Fork Crosses In The Novodevichy Convent - Alternative View

Fork Crosses In The Novodevichy Convent - Alternative View
Fork Crosses In The Novodevichy Convent - Alternative View

Video: Fork Crosses In The Novodevichy Convent - Alternative View

Video: Fork Crosses In The Novodevichy Convent - Alternative View
Video: Москва. Новодевичий монастырь. Обзорная экскурсия. 2024, July

There were several posts on the Internet on the topic of “Fork crosses”. And the fact that they are being laid in the foundations of today's churches, but they are being dug out of the sediments after the next “crossing of the poles”. A visit to the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow also surprised by the openness of the "lying" thimble crosses on the general view in the central part of the monastery, and along the "fence", you just have to leave the path and open your eyes. And here the Christian Church is interesting to know. Yes, nothing to do with it. They came to the ready-made food, but adapted the buildings and fortresses to their needs, and those who did not agree with Christianization were packed into monasteries and chopped into cabbage. How many people were killed. Right-Slope (a)

Novodevichy is the oldest active nunnery in Moscow. It is located in the bend of the Moskva River on the Devichye Pole - in these places, according to legend, during the Mongol-Tatar yoke, Russian girls were selected for the Golden Horde (a beauty contest for virgins and seamstresses of runic and protective letters on fabric, and in the vast local matrix;)) The monastery was founded in 1524 by Grand Duke Vasily the Third (Vasily III Ivanovich (March 25, 1479 - December 3, 1533) - Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow in 1505-1533, son of Ivan III the Great and Sofia Paleologue, father of Ivan IV the Terrible In a treaty of 1514 with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, for the first time in the history of Russia, he was named tsar (Caesar)) after the capture of Smolensk in honor of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God “Odigitria”. Also, historians associate the foundation of Novodevichy with the dissolution of the marriage of Vasily the Third - it was here that he wanted to send his wife, Grand Duchess Solomonia (a very Slavic name))). The connections between the glorious Aryans and the Rus are widespread, apparently. Much wider than the officer wants to tell us. history.

There is a plaque in the wall of the monastery about the erection of this prison of the monastery for the wives / sisters / mothers of royalty.

Photos are clickable for those who want to see better;)

Attention to dating:


Summer ZLV. AFKD (years).

Are there any options what this might mean? =)

Promotional video:

Head Department =)))

Larger photo:


Subsequently, persons of the royal family often appeared in the monastery, the royal daughters and sisters took vows. Ivan the Terrible identified his relatives here - the widow of his younger brother and the widow of his eldest son Ivan. Tsarina Irina Godunova lived here with her brother Boris Godunov. There were many novices from noble princely and boyar families. Not all women came here of their own free will. By order of Peter the Great in 1689, his sister, Princess Sophia Alekseevna, was imprisoned here and forcibly tonsured into a nun after the Streletsky Uprising. Opposite the monastery, her supporters were executed, and the heads of the archers were strung on the battlements of the monastery wall. Another famous nun is the first wife of Peter the Great, Tsarina Evdokia Lopukhina.

By the way, to say, in the Sergiev Posad Lavra on the main square under the clock there is an inscription that "Peter, hiding from enemies, hid under the cover of this monastery." A stranger Peter arrived, and everyone who knew the former Peter by sight - sister Sophia, wife Evdokia, children, were removed from the visible space. And support was provided to him in the Lavra.


The first Abbess of the Novodevichy Convent was Elena Devochkina. And in the center of the monastery you can see her burial place. With not Christian symbolism at all.


And even a sarcophagus around so that tourists do not touch, probably. And from the front it looks like this:


In general view - open your eyes. Look, try to see and understand what you see.

Now let's go over the last names. It is indicated here "Girls". Do you remember the principle of surnames in general?

Surname - family - from the root of the genus. Type: Masha Petrova - Petra's Daughter.

Sveta Ivanova is Ivan's daughter. Petya Ivanov - Ivan's son.

Either by the special features of the ancestor's appearance, or by his merits. Example:

Golitsyn. Goal-face-tsyn, i.e. bare face he. That is, beardless. Remember the Japanese, the Chinese … and where is the beard on your face? To compare with the Europeans, if, then "bare-face". And Peter the first arises suddenly with his decree "to shave beards."

Or … Godunov. GOD -y-new. The new god that is. "Novus ordo seclorum". The pronunciation sounds like "bastard". I will dwell on this.;)


Or "Monomakh". Mono is one, or mont is a mountain. Mach is understandable. Wave your hand, and let the stars star, so that the sky becomes in diamonds;)) Yes, into dust and dust, what is left of the sky is not in the stars;))

So, Devochkina. Virgin's daughter;) Eva is a virgin;) I will not remember the immaculate conception because the daughter is not from Peter and not even from Ivan. From the virgin;) Girls:)

It is difficult to name any tradition or culture that would not use solar symbolism to convey its heritage. Investigating the origins of the cult of the sun, Albert Pike wrote: “The creator of life, heat and fire, it was for the ancient people the cause of everything born, because without it there would be no movement, existence and form. It was immense, indivisible, eternal and omnipresent. The sun was a need for light. The activity of the Sun was associated with creative energy, the viviparous power of the sun's rays was felt by everyone. The sun symbolized the original, generative and initiating principles, thanks to which the world is renewed and rejuvenated. The eternity of the Sun symbolized the eternity of life. And the most terrible thing that could be imagined was the absence of the Sun.

