How To Distinguish Religion From Sect - Alternative View

How To Distinguish Religion From Sect - Alternative View
How To Distinguish Religion From Sect - Alternative View

Video: How To Distinguish Religion From Sect - Alternative View

Video: How To Distinguish Religion From Sect - Alternative View
Video: 73 sects, all in hell except 1, which is that 1 sect? 2024, July

The disappearance of philanthropy turns religion into a sect.

Religions through faith form a culture of thinking and action. Sects impose their ideas as sanctified by God. How many sects, so many opinions, usually aggressive. Most often, their opinions are directed against religions and the humanism they assert.

The pantheism of Buddhism is also in Christianity - the likeness of God, the spiritual worlds, Hell. Man is first spiritual, then social and corporal. The spiritual forms the Whole, which determines the content of the parts. The whole, as a culture of thinking, determines the laws of the development of civilization (social and bodily), in which, on the basis of its laws, humanism and philanthropy are affirmed as the basis for cooperation between people and societies.

In Islam, God, as the Whole, is personified, and therefore strictly monitors his believers, like the Almighty, endowed with human abilities, noting the worthy and unworthy. Islam, as a religion, forms a culture of thinking from whole to parts through the person of Allah among different nationalities, organizing cooperation and respect for other religions.

In Christianity, God is represented in the form of the Holy Trinity, which is Life-giving and creates the world. Therefore, a person in Christianity is godlike, creative, creating the world in the unity of space-time, the world of colors, human civilization in the form of the Noosphere in his individual and social consciousness.

All three religions explain these laws as the deeper meanings of their faith, in basically the same way. In the foundations of faith, they affirm humanism in the development of civilization and philanthropy in relationships as priority spiritual values.

Unlike the three world religions, Judaism attaches more importance to behavior than religion. That is, thinking is formed from parts to the Whole. The Jews have a belief in the only real God, to whom every person can turn in case of problems in behavior. For them, God is a spirit, an absolute being, who gave the Torah. Love begins with love for yourself, family, Jews and all other people. Love easily turns into its opposite, if someone … just got bored, for example, even as a guest.

These are already the principles of the organization of a sect, not of religion. Therefore, in Judaism, they tolerate various orthodox movements, including the Habbad sect, which is aggressive towards the ideas of humanism, Christianity and other religions.

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Religion asserts the priority of the spiritual, and the sects have some kind of social and physical pragmatic goals. For example, just to be saved through some way of life in which humanism, harmony of the world outlook and philanthropy disappear. In this case, the culture of thinking disappears from the spiritual Whole, which determines the content of its parts.

In thinking from parts, the concept of the Whole is unattainable. As a result, you can get ideas as a kind of aggregate, combined on the basis of signs (clothing, rituals, belonging to the same nationality).

Sects offer a path to nowhere where leaders can do bad things. The reason for their appearance is the result of the stupidity of the mind of a person who feels lonely and suffering from various fears. Some seek refuge in the source of fear, fears (in various satanic teachings), others see the source of their fears in the deceitful humanism of others. Therefore, hatred for humanism and Christianity, for some nationalities, become the main purpose of existence for some sects (the Habbad sect).

For example, sponsors can always be found for the purpose of fighting Russia and Orthodoxy. The lack of humanistic foundations allows such sects to make money, even selling alcohol, drugs, using fraudulent schemes in business and, of course, robbing their followers.

Slaves have no future. The content of tomorrow and the future for them is determined by the owner. The Talmud and Torah form and consolidate the slave consciousness. At that time, it was necessary, since the ideology of a free person and the principles of organizing civilization with the foundations of freedom and democracy were not created.

At that time, the Greek civilization appeared, which scientists called the "Golden Age of Mankind", but even without these principles it existed for several centuries.

It was not by chance that Jesus Christ appeared in the Jewish nationality, as a nation that most needed liberation from slave ideology. And it was the Jews who became apostles who understood this.

The idea of organizing life on Earth, according to the same laws as in Heaven (Prayer "Our Father") gave birth to many projects of organizing a free and creative life for a person.

But since K. Marx and other Jews received their upbringing under the conditions of a slave ideology, their main goal was the desire to destroy Christianity - the life-giving source of humanism and philanthropy. Therefore, the content of the Bolshevik, and then the Communist Party was taken from the organization of the Habbad sect - army discipline led by a leader.

The same metamorphosis occurred with all Russian parties, in which the absence of ideology is compensated by the deification of the leader.

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