Improvement By Sound Vibrations - Alternative View

Improvement By Sound Vibrations - Alternative View
Improvement By Sound Vibrations - Alternative View

Video: Improvement By Sound Vibrations - Alternative View

Video: Improvement By Sound Vibrations - Alternative View
Video: CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford 2024, July

The world is full of vibrations. Molecules and atoms vibrate, brain neurons vibrate, and that part of our body, which at all times was called "soul", also vibrates. Remember how something vibrates indignantly in your chest if your legs are crushed in line, and how these heavy vibrations of irritation and hatred differ from the bright vibrations of the soul when you are in love, and you hurry with flowers on a date.

For most people, sound vibrations are the most understandable and actually felt. In recent years, interesting facts have been revealed that make us look at sound as a cure for diseases. The head of the laboratory of microlepton technologies A. Akhatrin claims that the appearance of sound vibrations is a little different from what we were told at school. For example, in his opinion, the strike of a bell excites ultra-light material particles - microleptons, and already those, in turn, are able to swing air molecules. This is how sound appears in silence, many kilometers from churches.

Microleptons are those material particles that, obviously, saturate the human body with energy. Therefore, speaking sounds, you can recharge. And this is already directly related to health.

Until recently, scientists believed that the body receives energy from the external environment only through food, says the head of the laboratory of systemic mechanisms of homeostasis at the P. K. Anokhina A. Medelyanovsky. And the sages of the East, thousands of years ago, argued that a person can assimilate many types of energy - through acupuncture points and senses. Indeed, scientific research carried out at the institute has shown that sounds, colors, smells and much more can provide additional energy to the body.

In one of the experiments, the subject was weighed with sensors, connected to the apparatus, and he controlled the light and music installation with his breathing. During inhalation, a red light came on and a low musical tone sounded. Then it gradually rose, the light became orange, yellow, green, blue, blue. When exhaling, everything happened in the reverse order.

Seemingly innocent fun. But the effect was amazing: the subject's breathing became very rare and shallow, it seemed that a little more - and he would be able to do without air at all.

Do a simple experiment at home. Stand up straight, close your eyes, relax as much as possible. Wait a while, listening to the vibrations of your body, remember these sensations. Then take a deep breath and calmly, slowly sing the sound: U-U-U-U-U …

You need to sing low, in a bass, like a priest sings during a divine service. And you will immediately feel vibrations in your body - not only in the throat, where the vocal cords vibrate, but in other parts of the body, although this is contrary to the laws of acoustics. Sensations can appear in the groin, in the fingers, in the legs, and elsewhere. Now sing the sound: M-M-M-M-M …

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Do you feel it? - Vibrations in completely different places.

And one day you will be surprised to find that some sounds are clearly tied to the human energy centers, which the Indians call "chakras" and which, along with the biologically active points of the human body, are responsible for the absorption and processing of the so-called "subtle energy" - those very microleptons, from which the body creates a biofield for itself.

According to the yogis, the lowest-frequency energy is generated by the coccygeal chakra and is intended to ensure human health, endurance, strength. The second chakra is connected with the sex glands and ensures their high performance, and at the same time (with an excess of this energy) makes a person cock and show off in front of people of the opposite sex. The third chakra functions very intensively in athletes, trade unionists, politicians. It makes them strive to become leaders and bosses. This chakra is located in the solar plexus region and in many ways ensures the functioning of the nervous system.

The fourth - "cordial" - creates benevolence and tolerance in a person.

The fifth chakra works in the throat area, which is responsible for communication, lower intelligence, counting. Just above the eyebrows (where the Indians put a dot on the forehead), the sixth, with its work, provides the energy of the brain structures associated with intuition and creativity. At the very top of the head is a huge, as yogis call it, the thousand-petalled chakra, it contributes to the development of abstract thinking in a person and, according to some publications, spirituality.

When singing this or that sound, pay special attention to these seven centers.

Actually, there are many chakras: there are centers on the back of the head, along the spine, in the spleen area, on the palms of the hands and feet. And many biologically active points also play the role of small chakras. Some chakras open, others close, in accordance with the requests of the body, and energy flows from one part of the body to another, ensuring the full functioning of all organs.

But as soon as any chakra is slagged and clogged from our unhealthy lifestyle, an organ or a whole organ system is deprived of energy, and illness sets in. And if we begin to utter any sound, vibration will surely occur in places that are sick or require recharging.

I was convinced of the beneficial effect of sound vibrations by my own example, when I was cleaning the sand caused by the storm from the beach with the students. Eight hours of almost continuous shoveling of wet sand would probably put any forty-year-old man accustomed to city life out of commission. Immediately, radiculitis will remind of itself, and the hands will fall off.

