Secrets of history 2024, October

Lavrenty Beria Is A Bad Good Person - Alternative View

Lavrenty Beria Is A Bad Good Person - Alternative View

I must say right away that in my opinion - this question has no definite answer

Fake Biography - Alternative View

Fake Biography - Alternative View

Stalin's right-hand man, Marshal, People's Commissar and Hero of Socialist Labor, the most powerful and informed person in the country of Soviets, he knew everything about everyone

The Actress Publicly Humiliated Beria And Paid Bitterly For This - Alternative View

The Actress Publicly Humiliated Beria And Paid Bitterly For This - Alternative View

This bright actress, having slapped Beria at a gala reception, broke the life of herself, her husband, mother and her only daughter. Evgenia Evgenia Aleksandrovna Garkusha starred in only two films, but many directors at that time took note of this bright actress

Did Beria Have Mistresses - Alternative View

Did Beria Have Mistresses - Alternative View

Probably, not a single Soviet official had so many terrible myths as about Lavrentiy Beria - the chief of the Stalinist state security. One of them concerned his personal life

100 Days Of Lawrence Beria - Alternative View

100 Days Of Lawrence Beria - Alternative View

Historical processes, as a rule, proceed in a measured and unhurried manner, often due to inertia gained over many years

Lavrenty Beria: What Good Did He Do For The USSR - Alternative View

Lavrenty Beria: What Good Did He Do For The USSR - Alternative View

Lavrenty Beria, along with Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov, is one of the main executioners of the Stalinist regime. He continued mass shootings and deportations, was known for his cruelty

How Lawrence Beria Was Eliminated - Alternative View

How Lawrence Beria Was Eliminated - Alternative View

Stalin's passing away in March 1953 was a great shock for the entire people. Many loved him and believed that Stalin was great, that his death for the country was an irreparable loss.- Salik.bizPotential successorsThe highest echelons of power also worried - who will take the place of the “father of nations”? And

Sex And Power Of Lawrence Beria - Alternative View

Sex And Power Of Lawrence Beria - Alternative View

For a long time those terrible and restless times were gone, the leaders of the first socialist state are gone, but some pages of history do not want to turn over

Beria's Nuclear Fist - Alternative View

Beria's Nuclear Fist - Alternative View

The atomic program of the USSR started with a delay

Mingrelian Case: Beria Against Stalin - Alternative View

Mingrelian Case: Beria Against Stalin - Alternative View

The high-profile Mingrelian case of 1951 began with an ordinary anonymous letter. It was sent to the daughter of Joseph Stalin, Svetlana Alliluyeva. It was a letter in a gray envelope addressed to the leader himself. His son Vasily received the same

Where Did The Moscow Kremlin "disappear" In 1941 - Alternative View

Where Did The Moscow Kremlin "disappear" In 1941 - Alternative View

His commandant Nikolai Spiridonov had plans to disguise the Moscow Kremlin back in 1939 - he wrote a letter to the country's leadership. However, they began to hide the main capital object from enemy aviation only from the first days of the Great Patriotic War

Why Did They Kill Lawrence Beria? Part Two - Alternative View

Why Did They Kill Lawrence Beria? Part Two - Alternative View

Read part one here. COMPROMA? There is one mystery in the events that took place after Stalin's death - this is the fate of his papers. Stalin's archive as such does not exist - all his documents are gone

Biography Of Lawrence Beria - Alternative View

Biography Of Lawrence Beria - Alternative View

Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria (born March 17 (29), 1899 - death December 23, 1953) - Soviet statesman and party leader, associate of IV Stalin, one of the initiators of mass repressions. Origin

Why It Was Impossible To Bury The Dead In The Moscow Kremlin - Alternative View

Why It Was Impossible To Bury The Dead In The Moscow Kremlin - Alternative View

Before the revolution there were no cemeteries in the center of Moscow. Over the centuries, Russian tsars issued special decrees, according to which it was forbidden to bury the dead "inside the city." What was the reason for this?

