The Moon Is Declared An Alien Base Inhabited By Thousands Of Aliens - Alternative View

The Moon Is Declared An Alien Base Inhabited By Thousands Of Aliens - Alternative View
The Moon Is Declared An Alien Base Inhabited By Thousands Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is Declared An Alien Base Inhabited By Thousands Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is Declared An Alien Base Inhabited By Thousands Of Aliens - Alternative View
Video: The Proof Is Out There: The Moon's Dark History Revealed (Season 1) | History 2024, July

Ufologists were pushed to this conclusion by an image of the Earth satellite.

The unusually dark depression on the surface of the moon, which can be seen in a photograph from an artificial satellite, was considered by ufologists to be the entrance to the alien base. At the same time, the conspiracy theorists argue that we are not even talking about the alien base on the Moon, but that this entire cosmic body is a huge artificial object, from the outside looking like a celestial body of natural origin, but from the inside inhabited by representatives of an alien civilization.

The picture, which attracted the attention of self-proclaimed experts, was taken by the orbital station of the American aerospace agency NASA called the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. According to the author of the video dedicated to the "discovery", the artificial origin of the tunnel is evidenced not only by the fact that it seems unnaturally deep, but also by the correct shape, as well as small dots around it, which can also be seen in the picture and which, according to the ufologist, are a sign of alien activity.

Messages from ufologists who saw traces of a visit by aliens or local fauna in some obscure outlines on the surface of other planets or even the Earth almost always appear on the Internet with an enviable frequency, but recently the number of "sensations" of this kind turned out to be high even by these standards. More recently, it was reported about a "cash register" discovered on Mars, shortly before that - about an alien spacecraft that crashed in Antarctica, a little earlier - about three huge starships heading towards the Sun, and before that - about a tank left by aliens on the Moon … However, in all likelihood, both these and many other similar discoveries are just a play of light or stones of an unusual shape, the nature of which was very freely interpreted by fans of high-profile news.

Dmitry Istrov