We closely examine the thimble crosses. We are trying to understand what is responding in the soul. What are these crosses about?


The solar symbolism is clearly visible. Solstice, DNA spirals, etc.

The philosophers divided the life of the Sun into four parts throughout the year, and therefore they represented the Sun Man in four different figures. At birth during the winter solstice, the Sun God is symbolized by a small child who mysteriously eludes the forces of Darkness seeking to destroy Him while he is in the winter cradle. The sun, being weak at this time of year, does not have golden rays (or a head of hair), but the survival of the light in the darkness of winter is symbolized by one small hair on the Heavenly Child's head. At birth, the Sun takes the place of Capricorn, which is often symbolized by feeding him a goat.

By the vernal equinox, the Sun turns into a beautiful youth. His golden hair falls over his shoulders and his light extends to all parts of infinity. During the summer zenith of its maturity, which symbolizes the strength and fertility of Nature at this time. On the autumn equinox, the Sun is depicted as an elderly man, with a shock of white hair, the color of winter oblivion.

Thus, twelve months are stages in the life of the Sun. During the year, it passes through the twelve signs of the zodiac. When autumn comes, the Sun enters the house of the Virgin, where its rays (hair) are cut off and it loses its strength.

It is known that our ancestors divided the summer (year) into 9 parts and 16 halls. For nine months, women carry a fetus. Wake of the departed 3rd-6th-9th-40th day. Also, one of the palaces is responsible for each summer. Thus, 16x9 = 144 (circle of years - Kolyada gift - Calendar). In fact, 144 years is the minimum stay here. From birth to death. Sinusoid. Up (birth-growth-maturity) -72 years. And then 72 years Decline (maturity - knowledge - wisdom - sunset).

Total 72 + 72 = 144 years. Vibration, spirals and DNA as a reflection of this world.

Also, exactly in 72 years the point of sunrise on the day of the vernal / autumnal equinox shifts by 1 degree (out of 360 degrees of the celestial sphere).

Oh, sun, heart of the world, imperishable light, You are the spirit who sealed the manuscript of the universe, The reason for non-being and being

The source of life and its peak.

You are the eternal basis of all the elements, You are the trembling of all living things.

Everything that blooms around is your gift, Everything that shines is your burning.

You created moisture for us and dry land, You gave us a mind and a soul.

Shine on us, the sun, with the light of eternal thought, And we were counted among intelligent beings …

Sun (Gayatri Mantra)

The coming of the sun is joyfully welcomed - its departure is considered a period of sadness. “This magnificent radiant daylight ball, the true light that shines on every person who comes into the world, the supreme benefactor, raising all things from the dead, feeding many suffering, calm in the storm, after dying, resurrects and revives all things, - this Supreme Spirit of humanity and beneficence is known to mankind as Christ ….

The birth of the Solar Man takes place in the deepest darkness and in the modern world this moment falls on December 25 (for the northern hemisphere of the Earth). Our ancient ancestors rejoiced at this event, organized festivities, performed mystical rituals. The darkness of winter was overcome, and the glorious Son of Light returned.

Return of the Son of Light = 227 = Dispel darkness = Great ring of Life = Eternal movement in nature = Sunny night = Song of Love of the Creator = Cycle of development on Earth = Part of the overall mosaic.


The Romans had a celebration of the coming of the sun, and the circus had games to celebrate the birth of the god of the day. It was celebrated on December 25th. On this day, the Romans celebrated the birthday of the god Mithra, whose title was the epithet “Invincible Sun.” The worship of Mithra came from Persia. According to legend, Mithra was born in a cave, which is similar to the birth of Jesus Christ in a manger.

Also, Mithra is the god of treaties and contracts. And it just coincided that the headdress of the priests is also a "mitra". Who did those chelas agree with? With an axis of displacement of the poles? Where the axes of Leo (Aquarius) change according to the schedule of the flushing of the poles.


From December 25, an increase in the length of daylight begins, which was perceived as the revival of the solar deity. In an effort to supplant the cult of Mithra, the Christian Church declared this day the birthday of Christ. Thus, Clement of Alexandria stated: "Christ … the Resurrection Sun, conceived before the morning star, giving life by His rays." In early Christian sources, Christmas is called the "Birthday of the Invincible Sun". During the time of Pope Leo I, some church fathers argued that "Christmas, which is considered a festival, is less a celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ than a celebration of the birthday of the sun."

