Futuristic 2024, September

10 Types Of Creatures That Can Inherit The Earth - Alternative View

10 Types Of Creatures That Can Inherit The Earth - Alternative View

Homo sapiens turns out to be a very confident species that can call itself "smart"

Japanese Experts Told In What Areas Robots Will Replace Humans - Alternative View

Japanese Experts Told In What Areas Robots Will Replace Humans - Alternative View

Artificial intelligence and the coexistence of a person with him in the same society is not science fiction: in two or three years it will become a common occurrence in the house, and some types of work are already confidently performing instead of a person

The Terms Of The Disappearance Of The Professions Of A Surgeon And A Writer Have Been Named - Alternative View

The Terms Of The Disappearance Of The Professions Of A Surgeon And A Writer Have Been Named - Alternative View

Scientists from the Institute for the Future of Humanity at Oxford University (UK) and the Department of Political Science at Yale University (USA) have estimated the time frame when artificial intelligence will surpass the capabilities of the human mind

Microsoft Has Published A List Of The 10 Most Relevant Professions Of The Future - Alternative View

Microsoft Has Published A List Of The 10 Most Relevant Professions Of The Future - Alternative View

Today Microsoft has posted a list of professions that its analysts believe will be in demand in 10 years. The top includes professions related to science and space exploration. The full list is on the official website of the company

5 University Specialties That Will Lose Their Relevance In 20 Years - Alternative View

5 University Specialties That Will Lose Their Relevance In 20 Years - Alternative View

Remember the futuristic science fiction movies that showed a future world full of robots? Well, such a future is not far away. Robots are coming and they will take jobs from people

Who To Work If Robots Take Over The World? - Alternative View

Who To Work If Robots Take Over The World? - Alternative View

You've probably already heard that robots are going to take our jobs. And that this will allow future generations to finally do what they love, get carried away with hobbies and creativity

What Unusual Professions May Appear In The Future? - Alternative View

What Unusual Professions May Appear In The Future? - Alternative View

In recent years, digital and space technologies have greatly influenced our lives, gradually changing the labor market. Just imagine what these changes will be like in a few decades

7 Technologies That Rob People Of 101 Professions - Alternative View

7 Technologies That Rob People Of 101 Professions - Alternative View

The modern world - this is the world of technology development. Today, in a variety of industries, robots are increasingly used, which can often work more efficiently than people, because they do not need time to rest, they do not go on vacation or take a lunch break

Is It True That 47% Of Professions Will Disappear In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View

Is It True That 47% Of Professions Will Disappear In The Next 25 Years? - Alternative View

Trump's presidential campaign was based on promises to return jobs to the United States, although the main reason for their disappearance is the mechanization of many processes

The Scientist Predicted The Disappearance Of Millions Of Jobs Due To Robots - Alternative View

The Scientist Predicted The Disappearance Of Millions Of Jobs Due To Robots - Alternative View

Jobs in the industrial sector, which have been replaced by cars, will not return, in addition, after the commissioning of unmanned vehicles, drivers will also lose their jobs, according to renowned American scientist in the field of computing systems, Turing Prize laureate John Hopcroft

By 2025, Half Of The Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View

By 2025, Half Of The Jobs Will Be Occupied By Robots - Alternative View

This conclusion was made by researchers of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Today, machines only perform 29% of work tasks

Why Is The Work Of A Robot More Efficient Than A Human One - Alternative View

Why Is The Work Of A Robot More Efficient Than A Human One - Alternative View

The pace of development of artificial intelligence and robotics will ultimately leave many out of work, replacing human labor with the labor of robots and intelligent systems

In The Next 20 Years, Robots Will Leave People Out Of Work - Alternative View

In The Next 20 Years, Robots Will Leave People Out Of Work - Alternative View

Experts at the Bruegel Research Center in Brussels, which is engaged in research in the field of economics, came to the conclusion that in European countries most of the jobs will soon be automated, and robots will replace people

Man Against The Terminator: Will Robots Take Our Work Away? Alternative View

Man Against The Terminator: Will Robots Take Our Work Away? Alternative View

What professions it threatens in the first place and how then to make a living It only sounds futuristic

Robots And Artificial Intelligence Will Increase Social Inequality - Alternative View

Robots And Artificial Intelligence Will Increase Social Inequality - Alternative View

Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence over the coming decades will lead to further stratification of society into rich and poor

Ray Kurzweil's Forecasts For The Next 25 Years - Alternative View

Ray Kurzweil's Forecasts For The Next 25 Years - Alternative View

Bill Gates called Kurzweil "the best I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence."

