Is The Moon An Artificial Satellite? - Alternative View

Is The Moon An Artificial Satellite? - Alternative View
Is The Moon An Artificial Satellite? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Moon An Artificial Satellite? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Moon An Artificial Satellite? - Alternative View
Video: Apollo 13 Views of the Moon in 4K 2024, July

The moon has long occupied the imagination of people. She was worshiped, she was credited with a mysterious power, her ghostly light inspired poets and enamored dreamers. Even the ancients knew the special role of the Moon in the well-being and behavior of people. The influence of the Moon on the ebb and flow of the sea, on the weather, on the speed of the Earth's rotation is indisputable. And although today the natural satellite of the Earth has been studied in some detail and people have even been there, many various mysteries, events and phenomena are associated with the Moon, which cannot yet be unambiguously explained. Since ancient times, evidence has accumulated from both professional astronomers and amateurs who have observed short-term lunar phenomena on the Moon, or Lunar Transient Phenomena (LTP), which are divided into several types:

1) changes in the appearance and clarity of the image of relief details;

2) changes in brightness and flash;

3) changes in the color of the lunar object;

4) the appearance or disappearance of dark spots;

5) lengthening of the lunar horns;

6) anomalous phenomena during the covering of stars by the Moon;

7) non-stationary phenomena during lunar eclipses;

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8) moving LTP. The history of such observations goes deep into the past.

One of the first descriptions of the phenomenon that happened on July 18, 1178 belongs to the English chronicler Gervasius of Canterbury: five people saw how “the upper horn of the young moon split into two parts. A flaming torch suddenly jumped out of the middle of this rift, spraying fire, hot coals and sparks in all directions over a long distance. " In May 1715, the French astronomer ELouville, observing a lunar eclipse, noticed short flashes and instantaneous tremors of light rays at the western edge of the moon. Simultaneously with Louville, the famous E. Galley observed the same outbreaks in the British Isles. Similar phenomena were observed by astronomers a little later: in August 1738, something similar to lightning appeared on the lunar disk; in October 1785, bright flashes of light appeared on the border of the dark lunar disk,composed of individual small sparks and moving in straight lines to the north; in July 1842, during a solar eclipse, the lunar disk was occasionally crossed by bright stripes; in September 1881, a comet-like object was moving along the lunar disk, which was observed from two points on the earth, 12 thousand kilometers apart from each other. Let's return, however, to our time … In the fall of 1957 in the American magazine "Sky and Telescope" was published a photograph of the outskirts of the Moon, the Fra Mauro crater, obtained by astronomer R. Curtis. In the blurred moon shadows, the geometrically correct Maltese cross was clearly distinguished. The examination confirmed the authenticity of the photograph.which was observed from two points on the earth, 12 thousand kilometers apart. Let's return, however, to our time … In the fall of 1957 in the American magazine "Sky and Telescope" was published a photograph of the outskirts of the Moon, the Fra Mauro crater, obtained by astronomer R. Curtis. In the blurred moon shadows, the geometrically correct Maltese cross was clearly distinguished. The examination confirmed the authenticity of the photograph.which was observed from two points on the earth, 12 thousand kilometers apart. Let's return, however, to our time … In the fall of 1957 in the American magazine "Sky and Telescope" was published a photograph of the outskirts of the Moon, the Fra Mauro crater, obtained by astronomer R. Curtis. In the blurred moon shadows, the geometrically correct Maltese cross was clearly distinguished. The examination confirmed the authenticity of the photograph.

The most interesting thing is that after some time there was no cross on this place. Further. In May 1964, American astronomers Harris, Croset and others observed a white spot over the Sea of Tranquility for over an hour, moving at a speed of about 32 km / h. It is curious that it gradually decreased in size. Somewhat later, in June 1964, the same observers recorded a spot on the moon for two hours moving at a speed of 80 km / h. On a moonlit night in 1966, the English astronomer P. Moore, examining the bottom of the lunar crater, noticed strange stripes that turned from dark into green-brown, then diverged in radii, changed shape, grew and reached their maximum size by the lunar noon. By the moonlit evening, they shrank, faded and finally disappeared altogether.

