The Giant Asteroid Apophis Will Fall Either On Germany Or On The Crimea - Alternative View

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The Giant Asteroid Apophis Will Fall Either On Germany Or On The Crimea - Alternative View
The Giant Asteroid Apophis Will Fall Either On Germany Or On The Crimea - Alternative View

Video: The Giant Asteroid Apophis Will Fall Either On Germany Or On The Crimea - Alternative View

Video: The Giant Asteroid Apophis Will Fall Either On Germany Or On The Crimea - Alternative View
Video: NASA Warns a Giant Asteroid Heading For Earth Cannot be Stopped! 2024, July

NASA has already begun preparations for the arrival of the asteroid 99942 Apophis, named after the main "God of Chaos", sending a space mission to it.

This near-Earth asteroid ((99942) Apophis) was discovered in 2004 at Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona. Its tentative name was 2004 MN4, but the name "God of Chaos" he received only on July 19, 2005, when the NASA jet propulsion laboratory found that in 2019 the asteroid will pass only 19,000 miles from the Earth's surface.

However, astronomer Michael Horn and his team recalculated NASA's calculations and, according to their calculations, Apophis will inevitably crash into the Earth. Moreover, this event is so likely that Michael Horn calculated even the approximate place of impact of this cosmic stone with a diameter of at least 340 meters.

In an exclusive interview with, Michael Horn stated that he and his team narrowed the asteroid's impact area between the North Sea and the Black Sea inclusive.


In an interview with, Mr. Horn said:

"We are talking about two things here: a possible but unlikely collision with an asteroid, as NASA claims, or a definite, imminent collision, as we claim."

Promotional video:

“Unfortunately, the time for observing the asteroid is not yet sufficient to accurately calculate the trajectory of its fall and orbit. However, based on the data that we have today, the asteroid will fall in the area between the North Sea and the Black Sea, which leaves no chance for Great Britain."


“The fall of an asteroid of this size will cause more than just huge damage - most likely, Apophis, will eventually lead to the complete extinction of our species. Wherever it falls, it will cause huge cracks in the lithosphere through which clouds of volcanic gases rush. From the raised dust, first a volcanic winter will come, but then, with the accumulation of greenhouse gases, the Earth will turn into Venus in a couple of decades."

“Fortunately for the survivors, upon impact, all this will not happen immediately, but a little later - in 20, 30 or more years, perhaps in a couple of centuries. But at the moment of impact, almost all of Europe will be destroyed by fire. And only then, when the clouds cover the sky, and volcanic gases and magma splashes are thrown directly into space - everyone will feel the global effect from the fall”.

Editorial comment

The year 2029, in which Apophis either strikes or flies by - this time is psychologically very distant and of little interest. People think about how to survive tomorrow - and fig is already with him, what will be there and where in ten years. However.

Let's pretend that NASA knows everything. That is, they calculated the orbit of Apophis back in 2005, and found out that it would crash somewhere on the Black or North Sea. Such a discovery means little to the layman, but completely changes the whole world politics. Let us ask ourselves a question: what can we do in this situation in the place of global elites? That is, having received reliable information from NASA about the place and time of the fall of Apophis?

To begin with, we would have mothballed Europe - that is, we would not have invested in infrastructure, in weapons and stimulated the outflow of the indigenous population from Europe, replacing them with migrants.

Then we would move production somewhere further - for example, to China.

We would also start building bunkers and, possibly, empty megacities waiting for their masters, locating them in Africa, in Mongolia, somewhere else on the continent remote from Europe. Only America and Australia are not suitable here.

The area of New Zealand is the antipode of Western Europe, therefore, when a hefty stone falls on Europe, the impact energy will spread downward, pass through the mantle and the core, after which a piece of the ocean floor in the Australian area will knock out like a cork from a bottle. And considering that there is also a lithospheric fault - New Zealand and the adjacent territories will have everything.

America is also not suitable, because there is Yellowstone, which is not clear how to react to a blow. Hence, it is Africa and Mongolia that are the best choice for building ghost towns.

Finally, what if we didn't, then at least try to replace the global elites? We would try to deflect the asteroid by puzzling NASA with some training missions. Let them fly and drill something on Apophis, trying to blow it up at an hour. What if it works?

These are the most basic and obvious decisions that must be made by the global elites upon receiving the news of the End of the World from Apophis in 2029. And it somehow strangely coincided that for some reason all these decisions are being implemented in practice, and - just somewhere since 2005.

And then some independent astronomer comes out, who was the only one who decided to independently recalculate the official NASA report. And this guy claims that NASA is lying and that Apophis will hit the Black Sea in 2029. And some more prophecies say that the Black Sea will burn.

Now we do not even know what to think, except to think about Peru, about Bolivia - and follow the development of events.