Secrets of history 2024, October

The Tower Raid - Alternative View

The Tower Raid - Alternative View

Probably, today no one in his right mind and firm memory would dare to go rob the Tower. The main symbol of England, it is also its main museum, is too well guarded. It is understandable: there is something to guard

Paris Failure: What Happened To Time In 1902? - Alternative View

Paris Failure: What Happened To Time In 1902? - Alternative View

On the night of December 29-30, 1902, at 1:05 in Paris, almost all wall pendulum clocks stopped. This incredible event was described in the first issue of the journal "Bulletin of Knowledge" in 1903

Acceleration And Industrialization - Alternative View

Acceleration And Industrialization - Alternative View

Living in the period of the Hundred Years War, the legendary king-knight and fighter for the Holy Sepulcher, Richard the Lionheart was, according to his contemporaries, a real hero, a very tall man - his armor, which has survived to this day, is intended for a person … 165cm tall.I

What Did Serbia Do Badly For Russia In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

What Did Serbia Do Badly For Russia In The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

Political relations between Russia and Serbia, no matter how these countries were called in different historical periods, developed in different ways. The eventful XX century was no exception, when two fraternal Slavic peoples managed to demonstrate to the world community both their unity and find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades

An Ancient Sarcophagus With Jewels Was Found In Serbia - Alternative View

An Ancient Sarcophagus With Jewels Was Found In Serbia - Alternative View

Serbian archaeologists during excavations at the site of the ancient Roman city of Viminacium discovered an intact sarcophagus with the remains of two people and jewelry

Lost Treasures Of The African King Lobengula Worth A Billion Dollars - - Alternative View

Lost Treasures Of The African King Lobengula Worth A Billion Dollars - - Alternative View

This story began in the first half of the 19th century in the middle of the hot savanna, where the state of Zimbabwe is now spread. Then tumultuous events took place in South Africa associated with the expansion of the rule of the Zulu under the leadership of the legendary leader Chaka

Bedlam: A Mental Hospital Synonymous With Insanity - Alternative View

Bedlam: A Mental Hospital Synonymous With Insanity - Alternative View

It is today the Royal Hospital in Beflam, London - a modern mental hospital. But if you got there in the old days, you would understand why this word has become synonymous with chaos and madness

What Do We Know About The Origin Of The Mysterious "vampires" From Poland - Alternative View

What Do We Know About The Origin Of The Mysterious "vampires" From Poland - Alternative View

During the 17th-18th centuries, very unusual methods of burial became widespread throughout Poland, which were the result of a massive outbreak of the fight against "vampires"

Dracula - Sins Of The Bloody Ruler - Alternative View

Dracula - Sins Of The Bloody Ruler - Alternative View

Vampires are present in the ancient legends of most peoples on earth. In modern culture, they were made popular by the Irish writer Bram Stoker, whose novel "Dracula" at the end of the 19th century received overwhelming success

An Italian Scientist Has Put Forward A Theory About The Origin Of The Vampire Legends. - Alternative View

An Italian Scientist Has Put Forward A Theory About The Origin Of The Vampire Legends. - Alternative View

Italian archaeologist from Italy Matteo Borrini put forward a theory of the origin of superstitions about vampires. According to the scientist, the ancient belief arose due to the fact that in those days people had a poor idea of how corpses decompose

10 Bloodcurdling Legends About Vampires - Alternative View

10 Bloodcurdling Legends About Vampires - Alternative View

Although vampires are fairly common in modern pop culture, stories of blood-sucking creatures date back to ancient times, including the Indian branches, Greco-Roman creatures that fed on human flesh

Was There A Single Language On Earth In Ancient Times? - Alternative View

Was There A Single Language On Earth In Ancient Times? - Alternative View

Similar petroglyphs have been found in the Israeli Negev desert and in the southeastern United States, says archaeologist Dr. James Harris of Brigham Young University. He put forward an ambiguous hypothesis that in ancient times there was a single language in the world

When In Europe They Built The First Concentration Camps For Russians - Alternative View

When In Europe They Built The First Concentration Camps For Russians - Alternative View

The first concentration camps in the twentieth century, where people disliked by the state were kept, appeared in civilized Europe a month and a half after the start of the First World War.- Salik.bizPolitical victimsIn September 1914, Russians or Rusyns who lived in the territories of Carpathian Rus, Galicia and Bukovina, which at that time were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, were massively driven into the Czech Terezin and the Austrian Talerhof

