Sexual Ignorance Is A Path To Degeneration - Alternative View

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Sexual Ignorance Is A Path To Degeneration - Alternative View
Sexual Ignorance Is A Path To Degeneration - Alternative View

Video: Sexual Ignorance Is A Path To Degeneration - Alternative View

Video: Sexual Ignorance Is A Path To Degeneration - Alternative View
Video: The Truth Why Everyone is Suddenly Getting Offended 2024, July

While we are young, we walk.

While healthy, we smoke and drink.

And we give pleasure

Their bodies, not imagining, That the world is complete, okay

That everyone needs to take care from their youth

What is given to us by God.

And know: I am destined to debauchery

Promotional video:

Die in the throes of "pleasure"

And there is no forgiveness for libertines!


In this part of the work, we will focus on issues that are not customary not only to discuss, but these issues are generally not considered in the field of education and health care. As if the problems don't exist. Meanwhile, the problems not only exist, but also "take by the throat" those nations that, because of their ignorance, neglect to consider them, or the top of the mafias turn out to be stronger than healthy state forces.

In Greek mythology, there is a story in which the legendary and invincible Odysseus is mortally wounded due to his ignorance and the ignorance of his son.

Telegon, the son of Odysseus from Kirka, went to look for his father, landed on Ithaca and in an accidental battle he mortally wounded Odysseus, who did not know about him. He took his father's body to Kirk, later married Penelope (Odysseus's wife).


The word in the headline seems to be unknown to modern medicine. You will not find it in dictionaries. It is not provided for by the spelling of the Russian version of Microsoft Word. And although this word does not seem to exist, the phenomenon of telegony exists in objective reality.

The word Telegonia comes from the name of the mythical son of Odysseus - Telegon. According to this myth, Odysseus was ruined by chance and his ignorance of his son, born far from him.

The word telegon itself comes from the Greek "born away from his father."

For a long time (at the latest since the 19th century), general biology and practitioners - breeders of pedigree domestic animals have known the phenomenon called telegonia. The essence of the biological phenomenon, which is indicated by this word, will be explained with specific examples:

1. There are well-known experiments conducted in the middle of the 19th century by a friend of Charles Darwin, Lord Morton. The latter, under the influence of his famous friend, also decided to study biology. He "married" his purebred English mare to a zebra stallion. The offspring did not work due to the incompatibility of their eggs and spermatozoa, but after “marrying” a stallion of the English breed (like herself), the mare brought a foal - “Englishman”, which had stripes like a zebra. This stallion has essentially two fathers: a horse stallion in sperm (in substance) and a zebra stallion in biofield.


2. Pigeons know that if a cisar (non-purebred pigeon) “trampled” a thoroughbred pigeon, they immediately kill her, because even with her most elite “spouse” she will have only “chigrashi” (that is, not purebred birds): then feathers in the tail are not the same, then the color of the beak, then something else. In general, it is a “waste product”, an unclean breed.

3. In elite dog clubs there is a rule: if a purebred bitch becomes pregnant outside the club, then this is the end of the "elite pedigree" of her puppies.

4. There is a well-known scandal that happened at Moscow State University: a black child was born to a graduate student from a very "elite" family in the biology department. You can see that many blacks study at Moscow State University, but the most interesting thing is that her husband, like herself, is white, and my mother swore and swore that she did not cheat on her husband. And the doctors came to the defense of the unfortunate graduate student, this, they say, happens in nature. Then it turned out that the heroine once had a classmate-lover before her white husband - a Negro. This is mentioned by the REN tv channel in two films from documentary-journalistic series:

1) in the series "Secret Stories" in the series titled: "Man's Code. Conception is illegal."

2) in the TV series "Loud Case" in the series called "By the Laws of Blood".

And here biologists remembered about the long "forgotten" (or artificially forgotten) and ridiculed by the official science of the phenomenon of telegony, according to which the offspring of the female is influenced, to one degree or another, by all previous males in copulation, regardless of whether there were children from these unions or not. As a result of numerous studies carried out (including in the West) until the 1960s, it was found that the effect of telegony extends to humans, as well as to all highly organized biological species.