History Of Moscow: Kremlin - Alternative View

History Of Moscow: Kremlin - Alternative View

Back in 1147, the prince of Kiev and Rostov-Suzdal, Yuri Dolgoruky, founded Moscow. The city was surrounded by wooden walls - this is how the construction of the Kremlin, the future main attraction of Moscow, began

What The Kremlin Chimes Looked Like During The Time Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

What The Kremlin Chimes Looked Like During The Time Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Very common information, but I confess I did not know it. I knew about eagles and stars on the Kremlin towers, but I didn’t even guess what the chimes on the Kremlin’s Spasskaya tower were like in the distant, distant time. Do you know? See

The Legendary City Of Kitezh In The Nizhny Novgorod Region - Alternative View

The Legendary City Of Kitezh In The Nizhny Novgorod Region - Alternative View

There is a legend about a beautiful and rich city called Kitezh that once existed for a long time. But, according to the same legend, during the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, the city mysteriously disappeared somewhere

The Dark Secrets Of Edinburgh - Alternative View

The Dark Secrets Of Edinburgh - Alternative View

From London to the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, some 650 kilometers, that is, 4.5 hours by high-speed train from King's Cross station or 9 hours by regular bus

The Mystery Of Old Wooden Corpses From Scotland - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Old Wooden Corpses From Scotland - Alternative View

In June 1836, several teenagers were hunting rabbits in the vicinity of the Scottish capital. They hung around a hill called the Throne of King Arthur and found in it the entrance to a mysterious cave, which turned out to be a kind of crypt

The Hull Incident. How The "ghost" Nearly Pushed England Against Russia - Alternative View

The Hull Incident. How The "ghost" Nearly Pushed England Against Russia - Alternative View

On October 22, 1904, off the coast of Britain, Russian ships opened fire on British sailors.The beginning of the 20th century turned out to be very difficult for Russia. The ambitions of the great power came into conflict with internal problems that grew from year to year

7 Unsolved Mysteries Of The Hermitage - Alternative View

7 Unsolved Mysteries Of The Hermitage - Alternative View

It will take at least eight years to inspect more than three million exhibits of the Hermitage. We offer a sightseeing tour, acquaintance with the main secrets of the museum. What's with the "Peacock"

The Seven Most Mysterious Exhibits Of The Hermitage - Alternative View

The Seven Most Mysterious Exhibits Of The Hermitage - Alternative View

The Hermitage is a huge museum with a luxurious collection. And, like any museum of this level and with such a history, it is rich in legends and mysterious exhibits. So … 1

Witchcraft Tricks Of Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

Witchcraft Tricks Of Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

Count and Field Marshal Yakov Bruce, whom Tsar Peter I highly valued and called his brother, lived a stormy, strange life and earned the glory of a warlock.- Salik.bizPETER'S CHILDJacob Bruce was a descendant of the Scottish kings. In the middle of the 17th century, his grandfather left his homeland, engulfed in the fire of the Great English Revolution, and went to seek his fortune in distant Muscovy

In Yekaterinburg, A Sensational Document For Revealing The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass Will Be Presented - - Alternative View

In Yekaterinburg, A Sensational Document For Revealing The Secret Of The Dyatlov Pass Will Be Presented - - Alternative View

The prosecutor's offices of Ivdel and the Sverdlovsk region, even before the start of the official search for Igor Dyatlov's group, knew that the tourists from the UPI died in the mountains

Mysterious Artania: Was Polotsk The Third Center Of Russia? - Alternative View

Mysterious Artania: Was Polotsk The Third Center Of Russia? - Alternative View

Where was the third political center of the Eastern Slavs located? Could it have been Polotsk?- Salik.bizArabic rebusArab authors, referring to the work of Al-Balkhi, who wrote at the beginning of the 10th century, reported about three centers of Russia - Slavia, Kuyavia and Artania

Ann Bolein. Love Like Death - Alternative View

Ann Bolein. Love Like Death - Alternative View

The execution of Anne Boleyn is interpreted by historians in different ways

Carthage - Cursed City - Alternative View

Carthage - Cursed City - Alternative View

The famous Latin phrase Carthago delenda est - Carthage must be destroyed - an expression meaning an insistent call to fight an enemy or obstacle is known to every diligent student

Cursed City. Who Destroyed The Pirate Capital Of The Caribbean? - Alternative View

Cursed City. Who Destroyed The Pirate Capital Of The Caribbean? - Alternative View