Ancient Myths Are A Retelling Of Real Events? - Alternative View

Ancient Myths Are A Retelling Of Real Events? - Alternative View

Historian Elan F. Alford put forward a hypothesis back in 1998 that ancient myths are actually a retelling of real events that happened in the distant past

Riddles Of The Terrible Fate Of The Romanov Family - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Terrible Fate Of The Romanov Family - Alternative View

Much has been written about the terrible fate of the representatives of the Russian imperial family of the Romanovs

The Werewolf Bunker Near Vinnitsa Keeps Many Secrets, But They Are Kept Secret For The Time Being - Alternative View

The Werewolf Bunker Near Vinnitsa Keeps Many Secrets, But They Are Kept Secret For The Time Being - Alternative View

In a pine forest near Vinnitsa, in Western Ukraine, in 1941 the Nazis built a Wehrmacht base. She was named Werewolf, which means Werewolf. Barbed wire and minefields around the perimeter reliably protected the secret place from outsiders.The secret of this bunker remained unknown then, it is unknown even now

Way To Heaven - Alternative View

Way To Heaven - Alternative View

Reflecting on the immortality of man, the "Kaluga dreamer" punched a hole in the shell of gravity. On September 5, 1857 Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born.Every Soviet schoolchild knew about Tsiolkovsky, but his works themselves were not included in the list of compulsory literature - there were too many ideologically wrong thoughts

How "someone Else's Age Was Seized," And Why In The Old Days There Were So Many Old Beggars - Alternative View

How "someone Else's Age Was Seized," And Why In The Old Days There Were So Many Old Beggars - Alternative View

Memory is so arranged: the further the past, the brighter it was, kinder and dearer to the heart. This works not only with individuals, but also with nations. Everyone, for example, is sure that in the old days, grandparents were treated with special respect

The Mystical Fog Of 536, Which Caused Famine And Plague - Alternative View

The Mystical Fog Of 536, Which Caused Famine And Plague - Alternative View

There are many gaps and mystical events in the history of our civilization, which are quite difficult to understand. Mike McCormick is a Harvard scientist and spoke about the events of 536, which became a real test for humanity. In 536, a mysterious fog that appeared suddenly and covered most of Europe, part of Asia and affected the territory of the Middle East

The Mystery Of The Death Of Korovina's Group At The Khamar-Daban Pass - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Korovina's Group At The Khamar-Daban Pass - Alternative View

The causes of the tragedy that occurred at the Dyatlov pass are still not fully understood. Many people know about this terrible story. But few people know about six tourists who died under similar circumstances in August 1993 in the Eastern Sayan Mountains

12 Curious Facts That Show The Other Side Of Our Story - Alternative View

12 Curious Facts That Show The Other Side Of Our Story - Alternative View

Our story sometimes seems well known to everyone, but many of its facts often remain in the shadows and, moreover, sound rather alarming

Five Questions About Christ, Around Which The Controversy Continues - Alternative View

Five Questions About Christ, Around Which The Controversy Continues - Alternative View

New Testament - the main source of information about Jesus Christ, however, the gospels lack important information about his life. In what year was he born, in what he died, was he married? Historians try to provide answers to these and other important questions

Cyrano De Bergerac - Who Were You? - Alternative View

Cyrano De Bergerac - Who Were You? - Alternative View

Because of the play by Edmond Rostand about the life of Cyrano de Bergerac, staged on the stages of almost all states of the world, a mistaken opinion about this extraordinary person was created. In the play, Cyrano is portrayed as a witty rake and a reckless duelist

The Rich History Of The Bank Of England - Alternative View

The Rich History Of The Bank Of England - Alternative View

The history of the Bank of England (Bank of England, BoE), or the Central Bank of Great Britain, dates back to 1694. However, the events that led to this happened much earlier

8 Treasures Still Looking For In Russia - Alternative View

8 Treasures Still Looking For In Russia - Alternative View

One good, respectable person worked at the factory all his life. In the end, he saved up 300 million and decided to bury them in the ground. 20 years passed, and another good respectable person went to dig potatoes and found this treasure. He disposed of the treasure wisely and honestly, and everyone was happy

Legendary Healers Who Changed Medicine Forever - Alternative View

Legendary Healers Who Changed Medicine Forever - Alternative View

Most people have heard of the outstanding physician Hippocrates and his famous oath. But much less is known about Shennun, Avicenna and Andreas Vesalius - lesser-known scientists who changed the history of medicine. Their achievements still influence medical science today