If the conception of a child was preceded by sexual relations between his mother and one or more partners other than the father in the flesh of this child, even if condoms or other contraceptives were used, or micro- and macro-abortions were made after “unsuccessful” copulations, then in the process of copulation merging occurred biofields of partners, as a result of which a child born by such a woman, in addition to a father in the flesh, from whom he inherited half of the chromosome set, also has many fathers in telegony, from whom he can inherit much at the biofield level of organization of material structures.

Many children are born outside their families - as if far from their fathers. But in our time, even more children, unfortunately, are born "away" from one or more of their fathers - fathers by telegony - as a natural tribute to the occasional relationship of the mother with these fathers before the birth of the child. Apparently it is no coincidence that this phenomenon (the phenomenon of telegony) was named on behalf of the son of Odysseus, who caused the death of his father. The fact is that telegony, as a biofield phenomenon, is dangerous not only for offspring (the offspring, according to the myth, may not recognize their parents), but also for the parents themselves: the biofield essence and psyche of the offspring by telegony are formed in a perverted way and in their children the fathers and mothers may not recognize themselves at all, and vice versa - children will feel like strangers in relation to their parents. On the other hand,telegony is a means of closing feedbacks on the fornication of parents by their offspring. The effect of "feedbacks" can be expressed in a very multivariate way. There may even be such a story as described in the Telegon myth.

Not only the external signs of the first sexual partner can be inherited, but also his illness, mental illness, and blood disease.

Therefore, we should get rid of the self-delusion that sexual entertainment with condoms is safe for the health of future generations. It is unforgivable for the propagandists of such entertainments to plant a deliberate lie as the truth, but to believe it thoughtlessly is no less unforgivable, since a lie has the property of becoming a pernicious reality for those who believe in it.

Of course, rubber products reduce the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS for those who use them directly, changing them together with entertainment partners. Of course, if they are in good order, conception becomes impossible.

However, it is theoretically possible and experimentally proven that during conception, far from all genetic information is transmitted from man to woman in the chromosome set of sperm: most of the genetic information is transmitted through the biofield. In sexual intercourse, not only the introduction into the woman's body of physiological fluids produced by the man's body takes place, but also the exchange of energy and information between a man and a woman during the interaction of their biofields. This energy-informational exchange is two-way, and not only from man to woman, as is the case when copulation is considered exclusively as the pumping of chemicals and cellular biomass from the male body into the female.

None of the condoms or other contraceptives protects those seeking sexual entertainment from the consequences of energy-information exchange through the interaction of biofields for the health of both themselves and the health of their offspring. And if traditional medicine knows and is able to relatively “safely” scrape out the uterus in the event of an “unwanted” pregnancy, sterilize men and women in order to avoid pregnancies, then it does not understand how to cleanse (if she comes to her senses and wants to become a good mother) the biofield harlots from all those scraps of genetic information that were merged into it with a lot of carefree lustful humanoid males who were having fun with her (by the way, they also cannot avoid littering their biofields from many harlots).

It should be borne in mind that the chromosome set in all cells of the body is the same, however, liver cells differ from cells of the nervous system and muscle tissues, just like all cells of functionally specialized tissues differ from each other. And all cells, in accordance with their belonging to the tissues and systems of the body, reproduce themselves similar to the general arrangement of organs and systems in the body according to the plan.

The issue of localization on material carriers of information that determines this general arrangement of organs and systems is not covered in genetics - at least in the publicly available literature. But opinions have been repeatedly expressed that the general arrangement - the placement of organs and systems of the body - is not recorded in the structures of the molecules of the chromosomal apparatus, which predominantly store information about the synthesis of substances in the biomass of the body, but in the structures of biofields. In particular, this is why a horse mare is capable of giving birth to a striped foal like a zebra with a striped foal inherited from telegony, i.e. based on biofield transmission of hereditary information, since the chromosome sets of sex cells of a zebra and a horse are incompatible with each other, and the genetic material of a zebra's chromosomes could not get to the horse's foal.

Since each of the sexual partners who became one of the many fathers according to the telegony of the child had a peculiarity in the structure of the body that distinguishes it from all others, then in the body organization of the child there can be expressed the mutual discrepancy between the various information modules inherited by him from different fathers. That is, in the general arrangement of organs and systems of his body, asymmetry (including redundancy or lack of organs). One of the most common hereditary asymmetries, as shown by statistical analysis, is scoliosis - a curvature of the line of the spinal column, in which one shoulder is lower than the other, and the flexibility of the spine when bending to the right differs from the flexibility of the spine when bending to the left.

