Futuristic 2024, September

By 2025 They Promise To Build The First Space Hotel - Alternative View

By 2025 They Promise To Build The First Space Hotel - Alternative View

As the popularity of adventure tourism continues to grow, any tours are offered. But for bored tourists, all of this is not enough … They now want to go into space.One of the space startups hopes to launch the first luxury hotel in space called the Von Braun Space Station. T

By 2030, Japan Can Build An Underwater City-house - Alternative View

By 2030, Japan Can Build An Underwater City-house - Alternative View

Self-sufficient underwater cities intended for permanent residence - sounds like an idea for a science fiction movie, right? But Japanese architects say that this could become a reality by 2030

Utopia For The Middle Kingdom - Alternative View

Utopia For The Middle Kingdom - Alternative View

AT Design Office has unveiled the concept of a "Floating City" to be erected in China. How do you envision the cities of the future?

6 Utopian Cities Of The Future That Will Help To Imagine Life After A Hundred Years - Alternative View

6 Utopian Cities Of The Future That Will Help To Imagine Life After A Hundred Years - Alternative View

The book "Utopia", written by the English lawyer and priest Thomas More, has existed for five hundred years

The Destruction Of Plants Threatens The Entire Human Civilization - Alternative View

The Destruction Of Plants Threatens The Entire Human Civilization - Alternative View

If humans do not slow down the destruction of plant life, human civilization could be threatened with extinction

Houses Of The Future - Alternative View

Houses Of The Future - Alternative View

“This is an uncle with a beard. This is a house with a pipe. Well, what is this? Incomprehensible, wonderful …”Today, uncles with a beard are rebuilding a house with a chimney. And they call their creations not "byaka - hardened bites", but - the houses of the future

Multidimensional Society Of The Future - Alternative View

Multidimensional Society Of The Future - Alternative View

Supporters of the social revolution are often reproached for the lack of models of the future society, and, more importantly, the experience of an alternative to the modern system of economic and socio-cultural life

Criminals Of The Future Will Serve Their Sentences "mentally" - Alternative View

Criminals Of The Future Will Serve Their Sentences "mentally" - Alternative View

A group of American researchers led by Professor Rebecca Roach has proposed an alternative method of punishment for especially serious criminals

Perhaps, In The Near Future, People Will Learn To Grow New Limbs For Themselves - Alternative View

Perhaps, In The Near Future, People Will Learn To Grow New Limbs For Themselves - Alternative View

I think many of our readers have watched the recent film based on the comic "Deadpool". In one of his scenes, the protagonist cuts off his hand to free himself from the handcuffs, and then, within a couple of days, grows a completely new limb for himself

After 30 Years, People Were Promised To Raise From The Dead - Alternative View

After 30 Years, People Were Promised To Raise From The Dead - Alternative View

To do this, it is proposed to transplant the brain into a bionic body American entrepreneur Josh Bocanegra issued a statement that by 2045 the resurrection of people from the dead will become a reality

Sci-fi Technologies That Bring Us Closer To Immortality - Alternative View

Sci-fi Technologies That Bring Us Closer To Immortality - Alternative View

The average life expectancy is constantly increasing. We are constantly improving our knowledge of medicine and the human body

The Elite Will Become Immortal. What Will The Richest Superhumans Do To Humanity? - Alternative View

The Elite Will Become Immortal. What Will The Richest Superhumans Do To Humanity? - Alternative View

Western thinkers are convinced that globalization will bring equality and freedom to humanity. This, they say, is its main goal. But in fact, everything is exactly the opposite. Futurologists predict that in the future society will split into castes

The Quest For Immortality Can Divide Humanity Into Two Classes - Alternative View

The Quest For Immortality Can Divide Humanity Into Two Classes - Alternative View

The Immortals Last year, former Facebook president Sean Parker, at a cancer treatment innovation event, envisioned an almost fantasy scenario for the near future in which the super-rich could defeat death

