In Lindulovskaya Grove People Disappear Without A Trace - Alternative View

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In Lindulovskaya Grove People Disappear Without A Trace - Alternative View
In Lindulovskaya Grove People Disappear Without A Trace - Alternative View

Video: In Lindulovskaya Grove People Disappear Without A Trace - Alternative View

Video: In Lindulovskaya Grove People Disappear Without A Trace - Alternative View
Video: 5 Roads Where People Disappear Without A Trace. 2024, July

Not far from St. Petersburg, on the Karelian Isthmus, on the banks of the Lindula River, there is the only man-made deciduous grove in Europe. It was planted by the decree of Peter I

In 1976, a unique forest area with adjacent lands of 930 hectares received the status of a historical, cultural and botanical monument. The unquestionable value of the Lindulov forest was also recognized by the UNESCO commission: in 1990 the grove was included in the World Heritage List.

And in the mid-1990s, a scandal erupted around the Lindulovskaya Grove. The administration of the Leningrad region has allocated a large plot of land for the Soyuz gardening near the reserve. This sparked protests from environmental organizations. The litigation lasted for several years, and ended with the gardeners remaining on the seized "bridgehead", despite all the efforts of environmentalists to drive them out. But more recently, this land has turned into an ominous place where people try not to go.


In the spring of 2005, a mass grave was discovered on the banks of the Lindula River. After an overnight shower, the river bank collapsed and - human bones were exposed. In the morning, the gardener Pokladkin saw them by chance. In a flash he rushed to the board of the "Union", where he told about the terrible find.

A crowd of curious people, led by the chairman of gardening Magendoidov, went to the river bank to inspect the burial. Seven human skulls were found, one of which, judging by the surviving long hair, belonged to a woman. Many of the turtles had gaps in them, which indicated the violent death of the unfortunate. At the same time, it was obvious even to a layman that the burial was quite old - it was at least fifty years old.

- Gentlemen, these are clearly victims of Stalin's repressions, - said the gardener Ruvimov, a liberal and free-thinker.

“Or maybe the victims of perestroika,” grumbled Magendoids, a conservative and big brute.

- Gentlemen, we are obliged to make this fact public in order to reveal the next crime of the totalitarian regime, - the liberal caught fire with the idea.

- Just try, fucking activist, let us know - we will immediately expel from the partnership! - the chairman sternly interrupted him. - A scandal with environmentalists is not enough for us? Do you want the bespectacled noise to raise again?

- Yes, you give it up, we don't need scandals, - the rest of the gardeners immediately snapped at the “human rights activist”, and the board member Krynkin even raised a stick at him.

- How then to be? - Ruvimov was depressed.

- And like this! - answered Magendoids and kicked the female skull into the river, followed by other remains flew into the water.


After the chairman's decisive actions, very little time passed, and a new incident took place in Lindulovskaya Grove, which was not given much importance at first.

One evening in May, the same gardener Pokladkin, a malicious exterminator of larch trees, went to the grove to look for a tree for the construction of a bathhouse. Nobody saw or met him again.

The neighbors drew attention to the disappearance of Pokladkin only after a couple of days. And since he was known as a squabbler, a poacher and an unauthorized chopper of relict trees, no one was in a hurry to sound the alarm and organize searches.

“He must have gone to Petersburg,” the gardeners suggested.

- And for me, it would be better if he completely disappeared, - Krynkina said sternly.

On the same night, all more or less valuable things were stolen from the empty dacha of Pokladkin, and fruit trees and bushes were dug from the site. Gardeners were accused of stealing homeless people, but at the same time they tried not to look at each other.

Meanwhile, a man disappeared in the Lindulovskaya grove again. This time the professor of one of the St. Petersburg institutes, who was brought by a close relative to the board member Krynkina, was unlucky. Towards evening he went for a walk in the grove and disappeared without a trace. They searched for him stubbornly and for a long time with all the partnership, but they never found him.

The police summoned from the nearest department did not clarify. The wanted shepherd dog refused to take the trail. As soon as it was in the grove, a huge dog, trained to detain armed criminals, began to whine and only tucked its tail, like a mongrel mongrel.

