What Do Medieval Maps Tell You About? - Alternative View

What Do Medieval Maps Tell You About? - Alternative View
What Do Medieval Maps Tell You About? - Alternative View

Video: What Do Medieval Maps Tell You About? - Alternative View

Video: What Do Medieval Maps Tell You About? - Alternative View
Video: Making Massive Medieval Maps with Chivalry 2 | Inside Unreal 2024, July

I have long been interested in the question of what is the actual shape of our Earth. Since I realized that it is not at all what our textbooks describe it. At the same time, I was based not on fanatical conviction, but on some facts, which I have already mentioned more than once earlier in my posts. For example, such as:

- ignorance by official science of information about observation of the Earth's surface from the stratosphere, obtained during flights on statostats by the Swiss scientist O. Picar

- the widespread use of fisheye technology in the windows of airliners. modern photographic and video equipment, including when showing "official" photos and videos from the Earth's orbit and stratosphere;

- the use of computer multimedia technologies for the production of images that are issued as official photos of the Earth from space on the example of the NASA agency;

- the presence in the photo and video of Soviet cosmonauts from an altitude of 300 km above the Earth a horizon line in the form of a straight line, not a convex line.

All this clearly indicates that our Earth is by no means spherical, but has some other shape. I must say that those forces that diligently hide the truth from us have developed another concept that leads us away from the truth - the concept of a flat earth. This was done in order to pull humanity into "sharovers" and "flat-earthers", pushing their foreheads together, just in full accordance with the invaders principle "Divide and conquer!"

With all this in mind, I immediately stated to both proponents of these concepts that I did not support either of them. And in general, I urge all people not to blindly trust anyone, but to trust only their own eyes. Therefore, the final conclusions can only be drawn by making sure personally exactly how our planet looks from space. In accordance with this, any statements can be voiced only as hypotheses, and not as supposedly proven truth.

And so, studying the maps of the past, I came across one little-known medieval map, officially dated 1548 under the name "Universal Cosmography", which, perhaps, sheds light on how the advanced people of that time represented our planet at that time. Surprisingly, the author of this map is unknown, and it itself is so different from all the maps we are used to that it deserves special attention.

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Judging by this map, our planet is not a ball, but something resembling a torus with a fairly large concavity at the poles. We can see this very well in the northern hemisphere, the surface of which, as it approaches the pole, turns from convex to concave, so that it forms a “bowl”.


Surprisingly, the ancient map of Ptolemy also depicts our planet in the same way. But we are told in history textbooks tales that all ancient maps were supposedly flat. There is another interesting map by an unknown cartographer from a book dating from 1535, which is almost similar to Ptolemy's map. For some reason, in some sources, these maps are called "flat earth maps." But personally it seems to me that they are not even flat at all. Judging by them, the shape of the Earth is more like a torus - a toroid. Only this fact is carefully concealed from us, although it is not entirely clear why.


By the way, the very first map of the world by G. Mercator, dated 1538, also shows us the Earth of a very unusual shape, And it seems to me that here our planet is also depicted as a torus, not a ball. So maybe this is the real shape of the Earth? It is no coincidence that all the later maps, attributed, for example, to the same G. Mercator, have clear signs of falsification, and the planet is depicted on them in the form of a ball.

For some reason, someone really needs us to consider our Earth just spherical or, at worst, flat. Maybe this is all because the shape of the torus can help us to rediscover the lost and now "forbidden" technologies of the civilizations of the "golden age"? Of course, everything I have expressed is just a hypothesis, but I hope that at least it will make people who have not lost the ability to think independently to think about it.

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