Once this was established, all research and publications on the telegony problem were classified. A question to think about is WHY?

The meaning of the ancient expression "spoil the girl" does not so much indicate the fact of the rupture of the hymen in the first sexual intercourse (defloration), but rather the fact of the transfer of genetic information to the woman by the male deflorator, which will not necessarily be combined with genetic information that will be transferred to her in the future the father of her children. The desire to avoid problems with the physical and mental health of the offspring caused by the conflicting nature of the genetic information transmitted to the child from different men who had sex with his mother, and forced our ancestors, on the one hand, to avoid marriages, both with those who lost their virginity unfortunately, and with obvious whores; and, on the other hand, the guys who won fame in the village as malicious deflorators,had a fair chance of being mercilessly crippled by the brothers and other relatives of the girls "spoiled" by them.

Telegony, as a phenomenon of the transfer of genetic information through the biofield of the field of sexual partners, is reciprocal: for both men and women. Of course, men do not give birth, but information from all previous partners settles in the bodies of men and is transmitted to children through the woman-mother. Also, information from previous sex partners, while remaining the property of the male biofield, affects the psyche of a man, his health, both physical and spiritual. It is clear that the inconsistency of the biofield information received by a man from many sexual partners can lead to the most unexpected consequences: up to the self-destruction of a man who has not been able to cope with his psyche, which is contradictory to schizophrenia.

Cases are known when fornicating fathers, having married virgins, received children, as they say, “not into a mother, not into a father …”, but into whom? It is possible that in the first or second slut - an intimate partner of a guy.

Many ancient teachings speak of the phenomenon of telegonia. Only it is called in other words. But this does not change the essence in any way. Moreover, scientists and ancient sages argued even more harshly than we did: the first man in the life of a virgin leaves her with his image of spirit and blood. Mental and physical portrait of the children she will give birth to. All other men who will have an intimate relationship with this woman in order to conceive a child give her only seed and carnal diseases.

Isn't there a massive misunderstanding between fathers and children?

We believe that the mark from the first copulation is certainly the brightest. However, the biofields of the partners, interacting with each other with their fragments in the woman's body and influencing the offspring, seem to "fight" with each other in uncoordinated areas. And the strongest part of the biofield "wins" (which is ultimately responsible for the genetics of the unborn child). But such a "victory" does not even depend on the energetic power of the biofield section of this or that previous partner in comparison with the father, but on the morality and righteousness of the mother and father, their intentions for the future: God forgives everything and delivers everything if the parents stand up on the path of righteousness, and the previous fornication was from ignorance. But if they have not changed their minds and continue to spoil their health and their offspring (not only by fornication, but also by all sorts of other genetic poisons), knowing about the harm, then woe to such parents. The same story can happen to them as to the ancient Greek Telegon.

In modern illegitimate (that is, accepted as a hypothesis) science, the concept of "telegony" is revealed somewhat differently, which, in general, does not change the meaning of this phenomenon. Telegonia - from tele - far; gonos is the origin. This is a science that claims that the offspring of a female is influenced by all her previous sexual partners.

In any religious teaching of the world there is a mention of telegonia, except that the word telegonia itself is not used in the Sacred texts.

Our ancestors, the Slavs and Aryans, for many thousands of years before the birth of Christ, had the so-called laws of RITA - Heavenly laws about the purity of the Family and Blood. This is what the Slavic-Aryan Vedas say: “Do not allow foreigners to visit your daughters, for they will seduce your daughters, and they will corrupt their Pure Souls, and they will destroy the Blood of the Great Race, for the first man leaves his daughter Images of Spirit and Blood … Foreign images of Blood from the children of Humanity are expelled by the Light Spirit, and mixing of the Blood leads to destruction … and this Genus, degenerating, perishes without having healthy offspring, for there will be no inner strength that kills all ailments-diseases … (Santii Veda Perun)

Of course, the ancient initiates knew this phenomenon well. It is no coincidence that its name is associated with the hero of the myths of Ancient Greece. For a long time it fell into oblivion and was understood only among narrow healers' clans.