In September 1967, Canadian astronomers recorded in the Sea of Tranquility a dark body with a purple tint along the edges, moving from west to east for 10 seconds. The body disappeared near the terminator, and after 13 minutes a yellow light flashed for a fraction of a second near the crater located in the region of the spot's motion. An even more fantastic observation can be cited … In 1968, American researchers noticed how in the area of the Aristarchus crater three red light spots merged into one. Japanese astronomers, meanwhile, observed a pink patch covering the southern part of this crater. Finally, two red and one blue stripes 8 km wide and 50 km long appeared in the crater. It is noteworthy that all this was clearly visible during the subunion, i.e. then, when the lunar surface is flooded with dazzling light. List of similar observations,which are concentrated in well-defined regions of the visible hemisphere of the moon, could be continued. But what is it?

The obvious non-randomness of the distribution of moving light objects allows, in particular, to discard the explanation of these phenomena by the effects of terrestrial atmospheric phenomena. It is impossible to associate them with manifestations of lunar volcanism, with particles of the tail of the Earth's magnetic field, with radiation stimulated by ultraviolet photons of solar origin, etc. This means that we are again dealing with something still incomprehensible, mysterious … But even more surprising are some facts and circumstances, some of which we will consider below and which can be interpreted as "traces" of alien conscious activity on the Moon or, rather, with the Moon. "The moon is an artificial satellite!" - stated M. Khvastunov (M. Vasiliev) and R. Shcherbakov in an article that appeared on January 10, 1968 in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", and then in the magazine "Soviet Union". This idea is discussed in more detail and in detail in the book by MV Vasiliev "Vectors of the Future" (Moscow, 1971). Over the years, in connection with new results in the study of the Moon, many of the authors' arguments have faded and do not seem as convincing as before, but today they are very original and are of certain interest.

Trying to find explanations for many "oddities" of the Moon, Khvastunov and Shcherbakov suggested that the Moon is nothing more than an artificial spacecraft. This "crazy" hypothesis made it possible to consider all the features of the moon, starting from its structure and origin. It is known that astrophysicists today cannot unambiguously explain the process of the origin of a kind of duet of celestial bodies, the Earth - the Moon.

The chemical composition of the lunar rocks testifies, according to the authors of the "crazy" hypothesis, that the Moon was not only not part of the Earth, as many selenolot experts argued, but could not appear next to it. It turned out that the Moon originated somewhere far from our planet, perhaps even outside the solar system, and was "captured" by the Earth, scattering it alongside. It is difficult to say what our planet looked like in those unknown times when the Luna spacecraft was in near-earth orbit, what catastrophic natural disasters accompanied this "reunification"?

But immediately, clearly and finally, the authors announced that they did not set themselves the task of answering the following questions: where did our night star come from, by whom and for what purpose it was created, why did it “moor” exactly to our planet? The question of the existence of today's "crew" or population of the Moon also remained outside the scope of the hypothesis. Is there still life on it? Or have its intelligent inhabitants become extinct over the past billions of years? Or maybe in the "space tomb" only automata, launched by the hands of their ancient creators, function now? Let us turn, however, to the arguments testifying to the "unnatural" origin of the moon. So, its shape is extremely close to a ball.

Well, why can't a spaceship be spherical? Indeed, this is the most economical form that allows you to isolate the maximum volume with a minimum surface. The size of the moon.