How We Will Learn And How They Will Teach Us: Education Of The Future - Alternative View

How We Will Learn And How They Will Teach Us: Education Of The Future - Alternative View

In the future, all companies will switch to a 12-hour work week. Thanks to the development of technology, people will no longer need five days: only three days a week will be enough, and not 8 hours, as now, but four. Computers will replace workers, for example, in jobs that require good memory and the ability to perform repetitive tasks

The Forecasts Of Futurologist Ray Kurzweil For The Next 25 Years - Alternative View

The Forecasts Of Futurologist Ray Kurzweil For The Next 25 Years - Alternative View

Bill Gates called Kurzweil "the best I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence." Kurzweil is also known for other predictions that go beyond artificial intelligence

Where Will Humanity Move When It Finally Ditches The Earth - Alternative View

Where Will Humanity Move When It Finally Ditches The Earth - Alternative View

The Russian futurist architect has figured out where humanity will move when it finally ditches the Earth.It looks impressive in pictures. A giant ring encircling the Earth, against the background of grains of sand and the endless darkness of space

"Sooner Or Later We Ourselves Will Become Gods" - Alternative View

"Sooner Or Later We Ourselves Will Become Gods" - Alternative View

A futurologist, cyberculture expert and "main debater" of Wired magazine told RBC how sharing will replace private property, why brands will pay people for attention, and in what ways people are stronger than artificial intelligence.- Salik

What Does The Future Hold For Our Civilization? - Alternative View

What Does The Future Hold For Our Civilization? - Alternative View

What will happen to us all in 100, 1000 or in a million years? What do we know about the future of the super-developed civilization? Reliably - nothing

Food From Electricity, Water And Air Will Soon Appear In Stores - Alternative View

Food From Electricity, Water And Air Will Soon Appear In Stores - Alternative View

Fun fact: three-quarters of all food for the world's population comes from only 12 plant species and 5 animal species. To diversify our diet without harming the environment, scientists will come up with new types of food. We have already heard about the production of artificial meat

Scenarios Of The Future In Western Cinema - Alternative View

Scenarios Of The Future In Western Cinema - Alternative View

Perhaps it will no longer be a secret for anyone that any kind of creativity in one way or another reflects the worldview of the creator, his attitude to the world, and it certainly will not be a revelation to say that the worldview of this creator is formed under the influence of the cultural environment in which he is born, grows and becomes who he is

10 Major Utopian States In History - Alternative View

10 Major Utopian States In History - Alternative View

Since the very creation of the first state, people have been obsessed with the idea of creating an ideal society

Three Dollar Test-tube Meat Will Save Humanity - Alternative View

Three Dollar Test-tube Meat Will Save Humanity - Alternative View

Mark Post from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands is confident that humanity will be saved thanks to test-tube meat, which has a market value of $ 29.5. Mark Post leads the laboratory that created this product

In 10 Years, Doctors Will Not Be Needed: Opinion Of The Legend Of Silicon Valley - Alternative View

In 10 Years, Doctors Will Not Be Needed: Opinion Of The Legend Of Silicon Valley - Alternative View

Known for his thoughts on the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the medical industry, legendary Silicon Valley investor and founder of Sun Microsystems Vinod Khosla said the other day that “any radiologist who plans to practice in 10 years will kill patients every day” because the decisions involved with machines will be developed to such an extent that they will become much more effective than professional medical practitioners

Transport Of The Future: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Transport Of The Future: Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

We hear about car sharing, smart cities and the mobility of the future every day. Most likely, you will not even notice how all this will become reality, and the steering wheel will cease to interfere with getting into the car. We are figuring out what we are going to use in 2025

