Anomalous Zones Of The Volgograd Region - Alternative View

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Anomalous Zones Of The Volgograd Region - Alternative View
Anomalous Zones Of The Volgograd Region - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones Of The Volgograd Region - Alternative View

Video: Anomalous Zones Of The Volgograd Region - Alternative View

Perhaps there is no ufologist in Russia who would not have heard of the Medveditskaya ridge - the strongest geoactive zone, where UFOs are as common as minibuses in the city center.

It is there that such places as Blue Mountain and the Slope of Wild Lightning, Devil's Lair and Drunk Grove are located. And in the distance, on the other side of the Volga, is Zhitkur - a place where, according to a number of ufologists, there is a secret base for storing the remains of UFOs and aliens.


Medveditskaya ridge

Medveditskaya Mountain (Medveditskaya ridge), today is considered the most mysterious of the anomalous zones in Russia. The archipelago itself is located in the Volgograd region in the form of a chain of hills and mountains, the height of which ranges from 200 to 400 m. Rumors and legends still circulate among people that, already in ancient times, there were places that were considered damned and "bewitched".

These places, allegedly, were inhabited by unusual creatures. For many years, Medveditskaya ridge has been a mystery, a mysterious place. In these places, people still disappear. This is where fireballs fly. Under the Medveditskaya ridge there are a lot of tunnels that were dug by representatives of the most ancient civilizations. In the area of the Medveditskaya ridge, in different places, time shows differently.

Anomalous zones in the Volgograd region:

Medveditskaya ridge

Promotional video:

Ellipsoid fossils in the area of Kotovo

Settlement Log

Filin failures

Zhirnovskaya anomalous zone



"Unusual Grove"

"Devilish game"

"Devil's game" is a unique natural anomalous zone, which is located on the border of the Kotovsky and Olkhovsky districts of the Volgograd region.

It is a crater (funnel) with a size of 500 meters, which is filled with multi-layered sand of various shades: yellow, orange, red, pink, terracotta and burgundy.


Karshevitskoe loan

The Karshevitskoye Zayimishche, an anomalous place in the Volga-Akhtubinskaya floodplain in the Volgograd region, belongs to places with frequent manifestations of unexplained phenomena.



Medveditskaya Mountain, today is considered the most mysterious of the anomalous zones in Russia. The archipelago itself is located in the Volgograd region in the form of a chain of hills and mountains, the height of which ranges from 200 to 400 m. Rumors and legends still circulate among people that, already in ancient times, there were places that were considered damned and "bewitched".

These places, allegedly, were inhabited by unusual creatures. For many years, Medveditskaya ridge has been a mystery, a mysterious place. In these places, people still disappear. This is where fireballs fly. Under the Medveditskaya ridge there are a lot of tunnels that were dug by representatives of the most ancient civilizations. In the area of the Medveditskaya ridge, in different places, time shows differently.


Let's stop at one of the places in the Medveditskaya ridge area. This is the "Wolf's Lair". About half a century ago, there was a fairly large settlement (Vtorya Ferma) on this place. Now there are only ruins. The place is very unusual: fertile land, large reserves of minerals and…. various anomalies (ball lightning and "devils' tricks"). The village council decided that everyone should move to a safer place. It's quiet there now. Especially after the shepherd who grazed the cattle here was burned alive, but his clothes remained intact. Now in the Wolf's Lair - his grave.

There is also the Slope of Wild Lightning. The trees growing on this slope are crooked, charred. This is the result of the regular occurrence of ball lightning. Ball lightning, as if "gnawed" the trunks. Some of them are scorched, charred. But, to the great humiliation, the trees grow. Now there are more than 500 such crooked, wounded trees.

It is to them that ball lightning is attracted. The phenomena of ball lightning with sizes up to 1 meter in diameter were observed. They usually move parallel to underground tunnels. It is possible, thanks to filming, to determine where these tunnels are.


Suppose. That the age of the underground tunnels is more than 7 centuries. On the territory, near the Medveditskaya ridge, there were settlements of the Tatar-Mongols of the Golden Horde. They were terribly afraid of these particular tunnels and considered them a cursed place. Presumably, the width of the tunnel is 7 meters. After the war, all the entrances to the tunnel were, in an incredible way, blown up. Now you can only speculate about them.