To prevent this from happening, I sang continuously throughout the eight hours. He didn't even sing, but rather purred to himself a slow, drawn-out melody, causing vibrations throughout his body. And the next day did not feel any negative consequences of the exhausting work carried out.

Now I understand why the villagers sing at hard work in the field, why people of physical labor like to sing and listen to folk songs, and why soldiers need marching songs.

Based on this, it can be argued that choral singing of slow, drawn-out folk songs, when the streams of vibrations smoothly flow from one energy center to another, are very useful, providing excellent health to the singer.

Disco with its flickering lights, loud music and rhythmic movements of dancers is also useful. Our research shows that with specially selected music, a person in a disco can double the size of his biofield. A complex of stimuli is already at work here: sound, light, movement, rhythm. And each of them gives recharge to the body.

You can just listen to slow, drawn-out melodies, sitting in a relaxed state and trying not to think about anything. Then the streams of vibrations circulate through the body without obstacles, filling you with calmness and energy. As soon as disturbing thoughts appear in the brain, obstacles arise in the path of energy flows.

To verify this, conduct a simple experiment.

When you come home from work, sit down, relaxed, in a cozy armchair near the tape recorder, turn on pleasant music for ten to twenty minutes and completely drive away all thoughts from yourself. On the second day, do the same, but think about the most pressing problems. And you will immediately feel the difference.

And on the third day, try to sing a duet with a tape recorder those songs that you have chosen for yourself. You can sing without words, purring the melody of your favorite song into your nose. The effect will be exactly the same. Well-being and mood are guaranteed.

As you practice such purring, the vibrations throughout the body will increase and increase, and a state may come that the whole chest will vibrate like a huge drum with every word you say. Yogis consider this a good level of energy purification of the body and bring their patients to this state with special physical and breathing exercises.

They also use mantras. A mantra is an often meaningless (for an outsider) combination of sounds that, on the one hand, cleanse our energy centers, and on the other hand, transfer the state of our psyche into a sluggish, half-asleep state, so that nothing in the body interferes with the flow of energy flows.

We ourselves use this when, rocking the child, we repeat monotonously: A-o-o-o … O-o-o …

For several millennia, yogis have been using monotonous words - mantras for targeted impacts on human energy. The most simple mantras are: LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM. The most famous: OM, AOUM.

Try to experiment on yourself, and sing the following row: 0-0-U-U, A-A-0-0, U-U-M-M, A-O-U, A-O-U-M …

And you will feel the currents of vibration going down during the last chanting of A-O-U-M from the chest down, and then up to the bridge of the nose.

Daily reading of mantras also has a second positive side: the nerves are calmed. And as one wise man said, "all diseases are from nerves and only one (I can't remember which one) is from pleasure …"

There are also longer mantras, such as - A-NIM-AH-OM, or in the form of a simple poem similar to the well-known Krishnaite "Hare Krishna". Russian yogis, through numerous trial and error, have developed their own effective mantra prayers and healing spells.

Probably many have read or at least heard about the methods of healing G. N. Sytin. This scientist collected ancient conspiracies and prayers throughout the country and studied their healing effects using modern equipment. Sensors were glued to biologically active points of the human body and an old conspiracy from the disease dug out somewhere in the Russian provinces was read aloud. And according to the change in electrical activity at biologically active points, words were determined (and any word is a mantra) that had a positive effect on the diseased organ. These successful phrases were collected and assembled into logically connected texts of therapeutic moods, and then tested in clinical conditions in practice.

You can try all this yourself. Relaxing, listening to music, singing, purring a melody under your breath, going to a disco, reading a mantra, during a holiday to look into a church with organ music, experiment with Sytin's moods. I guarantee you will feel a certain healing effect. And it is based on sound vibrations.

In the sanatorium Lago-Naki in May 2018, the traditional International Festival "Whisper of Heaven" was held, where masters acquainted vacationers and visiting guests with the techniques of sound meditation, music therapy, wellness "throat singing" and yoga exercises.

An interesting fact: in Mozhaisk, vocals were introduced in the educational labor colony. A month later, the head of the colony reported that the classes helped the teenagers both physically (the guys got stronger, they began to get tired much less) and morally (aggressiveness decreased, discipline improved, etc.).

But most of all, according to some scientists, pure, calm sounds are needed by the human embryo. And there are enthusiasts who plan to cultivate choral singing, to which expectant mothers will be invited - so that they have healthy and calm children.

Author: Lubomir Mudry