But if this ship was of a smaller size, could its numerous crew isolate itself from the hostile influence of outer space, ensure the protection of the hull from violent meteorite strikes and survive for a sufficiently long time? From the point of view of our present knowledge, it is quite understandable that a space supership must be a very rigid metal structure. The probable thickness of its walls is two or two and a half tens of kilometers. However, it is known that metals have high thermal conductivity. To protect the ship from unnecessary heat loss, its creators covered the surface with a special heat-shielding coating. Its thickness is several kilometers. It was in it that the meteorites formed countless craters, and the impacts of the planetoids - the beds of the lunar seas, subsequently filled with a secondary heat-shielding mass. Inside the Moon, under the metal hull, there should be a fairly significant free space intended for mechanisms serving the movement and repair of a space supership, devices for external observations, some structures that ensure the connection of the armor plating with the internal contents of the Moon. It is possible that 70-80% of the Moon's mass located in its depths behind the "service belt" is the "payload" of the ship. Guesses about its content and purpose are beyond reasonable assumptions.located in its depths behind the "service belt" is the "payload" of the ship. Guesses about its content and purpose are beyond reasonable assumptions.located in its depths behind the "service belt" is the "payload" of the ship. Guesses about its content and purpose are beyond reasonable assumptions.

Let us take a closer look at some of the features, characteristics and parameters of the Moon, as did Khvastunov and Shcherbakov, who can confirm the "artificiality" of our celestial neighbor … The seas of the Moon are dark spots visible even with the naked eye. Astronomers believe that they were formed as a result of the impact of giant planetoids. Much later, all the depressions were filled with molten lava, and before that, the "bed of the seas" for a considerable time had been opened and subjected to meteorite bombardment. One thing is not clear in this case:How did the lava from the inner regions of the Moon cover the steel with an even layer of extended spatial containers with a diameter of many hundreds of kilometers? Why, under conditions of strong heat transfer into the void of outer space, did it not freeze and thicken? Why, in appearance, lava lunar outpourings more resemble the water surface of the earth's oceans than the lava of terrestrial volcanoes?

Considering that the heat-shielding layer of the artificial Moon played a very important role in its life, then for the inhabitants of the Moon it was by no means indifferent that the impacts of oncoming meteorites tore off large pieces of this skin from its metal body. Apparently, such cases on a journey that took millions or billions of years were foreseen in advance, and in principle they were prepared for them. For this purpose, “pipelines” leading from the “machines” located in the “service area” were quickly brought to the exposed places. These machines prepared a powdery mass that was brought out onto the bare surface of the moon and covered it.

It is clear that this "powder" could not cover all the "seas" with an even layer. But the creators of the Moon foresaw for this case the possibility of oscillatory motion of the surface of the Moon, which allowed the dust grains to form a kind of "fluidized layer". They "flowed" like a liquid, filling all the depressions of the moon, forming an almost ideal layer over hundreds of kilometers of the "lunar seas" area. Selenologists have carefully studied and compared photographs of "lunar continents" and "lunar seas" and made sure that on the continents, meteorite craters (of comparable size) toss and turn almost 15 times more often than on the seas. Consequently, given the constancy of the intensity of meteorite bombardment for different regions of the lunar surface, we can talk about a much greater age of the lunar continents than the seas. And this, as they say, we needed to "prove" …

Khvastunov and Shcherbakov quite convincingly substantiate the appearance of such formations on the lunar surface as countless craters and chains of craters, "straight walls" and faults, "white rays" and "colored spots". Their arguments attract attention for their consistency, rationality and persuasiveness, although due to their brevity they are not presented here. The presentation of the hypothesis about the artificiality of the Moon in the book "Vectors of the Future" ended with the statement about "too much courage" of its authors, that these are "only the first reasoning, and they still need an accurate scientific foundation." Over the many years that have passed since Khvastunov and Shcherbakov put forward their "crazy" hypothesis, the attitude of scientists towards it was skeptical at best, and many did not pay any attention to it at all. Maybe it was caused bythat the authors of the hypothesis were not interested in such questions: who are the intelligent beings who made the moon?