Scientists believe that the location of these tunnels can be determined using metered explosions. Direct acoustic waves that will be reflected from the underground. Seismographs will record the location of underground tunnels. It is strange that a "white spot" is formed in the place of the Medveditskaya ridge. There, sound waves are absorbed but not recorded by seismographs.

Nevertheless, attempts to get to the tunnel were made more than once. In 1997, enthusiasts - ufologists began to look for a way to the tunnel. Just a few days later, in the western part of the district, everyone saw a cloud in the form of a screen, on which a symbol (the last letter of the Greek alphabet) lit up.

Everyone understood this as a warning that work there must be stopped. The scientists continued their work. The surprise was not long in coming. The water level began to rise sharply. All work had to be stopped. After a while, the work was resumed with the help of a hand drill. At a depth of 8 meters, the drill rested on something solid. In the morning there was a heavy rainstorm, with a hurricane, rain. A bus was sent from the center, but on the way, it turned over into a ditch.


For the past 20 years, expeditions have been periodically equipped to the Medveditskaya ridge. They are trying to start exploring the anomalous zone and looking for UFO tracks. For 20 years, about 20 places were recorded where UFOs have visited. There are pictures. Three areas have been officially registered where ball lightning is especially active, as well as geopathogenic zones.

Perhaps the most successful was the 1992 expedition. Several UFO (flying objects) landing sites have been found. In addition, footprints were found on the grass around the ridge: round 17, 11, 8, 7 meters. Now it is already known, at least about 20 actually registered UFO landing sites.

In 1993, a resident of the village, near the Medveditskaya ridge, from the window of the house saw an object in the form of an ellipse with two searchlights, which flew up. There were also witnesses who saw this.

At a distance of about 100 meters to the UFO landing site, physical devices begin to mope, generators malfunction. And at great depths, all microorganisms died in the soil. Foreign objects (pyramids, balls) were also found there.

In the same year, a resident of one of the villages, not far from the Medveditskaya ridge, dug up an unusual metal object on his site, which was twisted into a double spiral. Its diameter is 5 cm. The metal itself is a bronze alloy.

What connects the Medveditskaya ridge and the UFO, which lands there with such frequency? It was found that the main tunnel, on a segment of 4.5 km, is very straight and has an absolutely exact width - 7 m. Towards the Slope of Rabid Lightning, the tunnel begins to expand up to 30 meters and branch out (3 tunnels). Research has shown that two tunnels go in the direction of the UFO landing.

Scientists, relying on the conducted research, put forward hypotheses: the tunnels were artificially created in very ancient times, the tunnels are the result of the activities of some unknown inhabitants, perhaps representatives of other civilizations, the tunnels are the secret base of unknown aliens.

In August 1997, a UFO "parade" was organized on the Medveditskaya ridge: at a distance of 1 meter above the ground, red-hot fireballs (more than a hundred) flew towards an underground tunnel. They flew through the forest, near the Wolf's Lair. Trees were burned and felled, the tops were cut off in the direction of the mountain.



Blue Mountain is one of the highest points of the flat part of Russia (293 m). This is the strongest anomalous zone, one of the most mysterious hilly peaks located in the Volgograd region. stone mountain has a height of more than 100 meters and a length of up to one and a half kilometers

The Blue Mountain constantly attracts thunderclouds and lightning strikes, affects the well-being of people and the behavior of animals.

Fireballs fly for dozens of hours along the same route on Blue Mountain and burn holes or bizarre spirals on trees along the way. Roots were purposefully burned out of some of the trees on the Slope of Rabid Lightning, and after that the energy discharge burned through the tree from the inside along the trunk from bottom to top. It seems that lightning or something unknown struck the tree not from the air, but from the ground.

At present, eyewitnesses often note the appearance of unusual light phenomena over the Slope of Wild Lightning

There is a dirt road not far from the top of the Blue Mountain. The engines of passing cars and helicopters in flight often stall there (such cases were noted in the summer of 1980 and 1982).

Locals claim that Blue Mountain is growing. Geologists have found outcrops of solidified lava on the slope of Furious Lightning. Over the entire surface of the hills, the earth is split into shapeless blocks of enormous size.