Among the Druids, the feast of the winter solstice, the birth of the new Sun, was considered one of the most appropriate times for initiating initiates. Menhirs, standing stones of Stonehenge, displayed the initiating rays of the sun - in combination with dolmens, lying stones that reflected the giving birth force, embodied and symbolized the process of the resurrection of the solar Deity.

The Egyptians worshiped the Sun in the form of a single Ra-Amun, which manifested itself in three hypostases: in the morning - Khepri (ha came), in the afternoon - Ra, in the evening - Ratem (Darkness). The setting Sun (sometimes depicted as an egg) died in the evening and rose again in the morning, passing through the underworld to be born again, already with a broken shell, the next morning - like a flame born from flame; light generated by light, as a symbol of immortality.

The Christian Immaculate Virgin is also associated with the Egyptian prototype - the goddess Isis, the mother of the Sun God, whose words are inscribed on the temple of Sais: "I bear fruit, which is the Sun." Remove if the layers of fairy tales and retellings from the words of ancestors and read in plain text what we will have written: Virgin bearing Fruit - from the sun. Fiery greetings to us, possibly in the form of a mega flash that will cut off all electricity on the planet and ruin communication. Or is it just a description "as it ALREADY was".


The ancient sages divided the solar sphere into three separate bodies, just as human nature was divided by them into parts (spirit, soul and body). They are called: spiritual sun, intellectual sun and material sun (symbolized in Masonry by three candles). The spiritual sun is a manifestation of the power of God the Father, the intellectual sun emits rays of life of God the Son, and the material sun is the instrument of the manifestation of God the Holy Spirit. At the moment of a total solar eclipse, when the physical sun is completely closed, the spiritual sun manifests itself in full force and it can not be easy to withstand this invisible light.

The physical body of a person develops and is revived by the material sun (Demiurge Jehovah), his spiritual nature is illuminated by the spiritual sun (Volcano), and his intellectual nature develops under the control of the soul or intellectual sun (Christ and Lucifer). Lucifer represents here "naked" intellect, that is, intellect without illumination by the spiritual mind and, therefore, it is a false light. It is this light that is overcome and redeemed by a human being in the process of knowing the true light of the soul, called Christ. The hidden processes by which the intellect of Lucifer is transformed into the intellect of Christ is one of the main secrets of alchemy and is symbolized by the process of converting the lower metals into gold. It is this process that is meant when in our time we talk about the merging of mind and heart. It is impossible to develop one's own Christ consciousness and cognize the Great Divine Love without acquiring the "gold of consciousness" - Wisdom; it is impossible to open the heart without developing the mind and saturating it with knowledge.

And, returning to the forked crosses, it is difficult not to see the pitchfork or the horn.


As in the case of Lucifer (the Carrying Light - the Inner Star - Venus, i.e.), there are many overlapping info-field, but it turns out that the five-pointed star (pentogram) is just the orbit of Venus. And 144 is just a life cycle for a chela in a normal state and says that 144 years is the minimum life span of a body.

If we count the turns on such crosses, we will see - 4 from below, 7 in the center and 6 each on the “horns”. Everything is as it should be in the chakra system. Developed 4 lower turns - and forward, there is a chance to acquire a halo in a material body. Built according to a single canon for all living things here.


The solar power in man is divided into three parts and in conjunction form the Divine in man. The triune lower nature of man (physical, emotional and mental body) reflects the light of his triune Divinity, what we call Manas (matter), Budhi (being-be), Atma (atom). The animal nature of man is of earthly origin; his divine nature is of heavenly origin; his human nature is a vehicle, an instrument of communication.

Concerning communication tools, a stone came across in the same monastery:


And another find. And all this on the territory of 15 sq.m. Photo is upside down. There is a stone "pyramid sun" in the ground.


Who sees "hands up" in the photo? =)


A similar pose is found in Oranta (Mother of God) in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Oranta (from Latin orans - praying) is one of the main types of the image of the Mother of God, representing Her with arms raised and outstretched to the sides, palms outward, that is, in the traditional gesture of intercessory prayer. In the Russian tradition, this type of iconography has received a special name - "Sign". The main meaning of the "Sign" icons has moved from the mediating intercessory prayer of the Mother of God of Oranta to the Incarnation of Christ. The sign is, in a certain sense, the image of the Annunciation and the foreshadowing of the Nativity and the evangelical events following it until the Second Coming.

As usual, the center of the stone statue was knocked down and it is impossible to understand who was actually depicted there.

This posture implies turning to the sun and energy exchange. There is an exercise touching the ground and lifting your hands up and taking a deep breath with gratitude towards the sun - energy charges are provided;)))


They also love to knock down dates on such stones:


Larger with date:


It is not possible to understand what kind of symbol was ahead. Perhaps "1", and maybe "j" (indict). Although, of course, it looks like the 18th century quite, in this particular case.

A few more photos:


Photos on the sides of this stone:


Unfortunately, the characters on the sides could not be recognized.