Brian Eno And Jacques Attali: The World In 2030-50 - Alternative View

Brian Eno And Jacques Attali: The World In 2030-50 - Alternative View

The famous musician and futurist Brian Eno, together with Kevin Kelly in 1992, predicted the evolution of the world system until 2030. Half of this period has passed, but much of the forecast has already come true: total PR, the flourishing of hand-made, a change in sexual roles

In The Future, It Will Be Possible To Become Bulletproof - Alternative View

In The Future, It Will Be Possible To Become Bulletproof - Alternative View

As a result of the studies of the Dutch biologist Abdul Wahab El-Khalbzuri and the artist Jalila Essaydi, Kevlar may lose the title of the most durable tissue in the world and give way to the organic combination of spider webs and human skin

The Japanese Creates A Robot Similar To The Exoskeleton From "Avatar" - Alternative View

The Japanese Creates A Robot Similar To The Exoskeleton From "Avatar" - Alternative View

Outwardly, the Japanese prototype is still far from the exoskeleton robot from the movie "Avatar", but the main thing is to start. Japanese engineer Hajime Sakamoto announced his intention to create a humanoid robot 13 feet (3,962 meters) high

A Person With Little Walking - Alternative View

A Person With Little Walking - Alternative View

People work less and less physically and more and more mentally. Evolution, if not tweaked, acts accordingly - takes resources from the body and transfers them to the brain

Russia Wants To Build In The Ice Of The Arctic Miracle - A City - Alternative View

Russia Wants To Build In The Ice Of The Arctic Miracle - A City - Alternative View

Russia, in the increasingly aggravated international struggle for the oil and gas-rich Arctic, spares neither fantasy nor money: the British press writes with surprise about a unique project of a cryptoclimatic miracle city in ice for the military, agents of special forces

The Rioters Will Soon Be Shot From The Laser - Alternative View

The Rioters Will Soon Be Shot From The Laser - Alternative View

The British police will soon be armed with weapons in the best traditions of James Bond spy films. A scoped laser rifle creates a wall of light that blinds the enemy

In The Future, There May Be Hackers Hacking Into The Human Brain - Alternative View

In The Future, There May Be Hackers Hacking Into The Human Brain - Alternative View

Western scientists predict that one of the newest trends in biology - synthetic biology - may in the near future have a radical impact on humans and life on the planet as a whole

For The First Time, A Genetic Medicine Was Registered In Russia - Alternative View

For The First Time, A Genetic Medicine Was Registered In Russia - Alternative View

The Ministry of Health has registered the first genetic drug for the treatment of the consequences of a local blood supply disorder (ischemia). In the second quarter of 2012, the drug will appear in pharmacies and will probably be prescribed free of charge

Korean Prisons Will Be Patrolled By Robots - Alternative View

Korean Prisons Will Be Patrolled By Robots - Alternative View

In the photo: "Kawaii" robotic guard from Korea (left) is strikingly unlike the robot jailer from science fiction works (right)

In Russia, The Interface Is Developed As From A Fantastic Movie - Alternative View

In Russia, The Interface Is Developed As From A Fantastic Movie - Alternative View

The Russian company DisplAir has created a working prototype of a touch screenless display. "Foggy" 3D-screen, as the creators call it, is released into the air by a special projector

New Items For The US Army: Hypersonic Weapons And "terminators" - Alternative View

New Items For The US Army: Hypersonic Weapons And "terminators" - Alternative View

Photo: "Advanced Hypersonic Weapon" (AHW), approximate appearance The US Army has tested the latest aircraft, the speed of which is five times the speed of sound

Dutch Architects Have Created Skyscrapers That Look Like Falling Twin Towers. - Alternative View

Dutch Architects Have Created Skyscrapers That Look Like Falling Twin Towers. - Alternative View

The project of two skyscrapers, which were to be built in the near future in South Korea, became the source of an international scandal

The Japanese Invented The Spherical Drone - Alternative View

The Japanese Invented The Spherical Drone - Alternative View

Unmanned aerial vehicles, which are being built by engineers in many countries of the world, are basically similar to one another. Most often they are miniature airplanes, sometimes tiny helicopters, in rare cases they resemble birds or insects