Why did they make it? Where have the inhabitants of the ship "Luna" gone?. More than ten years have passed since the first publication of Khvastunov and Shcherbakov, astronomer V. Koval tried to shed light on the mysteries of the "thin-walled ball". article "Monument for the millennium." Asking the question what kind of memory other civilizations could leave about themselves if they visited our planet at the dawn of human development, Koval comes to interesting conclusions, which we will get to know. First. Will those who have traversed hundreds of light-years of space gouge stone idols or pave city squares with heavy stone blocks? Really, having found a planet with developing life, they would wish to leave such “heavy” and, in general, useless gifts as a keepsake for future aborigines?

It is clear that the economic and planetary activity of hypothetical aliens can leave behind a lot of circumstantial "evidence" that should have been preserved on our planet. But counting on the sloppiness and ineffectiveness of the technology of highly developed interstellar travelers is to replace their psychology and technology with our own. Naturally, questions arise: where am I which one should erect a monument. so that the developing earthly civilization after a certain time was able to comprehend its essence? It is from these considerations that the criteria are determined, which such a "message-monument" must meet for those who once visited our platform. First of all, the monument must be durable in order to wait for the moment when the ideas and knowledge embedded in it can be perceived. Secondly,it should attract the attention of as many people as possible with its size, brightness, and uniqueness. Thirdly, it should be a monument that carries a variety of useful information, emotionally expressive, awakening interest in space and the stars.

Further. A monument should not crush a person with its greatness, but teach to observe and compare, teach to comprehend information unobtrusively, accessible, gradually. For this, the monument should open in new qualities as the intellect of the aborigines develops and be multifunctional. Finally, its artificiality should not immediately catch the eye, but appear gradually. So, V. Koval argues, so as not to erect a giant obelisk or a monument for no one knows where and for whom, in order to protect the monument from the harmful effects of near-surface earthly activity - showers, winds, temperature changes, floods, "world floods", volcanic eruptions and destructive earthquakes, and at the same time make it visible to all people on Earth - the aliens inevitably had to place it in space!

All the above-mentioned requirements are met … the satellite of our planet is the Moon. Yes, yes, it is the Moon! Not an obelisk on the far side of the Moon, not a "treasure of wisdom" of mysterious aliens in one of the lunar craters, but the very celestial body of the Moon. The most noticeable, large and attractive object in near-earth space, which meets the criteria of an "alien monument" 100%! Earlier we talked about attracting everyone's attention, and with regard to the Moon, this fact is indisputable. However, not only is it larger and brighter than all the celestial bodies in the night sky, it never remains constant: it periodically changes its phase from a narrow growing crescent immediately after the new moon to a full disk, and then gradually turns back into the "old" month.

It should not be forgotten that it was thanks to the Moon that man realized the complexity of celestial phenomena, their connection with the surrounding nature. And one of the most convincing "suspicions" that the Moon is a special monument is to "ensure" the possibility of periodic observations of eclipses. Recall that a number of conditions must be met for a total eclipse to occur. The most important of them is the practical equality of the apparent angular sizes of the Moon and the Sun. It is known that the diameter of the Moon is 400 times smaller than that of the Sun, but it is almost as many times closer to the Earth than the Sun. So we see them at the same angle of half a degree! The value of the angle of inclination of the planes of the orbits of the Moon and the Earth is only 5 ". If this angle were large, eclipses would become unusually rare, and if the plane of the orbits of two celestial bodies coincided,eclipses would be observed constantly only in the same areas. Are these nuances not surprising in themselves? Where did the moon come from?