- I don’t understand. But something is clearly alarming and frightening her, - said the guide and helplessly threw up his hands.

- You do not know how, Drosselev, to work with dogs, - the senior militia officer breathed a strong vodka spirit

group and menacingly commanded: - Take the trail, muzzle! - and tried to swing at the shepherd.

The dog hit the abuser's leg. He announced the surroundings with a wild cry. The militiamen loaded the bitten "senior" into the UAZ, loaded themselves and departed home.

- But what about the professor ?! Krynkina shouted after them.

- Yes, nothing will happen to him, he will find where to go! - came from the car.

But the professor was not found, he disappeared, as if he had sunk into the water. A vague anxiety and expectation of something terrible have settled in the Soyuz partnership. From now on, gardeners tried not to appear in the Lindulovskaya grove. The same daredevils who went there during the day talked about the causeless fear that grips a person who dared to step under the crowns of century-old larches. Moreover, rumors spread throughout the Soyuz that mysterious lights wander between the trees at night, and that gusts of wind carry plaintive groans from there.

Anthills with human height in a grove are common


Further more. At the beginning of summer, citizens of neighboring Finland disappeared without a trace in Lindulovskaya Grove. Photographer Mauri Kulla and his assistant Karl Hansen arrived in Russia to photograph the natural beauty of the Karelian Isthmus. On the day of their disappearance, they left their van with the partnership and headed into the grove to film the larch trees against the sunset.

- Gentlemen, - Reuben warned them, - be careful, people are disappearing there.

- Oh, we'll be better alert, better! - Küll, hung with expensive equipment, dismissed the advice.

The photographers did not return. The ominous grove swallowed the self-confident Finns without a trace.

Cursed place

But where did the missing go? The law enforcement agencies of both countries believe that it has not been without crime. The missing could have become victims of the robbers, who hid their bodies in deep-sea Lindula. However, relatives and friends of the disappeared people question this version. If someone else could covet the Finnish cameras, then what valuable could they get from the professor and the retired gardener?


THE SPECIALIST To clarify the situation around the ominous Lindulovskaya grove, we asked the famous Petersburg researcher of mysticism and occultism Andron Friedman.

- It is known that in the 1930s, when the territory of the Karelian Isthmus belonged to Finland, a secret sect of Satan worshipers existed in Vyborg. Moreover, it consisted of adults with real power. Suffice it to say that one of the leaders of the sect was a high rank of the city magistrate Vääräinen.

This circumstance opened up wide opportunities for the Vyborg Satanists. It has been established for certain that in 1934, in the Panzerlax fortress bastion, they repeatedly held black masses - blasphemous parodies of Catholic services that included sexual orgies. In 1936, Satanists defiled the grave of the Reverend Bishop Mikael Agricola and the Great Church of the Swedish Community.

In the grove, we come across such terrible finds. Photographed by one of the bloggers


A year later, several ritual murders were committed in Vyborg, which were an exact copy of the medieval rite of human sacrifice to Satan. The authorities tried to neutralize the sect, but in vain. Only in the fall of 1939, a private detective agency managed to attack her trail. However, the Soviet-Finnish war that began in the same year interrupted the investigation. I think now it is not possible to clarify certain details of the sinister sect's activities.

As for the events in Lindulovskaya Grove, the most plausible is the version about the connection between the recent disappearances of people and the long-standing Satanic covens. The mass grave found in the grove most likely relates to a macabre ritual of sacrifice to the devil. True, it is impossible to declare this with one hundred percent certainty, since the remains of the victims were drowned by the chairman of the horticultural cooperative.

In general, all places associated with the rituals of Satanists have long had a reputation for being damned, especially when these rituals were accompanied by human sacrifice. There are often unexplained events that pose a real threat to humans. An example of this is the Wellington estate in Wales. Since the middle of the 19th century, under the guidance of the owner of the estate, the sabbaths of devil worshipers have been held regularly.

At the moment, the heirs of Sir Wellington have turned the estate into a hotel, where from time to time mysterious, inexplicable events take place. Sadly, it seems that now the Lindulovskaya Grove on the Karelian Isthmus can be added to the number of cursed places.