Expedition to the "Unusual Grove"

On May 14, 2007, a message was received on the Volzhsky Starnet forum on the topic “Your anomalous incidents in life” with the following content: “There is an anomalous zone in the Sukhodol area - a small grove. The trees in it are unusually tall, and in the middle of the grove there is a lake (not even a lake, but a large pit filled with water). The locals don't like this grove."

Anomalous Zone - Expedition to the Unusual Grove To an immediate message (on the forum) “Did something happen to you there? Or have you heard about some strange cases there? Tell us "got the answer:" Nothing happened to me. Was there not long. We went fishing with friends. We stopped to rest and see why the trees are so tall. There was one local peasant with us. We tried to question him. He kept denying it, the only thing he said was - We (that is, the locals) don't go here …”.

The author agreed to show us this place in person, for which we are especially grateful. Since the grove is located in the Volga-Akhtubinskaya floodplain, it was decided to leave for the site two weeks after the message appeared. the spring flood prevented us from reaching the place of interest by various water barriers. Subsequently, it turned out that in order not to meet these obstacles, two weeks of waiting were not enough.

Damn log


On June 2, 2007 a trip to the grove was made. It was not possible to drive up to it directly by car, the first stream that we met that day prevented us. I had to leave the car and walk about five kilometers to the appointed place. In the end, reaching the grove, they had to overcome seven fords with the danger of water damage to video and other equipment. At about 10:15 am, a small group (two researchers and a guide) arrived at the "unusual" grove. Being in about a hundred meters in front of the edge, the understanding came that the trees of the grove are actually uncharacteristically large for the area. They stood out clearly among the vegetation Anomalous Zone - Expedition to the Unusual Grove Floodplains: the surrounding trees had a height of about 1.5-2 m, and stood very rarely, while the trees of the grove had a height of about 15 m and stood tight,from the side it looked like a solid mass. Unfortunately, the photos do not convey the greatness of the natural object that we observed with our own eyes.

Then we moved into the depths of the line, but, being under a continuous attack of petty bloodsuckers, who were especially active in early summer, it was decided not to stay there for a long time. In total, we were able to hold out for 15 minutes inside. What interesting things were we able to notice when inspecting the area with a “quick glance”?

The southern part of the grove ends with a small eric. According to z1505 (such a nickname on the forum of our guide), this pit is in its channel (in the summer of 2006 it was visible), but due to the abundant flood of the current 2007, the water does not allow us to see its borders. Most of the trees are diverted from the reservoir to the north for unknown reasons. Specially learned from those living in the floodplain, its experts - this should not be. It is a common thing when people see forests that are neutral in relation to erik, and generally tend to grow vertically. Most often, only the nearest trees near the reservoir have a slope, a slope towards the water. In the same place, everything is the other way around: the orientation of the trunks, branches and tops of trees is away from the erik.


It is worth noting the evenness of the surface on which the edge is located, which excludes the reason for the inclination of the trees by the peculiarities of the topography. Several twisted trees were also seen. Anomalous Zone - Expedition to the Unusual Grove There is life in the grove, there are also birds and insects (especially a lot of mosquitoes with midges). As a consequence, an indirect conclusion can be drawn about the absence of pathogenic factors within its limits. The well-being of each visitor to this edge was at the optimal level, moreover, it did not undergo any changes at all. The dosimeter showed 25-30 μR / h, i.e. there are no sources of ionizing radiation.

On the way back we met a local resident Alexei. He said that a week ago (mid-late May) he saw the flight of colorful balls, changing their size and color of lighting. According to him, they flew low and just in the direction of this grove (observation was introduced by him at a considerable distance from it). He also said that bluish glow is often observed in the vicinity of the grove.

All these circumstances indicate that it is necessary to organize a longer expedition to thoroughly study the grove. This is already planned.



Coordinates: N49 9.816 E43 55.446.

Residents of the village of Trekhostrovskaya, thanks to the archaeologists of Volgograd State University, have the right to be proud of their proximity to a landmark of world importance. A huge sanctuary of Indo-Iranian fire worshipers was discovered here, which appeared here even before the new era.

A large mound with a diameter of about 200 meters on the banks of the Don has long attracted the attention of locals, scientists, and numerous eccentrics. Some saw it as a landing site for aliens who visited our planet many centuries ago, others believed that in front of them was a mysterious burial of powerful rulers of antiquity.