So to support the genetic homogeneity of the Jews, they were advised to move away from telegonia. This is reflected in the Torah, in particular:

Leviticus 21.7: They must not take for themselves a harlot and one who is dishonored; they must not take a wife who is rejected by her husband.

Deuteronomy 23.2: The son of a harlot cannot enter the congregation of the Lord, and his tenth generation cannot enter the congregation of the Lord.

In many peoples, this phenomenon was taken into account in the traditions of cultures (it entered the culture thanks to numerous practical confirmations), where virginity was strongly promoted and the fornication of both men and women was suppressed.

In Russia-Russia chastity was especially appreciated. It is a well-known fact that at the height of the Great Patriotic War, a German doctor who examined girls at the age of 16-20 years stolen from the USSR to Germany was extremely surprised and decided to appeal to Hitler with an appeal to immediately start peace negotiations with our country. He was surprised that 90 percent of the girls were virgins, and he wrote to Hitler that it was impossible to defeat a people with such high morality.

For the second time, the problem of telegony was addressed already through science, which developed especially rapidly in the 19th century. This is where the last definition of telegony came from.

Naturally, at the present time the theory of telegony has countless opponents who cite "the results of research and experiments", scientifically "proving" that telegony is delirium, that reckoning with it means not respecting oneself and one's pleasures. Most of these theorists are mafia people with an interest in keeping the pornography and paid sex industry thriving. These mafias are no worse and no better than alcohol, tobacco, "health care" and other mafias that support the genocide of the nation. After all, if the phenomenon of telegonia is studied by children from school, they will lose income from human troubles. Therefore, it is more profitable for them if the children continue to study at school the useless and harmful program "Family Planning" (and others like that, which do not bring a loss to the mafias), which contributes to the corruption of the future generation, and,hence - replenishment of their wallet. The silence of the media on issues of vital importance to the nation is for the same reasons: the media is also a mafia.

What Science Says

Back in 1985, the now widely known researcher at the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Pyotr Gariaev, discovered a strange effect. He studied the molecules of heredity - DNA, using the method of laser spectroscopy. Laser photons, passing through the DNA solution, "record" information about the molecules - size, mass, etc. And somehow Garyaev, having taken several spectra, took out a test tube with DNA from the device and inadvertently inserted there another, but empty. Recovering himself, I wanted to replace it, but looked at the display and was amazed. The spectra of an empty test tube were very similar to those that were previously recorded from DNA, only the signal level (power) was lower. Thinking that there were traces of DNA on the test tube, he replaced it with a perfectly clean one. The same result.

I was shocked, says Pyotr Gariaev, that the laser beam encountered some invisible structures "stuck" in the spectrometer, which contained information about heredity molecules. To make sure all of this was not a mistake, the researchers diligently wiped the cell compartment and even purged it with pure nitrogen. Then the characteristic DNA spectra disappeared, but after 3-4 minutes they reappeared … It seemed that they could not be destroyed!

Petr Gariaev conducted these experiments all year round. And, in the end, there was no doubt: after removing the DNA, some kind of phantom (invisible, intangible trace) of DNA molecules remains in the device.

Now imagine, comments Garyaev, if the first man has physical intimacy with a girl, then he obviously leaves a wave "autograph" for life on her genetic code, and she on his as well. And this “painting” cannot be erased by anything, since it took place at the wave level. And this wave program will then, if not form, then influence the body and soul of the embryo. This version very truthfully explains the paradoxes of heredity.

more on this in two films:

1) “The theory of improbability. The origin of life - Wave genetics. " (© ORT 2004)

2) "Section X - Wave Genetics" (© TVC 2005)

According to the director of the Swedish Institute of Molecular Biology Arthur Mingraim, the scientists of this institute carried out a comparative analysis of the DNA of the same people at different periods of their lives. At the same time, it turned out that a woman's DNA undergoes noticeable changes after childbirth. Even more detailed studies have shown that she has the genes of the father of her child. Even Swedish scientists have found out the transmission of heredity through a mechanism other than biofields - that hyaluronic acid, which carries DNA chains, found in male mucous secretions, during proximity enters the ovaries, where the eggs are stored, and is introduced into them. Thus, a woman, even without becoming pregnant, will carry eggs in herself, into which the DNA chains of all her previous sexual partners will be embedded, and will pass on their genes along with the genes of the child's father to her future offspring.