The author of the hypothesis believes that the "aliens" found it in orbit between Mars and Jupiter, where the disappeared planet Phaeton should have rotated, as follows from the Titius-Water rule. But it turns out that Phaeton has not disappeared, but is before our eyes! Phaethon's "transfer" gives an idea of what energies the "guests" possessed. As for the technology of "towing" the Luna-Phaeton, its smooth and accurate "installation" on the near-earth oroite, here we are in for complete uncertainty. The same can be said about the timing of such an "interplanetary operation". It is possible that any information on this topic can be "laid" implicitly on the surface of our night star, in the frequency of eclipses, angles and directions to special points of the lunar orbit, etc. A year after the publication of V. Koval in the same journal "Technics for Youth" published an article "Moon - test for attention", composed of responses from readers who took part in the decoding of the coded lunar-space test. So, for example, Moscow artist and amateur astronomer M. Shemyakin, in the midst of a chaotic pile of craters on the lunar surface, back in 1961 discovered mysterious chains of lunar craters, the parameters of which obey strict laws. All chains lie on a circular arc, the diameter of each subsequent crater is either in square cor. (2) times less than the previous one, or equal to it. The distances between the centers of the craters also form a geometric progression with a multiplier constant for each chain.who took part in decoding the coded lunar space test. So, for example, Moscow artist and amateur astronomer M. Shemyakin, in the midst of a chaotic pile of craters on the lunar surface, back in 1961 discovered mysterious chains of lunar craters, the parameters of which obey strict laws. All chains lie on a circular arc, the diameter of each subsequent crater is either in square cor. (2) times less than the previous one, or equal to it. The distances between the centers of the craters also form a geometric progression with a multiplier constant for each chain.who took part in decoding the coded lunar space test. So, for example, Moscow artist and amateur astronomer M. Shemyakin, in the midst of a chaotic pile of craters on the lunar surface, back in 1961 discovered mysterious chains of lunar craters, the parameters of which obey strict laws. All chains lie on a circular arc, the diameter of each subsequent crater is either in square cor. (2) times less than the previous one, or equal to it. The distances between the centers of the craters also form a geometric progression with a multiplier constant for each chain. All chains lie on a circular arc, the diameter of each subsequent crater is either in square cor. (2) times less than the previous one, or equal to it. The distances between the centers of the craters also form a geometric progression with a multiplier constant for each chain. All chains lie on a circular arc, the diameter of each subsequent crater is either in square cor. (2) times less than the previous one, or equal to it. The distances between the centers of the craters also form a geometric progression with a multiplier constant for each chain.

Let's take another equally spectacular chain of six craters located inside the giant Clavius circus, which is located near the south pole of the moon. This chain, perfectly visible even in a small telescope, is a descending row of craters, all parameters of which are subject to a strict mathematical law.

Computer calculations have shown that the accidental "entry" of craters into such chains is impossible! And scientists have not yet come up with a natural mechanism explaining the emergence of such formations. A crazy thought involuntarily arises: are not the converging chains a kind of arrow-pointers to the special points of the lunar surface? Shouldn't it be precisely at these points, and there are several dozen of them on the Moon, to especially investigate the lunar surface? Who knows, maybe there were left "treasures of wisdom" or memorial signs for the earthlings? Engineer V. Perebiynos from Krasnodar suggests that information for us can be put in the ratios of masses, distances and inclinations of the orbits of various celestial bodies. His assumption is confirmed by calculations of engineer V. Politov from Voronezh. He considers,that in the system of celestial bodies Earth-Moon-Sun, the parameters of the Moon are singled out in a special way and practically set.

Poditov found this assumption mathematically confirmed in a number of relationships between physical constants, mathematical constants and astronomical parameters. In his opinion, the coincidence of significant figures for individual lunar ratios of loo is an inexplicable accident (which is unlikely), or the result of an "operation" planned and carried out by extraterrestrial civilizations to install and adjust the size and orbits of the Moon - for the preservation with its help of information that has a very definite meaning for "Growing" human civilization. It is, of course, difficult to prove that unusual lunar formations are somehow connected with numerical or temporal information useful for earthlings, indicating that intelligent beings visited our planet in the past. It is difficult, of course, to prove that the Moon is a monument left by them for us, but,as follows from the above, it may well be. Time and multifaceted scientific research can provide us with definitive answers to all these questions …