At the end of the 19th century, a certain Pyotr Avdeev decided to look for gold in the mound, but, having shoveled a huge amount of earth, he was able to take out only a few carts of charcoal from there. In the 1920s, a serious archaeological expedition tried to uncover the secret. However, the scientists had to leave ahead of time because of the openly hostile attitude of the local population towards them, who considered the excavation of the "holy place" a continuation of the atheist policy of the Soviet regime.

Several years ago, archaeologists from Volgograd University began excavations here under the leadership of Professor Anatoly Skripkin. They found out that the upper layers of the earth hid a temple in honor of the fire god Agni.

It was a rather complex structure, in the center of which the ancient builders erected a furnace more than five meters high. Its bottom and walls were lined with white stone with thermal insulation properties. When the stone container was completely filled with wood, it was set on fire, covered with a layer of crushed limestone on top. Thanks to this clever trick of the fire worshipers, the stove they built did not burn, but only smoldered, and thick smoke spread over many tens of kilometers.

The constancy of the smoke was monitored, replenishing the stock of firewood in the giant stove, the confidants of the tribe. Their settlements were found not far from the temple, in the Khlebnaya and Kachalinskaya ravines.

The studies of the temple have been going on for more than one year, but it still holds many mysteries. The main one is related to the age of the sanctuary. Until now, excavations have not found any fragments of ceramics or bones, which are usually used to determine the age of an ancient structure. Archaeologists had to order a radiocarbon study of coals from ancient fireplaces in laboratories in Russia, Germany and the United States. The results of the analyzes were quite contradictory. Judging by one scientific conclusion, the near Don temple of fire-worshipers is approximately 3300 years old, according to the second - 2800-3000 years old, and according to the third - “only” 2500. There are other questions that Volgograd archaeologists have not yet been able to answer. Presumably, over time, researchers of the archaeological heritage of the Lower Volga region will still be able to find the key to these ancient mysteries.

10 years ago, a scientific expedition, which included Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of VolSU A. S. Skripkina, candidates of historical sciences T. V. and A. O. The Alekseevs from the Institute of Physical and Biological Problems of Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other well-known scientists began excavating the sanctuary. Having thoroughly researched this place, they agreed that there was a religious building, the likes of which are not found in all of Europe. The appearance of the monument was also recreated.

Medveditsa River


According to research data, this monument was a hemispherical earth embankment with fragments of limestone, surrounded by a moat 2 meters deep with a width of 24 to 32 meters and a diameter of 200 meters along the outer circle. Its central part rose 2 meters above the steppe surface.

The temple of fire, and, according to scientists, this was the name of this structure, began with digging a pit, which was then poured with a liquid solution of clay, which, most likely, corresponded to the act of laying the altar. All this is based on the idea that the sacred fire should not burn on the natural surface, between the fire and the earth there should be an altar - the center of the Earth, through which the world order, life and harmony are maintained.

Researchers believe that the structure was important for a large number of people, as evidenced by its enormous size. In the Late Bronze Age (the sanctuary dates back to this time), the Volga-Don steppes were densely populated by tribes, as evidenced by the already studied burial and household monuments on the territory of the present Donskoy Park.

Not far from the sanctuary is the Romanian Mountain, where ufologists come from all over the world. It is impossible to stay here for more than 20 minutes: the head starts to hurt. Modern cosmoenergy claim that it is here that an energy stream moving upward meets a stream moving from space into the bowels of the earth.

And here you can also hear stories that once upon a time aircraft from distant worlds landed and took off here. But in science this fact is not recorded, as, incidentally, and energy flows. But a special energy is really felt.

In summer, numerous vacationers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, other cities and villages come to the village of Trehostrovskaya. They go to gain strength and thrill. Perhaps, in the foreseeable future, a trail for excursions will be laid here. In the meantime, this is a place for wild travelers who are not afraid of meeting the spirits of their ancestors.


Coordinates: N48 57.102 E46 15.822.

You can drive across the steppe from almost any direction. The most convenient routes to Zhitkur are from Leninsk via Stepnoy or from Elton via Otgonny. More …

Behind the rows of barbed wire, through which current is passed, there are about a dozen large hangars. One of them contains the bodies of aliens. But the most interesting thing in Zhitkur is underground in the northeastern part of the base, where the railway and automobile tunnels lead. There, in an underground bunker (with its own life support system), with the observance of all conceivable precautions, fragments and entire UFO structures are stored. In a 50-meter room, if you enter it from the side of the western wing gate, there are at least 5 such devices: on the left are two disc-shaped devices of the Sonneri civilization and the "sports model of a flying saucer" of the Tron-Sonneri EC (Sirius A - Sotis system), on the right, almost in the entire length of the room - a cigar-shaped UFO, and far in the corner - an aircraft-like device "Dolphin" from the Sirius system with an engine,working on a transuranic 115 element.

