and his exploits

Dubai Authorities Will Create A Superman - Alternative View

Dubai Authorities Will Create A Superman - Alternative View

The idea of creating a grandiose biobank, born in the Dubai Health Department, has ambitious goals - and mdash; it is assumed that by collecting the DNA of all residents of the emirate, the UAE authorities will be able to bring out the "superman"

The Era Of A Man With A Superintelligence Is Not Far Off At All - Alternative View

The Era Of A Man With A Superintelligence Is Not Far Off At All - Alternative View

Thanks to genetic engineering, the world will have the smartest people who ever existed

In The Future, The Human Body Can Be Completely Replaced - Alternative View

In The Future, The Human Body Can Be Completely Replaced - Alternative View

The expert also stressed that technology can allow a person to replace the body, but the intelligence itself will remain intact. In interview with Daily Star Online, Chris Middleton talks about how robots and artificial intelligence can help people live forever

Scientists Predicted A Disappointing Future: People Will Turn Into Zombie Robots - Alternative View

Scientists Predicted A Disappointing Future: People Will Turn Into Zombie Robots - Alternative View

Recently neuroscientist Mikhail Lebedev put forward the idea that people will soon become one with machines, that is, they will look more like robots than living creatures

The Imminent Future Of Mankind Is Predicted - Alternative View

The Imminent Future Of Mankind Is Predicted - Alternative View

Scientists at the University of California, Irvine have found that in the future, the average body weight of men will increase, and women will start having children earlier, writes The Guardian

The Scientist Proposed To Create "Human 2.0" For Life In The Ocean - Alternative View

The Scientist Proposed To Create "Human 2.0" For Life In The Ocean - Alternative View

Humanity is looking for planets suitable for life or inhabited by any living organisms, but so far it often finds oceanic worlds. They are not suitable as a habitat for humans, but there is a way out

Future Inventions: What Innovations Will The World See In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View

Future Inventions: What Innovations Will The World See In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View

What will the future of humanity look like? What will happen in 25 years? What innovation will change the world? Which invention will have the most dramatic impact on what planet Earth will look like in a quarter century?

What Will The People Of The Future Be Like - Alternative View

What Will The People Of The Future Be Like - Alternative View

If we proceed from the fact that the theory of evolution is correct, then people, as a species, in their present state will remain practically unchanged

People Of The Future Will Forget How To Experience Happiness - Alternative View

People Of The Future Will Forget How To Experience Happiness - Alternative View

US scientists working as psychologists at the University of San Diego (California) came to a disappointing conclusion. In their opinion, people of the future will lose the ability to experience happiness

In 20 Years, People Will Begin To Turn Into Real Cyborgs - Alternative View

In 20 Years, People Will Begin To Turn Into Real Cyborgs - Alternative View

Scientists say that in 20 years people will be able to make real cyborgs out of themselves. It is about replacing parts of the human body with automatic mechanics

What People Will Look Like In A Thousand Years - Alternative View

What People Will Look Like In A Thousand Years - Alternative View

Humanity continues to evolve. Where will evolution lead us over the next thousand years? We'll probably get taller. Over the past 130 years, people have grown significantly

By Becoming Cyborgs, Can We Protect Our Brains From Hacking? - Alternative View

By Becoming Cyborgs, Can We Protect Our Brains From Hacking? - Alternative View

The rapid development of the field of brain-machine interfaces and neuroprosthetics is gradually leading us to a revolution in the methods of treatment and support for paralyzed people

Who Are They, People Of The Future? - Alternative View

Who Are They, People Of The Future? - Alternative View

It is generally accepted in the scientific world that human evolution continues. Therefore, as a result of mutations, a person can eventually take on a new look

Scientists Have Figured Out What People Will Look Like In 100 Years - Alternative View

Scientists Have Figured Out What People Will Look Like In 100 Years - Alternative View

A group of researchers at Harvard University led by Juan Henriquez figured out what people will look like after 100 years

In The XXII Century, Humanity Will Change Dramatically - Alternative View

In The XXII Century, Humanity Will Change Dramatically - Alternative View

One of the world's leading scientists, a researcher at the SETI Institute, warned that the 21st century could be the last for humanity as we know it

Human Upgrade Will Become A Multi-billion Dollar Industry - Alternative View

Human Upgrade Will Become A Multi-billion Dollar Industry - Alternative View

Science fiction films often exploit a scenario where people are improved by technology. Often this is done either by evil corporations for the purpose of total control and profit, or only the protagonist gets the upgrade to fight evil

A Fat Person With Cancer Will Become The Norm In The Future - Alternative View

A Fat Person With Cancer Will Become The Norm In The Future - Alternative View

Experts from the British organization Cancer Research UK have calculated that in the near future an obese person suffering from cancer will become the norm in society. This is reported by The Telegraph