Great Magician Or Charlatan? The Story Of Papus - Alternative View

Great Magician Or Charlatan? The Story Of Papus - Alternative View

In our history, there were several people about whom it is difficult to say anything unequivocally and people's opinions about such characters can be strikingly different from each other

Great Magician Or Charlatan? Palus' Story - Alternative View

Great Magician Or Charlatan? Palus' Story - Alternative View

On July 13, 1865, the occultist, magician, freemason and writer in one person was born - the legendary Papus. Many call him a charlatan, because they believe he powdered people's brains with his fairy tales for the sake of money. Who he really was

Chemical Weapons Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

Chemical Weapons Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

“One of the dugouts is full of corpses with blue faces and black lips. In one of the craters, the recruits took off their gas masks too early; they did not know that gas lasts a particularly long time near the ground; when they saw people upstairs without gas masks, they also took off their masks and managed to swallow enough gas to burn their lungs. "

Christianity: Plan Of Destruction - Alternative View

Christianity: Plan Of Destruction - Alternative View

The Apostle Paul (Jew Saul) uniting Judaism and Nazareneism, after all, he created a system (Christianity) not only for the destruction of the Roman army and Roman rule in Palestine, he created a system with which you can take over the world (they have a desire for world domination)

Mysteries Of The Yeleneva Cave: An Artifact From A Mammoth Tusk And Cannibal Inhabitants - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Yeleneva Cave: An Artifact From A Mammoth Tusk And Cannibal Inhabitants - Alternative View

Yeleneva Cave is one of the most mysterious caves, located in the belly of the Guard Bull - rocks protruding into the Yenisei opposite the village of Ovsyanka south of Krasnoyarsk

Native Americans - Alternative View

Native Americans - Alternative View

In the early 1900s, photographer Edward S. Curtis embarked on an ambitious project called - documenting the lives of Native Americans who have not been influenced by Western society

Richard The Lionheart: How The English King Got His Nickname - Alternative View

Richard The Lionheart: How The English King Got His Nickname - Alternative View

On his father, Richard the Lionheart came from the infamous Plantagenet dynasty. It is to them, according to medieval chroniclers, that the prophecy of Merlin is dedicated "and the brother will betray the brother, and the son - the father"

How And How The Guilty Women Were Punished In Russia - Alternative View

How And How The Guilty Women Were Punished In Russia - Alternative View

If you are a lady, this does not mean immunity at all: a fact as old as the world. At all times, women could not get away from just and not very punishment. How did women suffer in different eras, bearing punishment?

A Rural Farmer Has Discovered A Burial Place With Dozens Of Unique Artifacts - Alternative View

A Rural Farmer Has Discovered A Burial Place With Dozens Of Unique Artifacts - Alternative View

In May of this year, the Astrakhan farmer managed to find an incredible find on his site. It all started with the discovery of a small bronze pot, and ended with the discovery of several rich burials with dozens of unique artifacts.For anyone interested, here on the map is marked the place with the find

The Case Of 9 Million Savva Mamontov - Alternative View

The Case Of 9 Million Savva Mamontov - Alternative View

Savva Mamontov in 1900 was brought to trial on charges of abuse and embezzlement for a huge amount. The court decision practically ruined him.In the wake of this process, a separate book was published in 1900, which was called “Judicial Dramas. T

Mysteries Of Ancient Siberia - Alternative View

Mysteries Of Ancient Siberia - Alternative View

The archaeological study of the vast Siberian spaces began relatively recently

A Journey For A Mammoth - Alternative View

A Journey For A Mammoth - Alternative View

In the fall of 1806, carts splashed with mud drove into St. Petersburg. For about three months they trudged across all of Russia, from east to west. Their luggage was the bones of the skeleton of an outlandish animal. They were taken to the Academy of Sciences by a young scientist Mikhail Ivanovich Adams

The Story Of Finding The Mummy Of Ice Man Ötzi - Alternative View

The Story Of Finding The Mummy Of Ice Man Ötzi - Alternative View

In September 1991, the Ötzi ice man was found in the Ötztal Alps on the border between Austria and Italy.It was originally speculated that the ice man Ötzi died as a result of a winter storm. Then the suggestion arose that he became a victim of … ritual offering. In 2

Errors Of The Cult Novel "The Da Vinci Code" - Alternative View

Errors Of The Cult Novel "The Da Vinci Code" - Alternative View

The Da Vinci Code, the famous novel by Dan Brown, has received a lot of criticism since its publication in 2003. Art critics have accused Brown of inaccurately describing European art, history, architecture, and geography in the book. Here is a list of the biggest inaccuracies made by the author in the book