The Era Of Immortality - Alternative View

The Era Of Immortality - Alternative View

Since ancient times, a person has been worried about the question of life and death - the great sages of the past, alchemists and sorcerers tried to penetrate the secret of eternal youth. However, human life sooner or later ends, and this process is provided by nature itself

The Next Improved Version Of Me, Or How To Live Forever - Alternative View

The Next Improved Version Of Me, Or How To Live Forever - Alternative View

George Church looks like a giant compared to ordinary people

The Scientist Predicted Immortality On Earth - Alternative View

The Scientist Predicted Immortality On Earth - Alternative View

The rapid technological development of humanity will allow people to come closer to immortality within the next two hundred years. So says Yuval Noah Harari, an Israeli expert in history and philosophy

Will Humanity Be Able To Gain Immortality In The Near Future? - Alternative View

Will Humanity Be Able To Gain Immortality In The Near Future? - Alternative View

Humanity began to actively seek a way to "cure" its own mortality since ancient times. It is for this that almost all religions and gods exist - to provide people with eternal life, because no one wants to die forever

Cancellation Of Old Age: Is It Possible? If Necessary? - Alternative View

Cancellation Of Old Age: Is It Possible? If Necessary? - Alternative View

Eternal youth attracted the minds of people - I'm not afraid to say - thousands years. But let's imagine that we finally get to this goal. What will happen next? In the 1850s, life expectancy in many countries of the world was only 40 years

The Most Anticipated Futuristic Gadgets - Alternative View

The Most Anticipated Futuristic Gadgets - Alternative View

Many of us watched sci-fi movies as children and imagined what the future would be like

After 30 Years, Children Can Begin To Be Massively Reared Outside The Human Body - Alternative View

After 30 Years, Children Can Begin To Be Massively Reared Outside The Human Body - Alternative View

A technology known as ectogenesis has been in development since 2001. Experiments have already been carried out to grow embryos in an artificial womb attached to a placental machine

Genetic Threat To The Future Of Humanity - Alternative View

Genetic Threat To The Future Of Humanity - Alternative View

Man with pleasure (and, I must say, with a fairly great skill) controls the evolution of many species of plants and animals

In The Future, Children Can Be Raised In An Artificial Womb - Alternative View

In The Future, Children Can Be Raised In An Artificial Womb - Alternative View

Doctors are currently completing work on the creation of artificial wombs in which embryos can develop outside the mother's body

12 Incredible Futuristic Predictions Of The Past - Alternative View

12 Incredible Futuristic Predictions Of The Past - Alternative View

Every year we see the emergence of many technological improvements, developments, breakthroughs that make - what a soul to bend - our life is better. And every year people continue to try to predict how these developments will change our future

Humanity Leaves The Womb - Alternative View

Humanity Leaves The Womb - Alternative View

In world science, a super-sensation: the revolutionary breakthrough was made by the Japanese professor Yoshinori Kuwabara - he created an artificial uterus and managed to raise a kid in it. Now there is no longer any doubt: it's up to the homunculus, which scientists raved about since the 13th century

The Pentagon Creates Cyborgs - Alternative View

The Pentagon Creates Cyborgs - Alternative View

The Pentagon has begun to develop technology that will allow a soldier to connect to an external computer using an implantable neurointerface. The project was named NESD (Neural Engineering System Design)

By 2050, The World's Population Will Be 9.7 Billion People - Alternative View

By 2050, The World's Population Will Be 9.7 Billion People - Alternative View

The rapid development of medical technologies over the past decades allows humanity to increase life expectancy on average and produce more healthy children

Is America Preparing For A Tremendous Technological Breakthrough That Will Determine The Future Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Is America Preparing For A Tremendous Technological Breakthrough That Will Determine The Future Of Humanity? - Alternative View

A thousand years - it is just a thousand revolutions of the planet Earth around the Sun. In other words, on a cosmic scale - instant And in that instant, human civilization made an information explosion