Chastity is sanity

The prejudice about the dangers of chastity is widespread and, unfortunately, supported by some doctors. The word chastity - literally means sanity - to philosophize holistically. It comes from the verb to heal or from the adjective whole and from the verb to philosophize (reason, reflect).

And although in relation to sexual activity the word chastity has a figurative meaning, it is nevertheless very deep, for it directly shows that a depraved person does not think holistically. The world is one and complete, and everything in it is informationally and materially interconnected in God's measure.

If the phenomenon of telegony is revealed, scientifically proven and confirmed by numerous practice (including destructive practice), then not to succumb to sexual temptations outside of a healthy family union is the duty of everyone who considers himself sane. It is no accident that sanity and chastity are inseparable for a person. Sanity ensures the purity of the spirit, and chastity ensures physiological health and purity.

It is no accident that the violation of chastity leads to deviations from the norm of sanity set from Above - the correct holistic perception of the integral picture of the World.

In addition, an unnaturally aroused desire for physical sexual desire weakens and even completely destroys the desire for spiritual communication so much that such subjects, outside of sexual satisfaction, do not feel any need in the society of their spouses, limiting their relationship exclusively to animal goals, which is incompatible with human sanity … Animals provide their behavior with instinctive and reflexive programs, while a person should be guided by reason, common sense.

What form of sexual intercourse gives a person more satisfaction: is it the one that approaches the spiritual limit, or the one that approaches the physical bestiality?

- The closer to physical bestiality, the more destructive for the vital force, the closer to the second, spiritual limit - the calmer, more joyful the general state, and the more complete the consciousness of satisfaction. The force of sexual desire must be directed first to the path of humanity, and then to the path of reproduction, and therefore the task is to reconcile the requirements of the human mind with the reproduction of healthy offspring arising from sexual, natural desire.

The CHASTITY stored in the soul of the Russian people (as the law of life of hundreds of previous generations) is not a sign of backwardness from the "civilized" world, but a SIGN OF TRUE CIVILIZATION, coming from the depths of centuries. These are the supporters of the "sexual revolution" behind us: there is no need to chase them into the genetic abyss. This conscious concern for the normal genetics of future generations, or a tradition, unconscious, but expressing the same public concern, was an incentive for many generations to bring up in children a respectful and careful attitude towards virginity, preserving which, before entering the first family union, was considered in the past by most peoples as one of the most important moral and ethical values of a social level of significance.

Beauty, cosmetics, health

In different biological species, either males or females play an active role in attracting individuals of a different sex for procreation. If we look for analogues of this kind in the life of human society, then almost the entire history of the West is accompanied by the history of women's fashion, women's cosmetics and perfumery, and women's haberdashery. Men's fashion, men's cosmetics and perfumes and men's haberdashery are not such a subject of discussion and public attention as women's.

Functionally, in its essence, the entire arsenal of women's fashion, cosmetics, perfumes and haberdashery is a continuation of instinctive programs for attracting a partner for procreation into the culture.

There is such an anecdote:

- Dad, tell me, how do they catch madmen?

- With the help of cosmetics, charming smiles, fashionable dresses and underwear, son.

In its essence, all this appeals to the sexual instincts of men, as many victims of rape were indisputably convinced of, who, with their appearance, created by them with the help of an arsenal of fashion, cosmetics, perfumes and haberdashery, were able to excite behavior in one of the males based on sexual instincts that they could not restrain (or they were not used to restraining at all, since their whole psyche is subordinated to the needs of instincts).

Historically, real women's fashion, and even more so “high” fashion, has turned into a porno act, with which everyone is accustomed to it. This is not gentle eros. The difference between porno action and eros is that action porno is addresslessly addressed to the sexual instincts of the crowd, and eros is addressed only to a loved one, necessarily of a different sex.

