Real And Fake Maps Of G. Mercator - Alternative View

Real And Fake Maps Of G. Mercator - Alternative View
Real And Fake Maps Of G. Mercator - Alternative View

Video: Real And Fake Maps Of G. Mercator - Alternative View

Video: Real And Fake Maps Of G. Mercator - Alternative View
Video: Why all world maps are wrong 2024, July

Indeed, I am once again convinced in practice that it is not worthwhile to blindly believe in pseudo-historical myths written in history textbooks, because as soon as you start to research and study various historical documents on your own: chronicles, maps, atlases, etc. then you constantly come across numerous "shoals" left by the falsifiers of history. Once again, even a cursory study of maps led me to a similar conclusion, the creation of which is attributed by official history to the Flemish cartographer Gerard Mercator (1512-1594).

I draw your attention to the years of this cartographer's life, because they will help us understand one substitution of historical sources, carried out by falsifiers in rewriting history. Surprisingly, in many engravings of the past, G. Mercator is depicted with a compass, with the help of which he measures the spherical Earth. And the compass, as you know, is one of the famous symbols of belonging to the Freemasons. And it is this sign that can give us the answer: by what forces was the falsification associated with the so-called. "G. Mercator's cards", of which, obviously, not all are the result of his activity.

Why do I think so? Because, firstly, there is a fairly large difference between the "world map of Mercator" from 1538 and his own "world map" from 1569. What could have happened in these 30 years to create such strong differences? But let's start comparing them in chronological order from the first card. What do we see there?


And we see the orientation of this card, which is very unusual for us. But even this is not the main thing. This card does not indicate a spherical Earth, but that in its shape it resembles a "heart". And isn't this the main reason that later a new map comes out instead of this one, in which the coastline of the continents is already very different, and it itself is made flat, with the usual orientation of the coordinate grid to the modern geographic poles.

Which of these cards is the real one? I think that, just, the map of 1538. You can see it in detail here.

So on it the coastline of the Black, Mediterranean, Adriatic, Aegean, Baltic Seas and the Arctic Ocean, as well as the outlines of Eurasia and Africa, are quite different from modern ones. And the geographic North Pole is not at all where it is now. It turns out that this is a real antediluvian map of the world, which was created before the catastrophe that changed the position of the poles.


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And now, if you believe in the official version of history, then about 30 years later - in 1569, G. Mercator creates a new map, which is already significantly different from the previous one. It is very clear that this map is composed of many different maps. At the same time, some parts of the continents are still quite different from modern ones, while others are almost identical to them. And how can this be? We see perfectly well that even before our very eyes there is a change in the outlines of the coastlines of some seas. This map can be viewed in more detail here.

Don't really expect these links to be active long enough, though, so I advise you to download these maps in high resolution. For if my guesses are correct, then these links will not work soon enough. So, why does someone not want us to carefully consider and compare these two maps of the world, which, as they are trying to convince us, were created by the same person 30 years apart? Yes, because those who have open eyes and working brains can see a lot of interesting things.

For example, on a later map of 1569, the outlines of the coastline of the Mediterranean, Aegean, Adriatic, Black seas are almost identical to modern ones. The same goes for the outlines of Western Europe (including the British Isles), Africa and the southern tip of Asia. And most of North America (with the exception of the northern part) is also reflected fairly accurately. But do you know what immediately raises doubts? This is the outline of the western coast of the present United States and especially California, which for a long time sailors, even after its discovery, considered an island. And here she is depicted very accurately.

Here's what Wikipedia writes about it:

This is how it turns out that a detailed and accurate image of California appeared only in 1602. So could G. Mercator, who died in 1594, put it on his map - think for yourself. But that's not all. The geographic grid of this map has the usual orientation to the current geographic poles. Consequently, this map could appear only after the last flood that changed the position of the poles, which, according to some independent researchers, just happened either at the end of the 16th or even in the 17th century.

Could G. Mercator have survived this flood safely? Theoretically I could. But it is very doubtful that in a very short time humanity could not only fully recover from the consequences of this flood, but also re-map the world. So the second "Mercator's map of 1569" is, most likely, a much later "remake" of the forgers, whose task was to conceal the fact of the global cataclysm and its consequences in the official version of history.


By the way, on the basis of this second map, a whole atlas with individual regions of the world was published, in which I found another interesting thing. This is a map of Italy. Details can be viewed here.

So Italy as a single state was formed in 1861. The Lombard-Venetian Kingdom passed to Italy in 1867. But not only Venice, but also Trieste on this map is shown already as part of a united Italy. But he passed to her from Austria-Hungary only in 1918. Also, judging by this map, Italy borders in the northeast with such lands as Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia. And these names appeared only in 1868, when these lands, under these names, were part of Austria-Hungary.

Well, do you still believe that this atlas and the "world map of 1569" were compiled by G. Mercator at this very time? Well, for me personally, it is quite understandable why some of the territories of Europe on these maps practically do not differ from modern ones. And by the way, do you see the characteristic compasses in the lower right corner of the "Map of Italy"? This is the "visiting card" of the original creators of this card.

Of course, if you carefully study other maps of this "atlas of Mercator", then you can find many interesting things there. But for me, this small study is quite enough to find out the fact that, of course, G. Mercator, if he really lived in the 16th century, had nothing to do with either the “1569 world map” or an atlas published on the basis of this map, which in fact simply could not have appeared before the second half of the 19th century.

And again we run into the period of the middle of the 19th century, when a certain global event took place, after which the next rewriting of official history and falsification of "historical sources" began, one of which we today were able to study a little. And even this rather cursory check proved the lack of its historical authenticity. Well, those who have such a desire can explore the rest of the detailed maps from this atlas by a similar method. And I think that interesting finds of the next "jambs" left by the falsifiers will also be provided for them.

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