A Nanotech Future With A Superman - Alternative View

A Nanotech Future With A Superman - Alternative View

It is difficult to imagine life in a developed society without mobile communication and navigation devices, without access to the Internet and e-mail, without transportation and logistics services

The Date Of The Disappearance Of Homo Sapiens - Alternative View

The Date Of The Disappearance Of Homo Sapiens - Alternative View

American astronomer, specialist in the search for extraterrestrial civilizations Seth Shostak named the date of extinction of the species Homo sapiens. According to his calculations, after 100 years, modern man will cease to be the dominant species on Earth

Who Will Our Distant Descendants Look Like - Alternative View

Who Will Our Distant Descendants Look Like - Alternative View

Polar explorers, aquatic and MartiansPaleoanthropologist Matthew Skinner of the University of Kent (Dr Matthew Skinner, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Kent) and artist Quentin Devine, who joined him in assistance, presented tr

The Irishman Wants To Be Officially Recognized Cyborg - Alternative View

The Irishman Wants To Be Officially Recognized Cyborg - Alternative View

In blind people, lost vision is partially compensated for by acute hearing and touch. The Irishman Neil Harbisson has normal vision, but cannot distinguish colors. A special apparatus on the head informs him about the color and its shades with sounds

Elon Musk: We Are Facing A Choice - Turn Into Cyborgs Or "pets" For Robots - Alternative View

Elon Musk: We Are Facing A Choice - Turn Into Cyborgs Or "pets" For Robots - Alternative View

Billionaire Elon Musk, head of Tesla and SpaceX, said that humans must turn into cyborgs in order not to become “domestic cats” with robots significantly superior in intelligence

High-tech Robotic Cockroaches - Pets Of A New Generation - Alternative View

High-tech Robotic Cockroaches - Pets Of A New Generation - Alternative View

The Bible says: "Love your enemy," but can we, mere mortals, not know that sometimes it is almost impossible! However, the road will be mastered by the one walking, and why not start loving your enemies small

Business Leaders Are Of The Opinion That Technology Will Make People Unnecessary - Alternative View

Business Leaders Are Of The Opinion That Technology Will Make People Unnecessary - Alternative View

While artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and other new technologies can change the world we are used to, a new global study shows that most owners value technology more than people when it comes to their business

Biomechanics In Medicine - It's Cyborg Time? - Alternative View

Biomechanics In Medicine - It's Cyborg Time? - Alternative View

With the development of technology, the joint efforts of designers and doctors are already able to give a full life to any disabled person, replacing a sick or lost organ with a multifunctional prosthesis

Cyber immortality Is Near - Alternative View

Cyber immortality Is Near - Alternative View

"A person is alive as long as the memory of him lives", - said the ancients. Or as long as his own memory is alive, scientists decided

David Eidelman: The Rich Will Soon Turn Into Cyborgs - Alternative View

David Eidelman: The Rich Will Soon Turn Into Cyborgs - Alternative View

David Eidelman is sure that very soon there will be a division of all people into two classes: those who can taste all the delights of life and innovation, as well as those who will just watch what is happening all their lives

Will Humans Become Cyborgs? - Alternative View

Will Humans Become Cyborgs? - Alternative View

The concept of "cybernetic organism" (abbreviated "cyborg") in 1960 was invented by the engineer and psychiatrist Manfred Klines. He believed that it would be cyborgs that could be sent into space, since an ordinary person would not be able to transfer the load during takeoff

Technologies That Will Make Other Planets Livable - Alternative View

Technologies That Will Make Other Planets Livable - Alternative View

Terraforming the planet can take a whole millennium or more. All because of titanic tasks

Robots With Almost Human Brains Can Become A Reality - Alternative View

Robots With Almost Human Brains Can Become A Reality - Alternative View

Scientists have been striving for decades to build a machine that thinks like a human. And now they think they are only a few steps from the finish line

Kill Yourself To Become A Cyborg - Alternative View

Kill Yourself To Become A Cyborg - Alternative View

The American scientist seriously intends to kill himself for a further return to life. This is the first such experiment. Scientist Ken Hayworth decided to conduct a dangerous scientific experiment

Forecast: The Era Of Cyborgs Will Begin After 2030 - Alternative View

Forecast: The Era Of Cyborgs Will Begin After 2030 - Alternative View

Recently gaining popularity, robotic artificial limbs (prostheses with a neurointerface) will become the beginning of the "era of cyborgs" - the union of man and machines, gradually turning into symbiosis

When Can We Become Supermen? - Alternative View

When Can We Become Supermen? - Alternative View

If you had the opportunity to combine your current mind and body with technology that will give you superhuman abilities and allow you to live forever, would you go for it? This is the essence of such a movement as transhumanism