A woman of fashion, especially under the cover of a sophisticated culture, of course, is not such an obvious animal as an openly lustful slut, but with a certain look, the difference between them is only in the cultural continuations of the same sexual instincts that are not subject to them. If someone, having familiarized themselves with the expressed views on the established fashion institute, decides that our ideal is to dress everyone in a somehow well-made uniform, for example, in quilted jackets, then he did not understand anything. The aesthetics of clothing and the appearance and behavior of a person is one thing, but fashion porn is another.

Cosmetics have long since turned into essentially a chemical weapon (and possibly into a genetic one that affects future generations). One of the doctors advises:

And besides lipsticks, there are also other makeup products, shampoos, creams, lotions, hair dyes, deodorants, toothpastes, etc.; synthetic fabrics and dyes in underwear in areas of perspiration, which decompose or dissolve in sweat, after which they are absorbed through the pores into the body. More details about this can be seen in the film filmed by the NTV television company: “Beauty. The history of all-Russian deception."

The press reported - and this does not contradict the possibilities of chemistry and biochemistry - that it was revealed that the oncological statistics were conditioned by bras made of some types of synthetic fabrics; and all kinds of pads and tampons containing chemically reactive components represent another factor of chemical risk, as well as genetic risk for future children, acting directly on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs of girls and women.

Mini-skirts, combined with fashion's rejection of warm underwear, began to threaten with hypothermia of the organs located in the pelvis, in the cold wind and in the cold, with inability to control the energy of the body. In addition, the combination of a mini-skirt and the fashionable daytime underwear that does not cover the crotch and buttocks creates an additional risk of various infections entering the woman's body "downstream" - at least in the conditions of summer city life with their street dust and dirt, far not sterile public transport and other public places: it is enough to sit down once unsuccessfully, especially if the immune system is underdeveloped or weakened by spring avitaminosis, and troubles will arise.

The predominant fascination of girls and adult women with new fashion trends in the current era is quite often dangerous for their health either directly or indirectly due to non-ergonomics (Ergonomics is the science of the correspondence and inconsistency of objects of the technosphere and its infrastructures of physiology and psychology of man and collectives) of many fashionable things and rituals of the "good taste" rules of a particular subculture that have become fashionable. The cultural shell of the instinctively determined algorithms of herd-schooling behavior and attracting the attention of potential partners for the reproduction of new generations of the species "Homo Sapiens".

This herd-gregarious bondage to the current fashion of a woman, which differs little from the behavior of a female animal, continues to operate even after she begins to live a family life, and even operates contrary to the tastes of her husband in the field of aesthetics and sexual desires. By this, the woman herself opens up the possibility of destroying her own family.

Beauty cannot in any way be provided by cosmetics. External beauty is always a reflection of inner spiritual beauty. On the contrary, there is only external attractiveness for males, which is deceitful and insidious; in the modern world is created by artificial means. Natural beauty always matches spiritual righteousness. If a woman is righteous, then she is necessarily beautiful. About this and the verses:

And if so, That which is beauty

And why do people deify her?

Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness?

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

PS: I’ll add that many people don’t believe in telegony because modern medicine, due to its incompetence, does not recognize this concept because it is unable to explain “how it works”. At the same time, many say that this is supposedly an invention of ancient people, but here I will offer my own vision of this situation: We all know about the legendary "civilizations" of Atlantis, Antarctica, Hyperborea, Egypt, etc. we all know that all these civilizations had some knowledge that is not available to modern scientists. Think about the fact that at some point ancient people simply had to somehow systematize knowledge so that ordinary people could understand and transmit it from generation to generation without delving into the atomic-photonic structures of the interaction of DNA molecules, etc. scientific rubbish, with which, in order to understand,a modern person only 5-10 years old had to study in institutes … For this, and, most likely, in my opinion, the RITA code of laws was drawn up. A set of recommendation restrictions, following which people simply will not make mistakes and degenerate. And YOU, dear disbelieving readers, are simply equating the Vedic spiritual laws and scriptures with the religious Judeo-Christian lie, and realizing that since there is a lie, then it is "quite likely" here too, the more modern medicine denies it … Think about it!and realizing that since there is a lie, then here it is "quite likely" too, the more modern medicine denies it … Think about it!and realizing that since there is a lie, then here it is "quite likely" too, the more modern medicine denies it … Think about it!

Thank you for your attention!

All good!