By 2050, Humanity Will Be Able To Communicate Practically Without Words - Alternative View

By 2050, Humanity Will Be Able To Communicate Practically Without Words - Alternative View

By 2050, people will speak little, but they will be able to communicate using only their thoughts. This will become possible through the "collective consciousness of AI", which is part of the tissue of the human brain and can demonstrate what and what a person is thinking

Most Countries Can Fully Switch To Renewable Energy By 2050 - Alternative View

Most Countries Can Fully Switch To Renewable Energy By 2050 - Alternative View

Scientists have assessed the prospects for the transition to renewable energy sources. According to experts, by the middle of the XXI century, at least 139 countries of the world will be able to make such a transition. An international team of scientists led by Mark Z

Scientists Have Told How People Will Live In 100 Years - Alternative View

Scientists Have Told How People Will Live In 100 Years - Alternative View

According to American futurists Ian Pearson and Patrick Tucker, after a few decades, many of the ideas of science fiction writers will become commonplace. By 2112, a person will learn to read thoughts and transmit them over a distance

Global Changes Will Occur In People's Lives In 100 Years - Alternative View

Global Changes Will Occur In People's Lives In 100 Years - Alternative View

Scientists from all over the world agree that humanity is on the verge of global changes that will take place, experts are sure, within 100 years. As scientists explain, innovative technologies are now developing very actively

Futurists Predict Women Freedom From Household Chores In 34 Years - Alternative View

Futurists Predict Women Freedom From Household Chores In 34 Years - Alternative View

As you know, women never end their business. But the days when cooking, cleaning and other housework will sink into oblivion are already very close, futurologists predict

Will The Earth Be Able To Support 9 Billion People By 2050? - Alternative View

Will The Earth Be Able To Support 9 Billion People By 2050? - Alternative View

Will the Earth withstand overpopulation? The issue of the size of the world population is very acute. Its exponential and uneven growth can be disastrous if we don't prepare for it

American Companies Will Help Europe Build A Village On The Moon - Alternative View

American Companies Will Help Europe Build A Village On The Moon - Alternative View

President Obama may not want to go back to the moon, but the same cannot be said for everyone else around. Russia plans its first manned missions to our natural satellite

2050: The Infrastructure Of The Future - Alternative View

2050: The Infrastructure Of The Future - Alternative View

Much of the world around us is shaped around key infrastructure elements. Many see this as a testament to who we are - society and part of the cultural landmark that should lead us into the future

Scientists Have Figured Out How The Driver Of The Future Should Look Like - Alternative View

Scientists Have Figured Out How The Driver Of The Future Should Look Like - Alternative View

The man was modernized so that he was not afraid of car accidents The famous Australian artist Patricia Piccinini (Melbourne sculptor Patricia Piccinini) depicted a superman who will survive even the worst road accident

Regeneration Of Body Parts - Our Future - Alternative View

Regeneration Of Body Parts - Our Future - Alternative View

Intestinal worms have an incredible ability to regenerate. Humans and these worms have many genes in common, so scientists are studying the latter in the hope of someday stimulating regeneration in humans

Scientists In The Future Will Be Able To Cultivate Lost Limbs - Alternative View

Scientists In The Future Will Be Able To Cultivate Lost Limbs - Alternative View

Scientists from Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory have found a way to increase the regenerative capacity of humans

The Ideal Killers Will Be Sex Robots - Alternative View

The Ideal Killers Will Be Sex Robots - Alternative View

Cybersecurity experts believe electronic lovers will be too vulnerable to hackers With the advent of the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, there is no shortage of visionaries who paint the future of humankind in dark colors

Experts Talked About The Prospects For Sex Robots - Alternative View

Experts Talked About The Prospects For Sex Robots - Alternative View

Recent advances in science and technology unequivocally indicate that the weather in human life in the future will be made by technology and sexual relations here, probably no exception