This settlement on the southern coast of Jamaica today is not found on modern geographical maps. Researchers inclined to mysticism argue that the port city of Port Royal suffered the mournful fate of Sodom for the many sins of the townspeople

Marina Mnishek: How Was The Fate Of The Companion Of Russian Impostors - Alternative View

Marina Mnishek: How Was The Fate Of The Companion Of Russian Impostors - Alternative View

The life of Marina Mnishek, this amazing woman, the true daughter of the adventurous seventeenth century, is like an adventure novel, in which there is love, and battles, and chases. There is only no happy ending.Marina was the daughter of the Sandomierz governor Jerzy Mniszek

How Did Pictures Of A Man With A Mobile Phone Appear In A Newspaper In 1918? - Alternative View

How Did Pictures Of A Man With A Mobile Phone Appear In A Newspaper In 1918? - Alternative View

A rather unique and unusual case attracted the attention of our channel. We managed to find on the Internet an old newspaper from 1918, where a picture of a mobile phone and a "man in a pipe" is visible on the printed canvas.Newspaper 1918 * a man in a pipe

How Magellan's Killer Became A National Hero - Alternative View

How Magellan's Killer Became A National Hero - Alternative View

On March 17, 1521, 495 years ago, Fernand Magellan discovered the Philippine Islands. Ekaterina Shutova tells about how the traveler illegally took Indian women with him on the expedition and tried the priests, what have Lapu-Lapu and the Jesus figurine have to do with it

The Truth About Ancient Rome, Which Was Discovered By Trash - Alternative View

The Truth About Ancient Rome, Which Was Discovered By Trash - Alternative View

The first archaeological expeditions to the remains of ancient Roman cities quickly became a sensation. Researchers found gold jewelry and precious stones, which of course attracted the attention of the general public

Why Do We Have To Rewrite Textbooks On The History Of Human Evolution? - Alternative View

Why Do We Have To Rewrite Textbooks On The History Of Human Evolution? - Alternative View

Scientists claim they found traces of ancient humanoid creatures similar to Australopithecus

Serfdom: The Most Shocking Facts - Alternative View

Serfdom: The Most Shocking Facts - Alternative View

Enlightened noblemen who were engaged in arts and science - we know a lot about them. But what do we know about the people who provided the carefree life of the aristocrats. Serfs. How did they live and what did the owners do with them? let's get a look

When The Polish Language Was Created - Alternative View

When The Polish Language Was Created - Alternative View

“Poland has always been a bargaining chip for Western historians and politicians up to our time - it was invented many times, declared great, divided, re-created, it was inhabited by very ancient Catholic crusaders, now by semi-savage Orthodox fanatics, Cossacks. T

What Dry Grass Can Tell About Prehistoric Settlements - Alternative View

What Dry Grass Can Tell About Prehistoric Settlements - Alternative View

Exceptionally dry and hot weather helped British "flying archaeologists" find new traces of prehistoric settlements, burial mounds and places of worship, buildings of the Iron Age and farms from Roman times

The Secret Of Jean La Perouse - Alternative View

The Secret Of Jean La Perouse - Alternative View

Jean Francois de Galo de La Perouse was born on August 22, 1741 in Le Jouhaux, near the old town of Albi in the south of France, into a noble family

Innsbruck - The City Of Kings, Ancient Castles, Mysticism And Secrets - Alternative View

Innsbruck - The City Of Kings, Ancient Castles, Mysticism And Secrets - Alternative View

For many, Innsbruck - if not skiing, then snowboarding, it is not for nothing that the city became the capital of the Winter Olympic Games several times. Nevertheless, consider it exclusively as a direction for winter sports - perfect injustice

Soviet Blaster: How The USSR Prepared For Space Wars - Alternative View

Soviet Blaster: How The USSR Prepared For Space Wars - Alternative View

In the late 70s - early 80s of the last century, the USSR actively worked on the creation of the first and only Soviet laser pistol. Outwardly, it resembles a firearm

The Secret City Of Oak Ridge - Alternative View

The Secret City Of Oak Ridge - Alternative View

On September 17, 1943, the US government launched a nuclear project, codenamed Project Manhattan. Preparations for its implementation began a year earlier. In this article we will tell you about one secret place