The author of the above lines is not a science fiction writer or a journalist chasing a sensation, A. A. Anfalov is a Crimean ufologist who first mentioned a place called Zhitkur in 1996 in ufological publications.

Zhitkur is a former military town near the village of Loshchina, in the Volgograd region. Belonged to the Kapustin Yar test site. Both villages (Zhitkur and Loshchina) have not existed since the early 1980s, only the destroyed foundations of houses remained. But the question arises - who or what helped the houses and buildings of Zhitkur collapse to the ground in less than 30 years? Maybe someone purposefully tried to wipe out any mention of the city of Zhitkur from the face of the earth?

The military unit located next to the ruins of Zhitkura is just an observation point during the shooting, seemingly having nothing to do with hangars for UFOs. But according to many Ukrainian ufologists, as well as according to reports of some Russian newspapers (for example, "Crossroads of the Centaur"), hangars in the Zhitkur area allegedly store UFO fragments and whole alien ships that crashed in the USSR and the Warsaw Pact countries.

But upon a detailed examination of the Zhitkur sites, the military unit does not give the impression of a secret place equipped for no less secret purposes. There are no traces of entrances to some underground structures, ventilation or communication systems, roads and railways. What we see on the site of Zhitkur contradicts Anfalov's schemes, in which he depicts a runway of three and a half kilometers, a satellite special communication system, a laboratory with a computing center, and even a railway line from Elton station to Zhitkur.

In the center of Zhitkur there is a monument to “the heroes who fell in the battles for Soviet power during the civil war”. A faded tablet lists the names of 66 people, residents of the city of Zhitkur, who were killed by the White Guards on March 5, 1919.

And not far from the monument, apparently in the past on the outskirts of Zhitkur, there is a much more terrifying sight - an old cemetery of the 30-50s, apparently from the former Gulag camp. Several dozen rickety old crosses stick out from the ground, some of which are made of scrap materials.

Maybe there was never a UFO near Zhitkur, but the fact that this place keeps some terrible secrets and many mysteries cannot cause doubts.

Guide: how to get to Zhitkur and what to see

As well as to other places located in the middle of the steppe, Zhitkur can be reached from almost any direction. We will tell you about the most convenient methods.

The first way is suitable for those who are traveling from Volgograd, Volzhsky or Astrakhan. To get to Zhitkur in this way, moving along the Volzhsky-Astrakhan highway, turn to the north-east immediately after Leninsk (N48 43.069 E45 13.717). Having arrived on the asphalt to Stepnoye (passing the Dawn), we turn to the steppe to the east (N48 55.174 E45 35.618) and move east. On the way we will meet an abandoned military unit (N48 53.853 E45 53.992). Soon we will drive to an intersection (N48 53.409 E45 59.699), after which the quality of the primer will most likely improve significantly. Moving along it to the northeast, you will soon reach Zhitkur.

Another way is successful for those who decide to visit Zhitkur, returning from Elton. In this case, it is necessary to go around the lakes from the south, a grader of quite decent quality goes to Otgonny (N48 59.954 E46 31.777). Further the road deteriorates (at least we did not find a good road), but when driving to the southwest, if necessary, bypassing salt marshes, you will reach Zhitkur.

There is a military observation station near Zhitkur (N48 57.399 E46 15.622). In general, do not forget that vast territories south of Zhitkur are a military training ground and civilians may have problems with movement there (i.e., you most likely will not be able to drive directly from Zhitkur to Kapustin Yar).

There is not much to see in Zhitkur: there is a monument to those killed by the White Guards (N48 57.101 E46 15.823), not far from it there is an abandoned cemetery (N48 57.163 E46 16.032).



Urban anomalous zone in the 1st microdistrict of Volzhsky

In February 2008, the team of the "Anomalous Zone" went to the first microdistrict of the city of Volzhsky to determine whether there is any anomalous, geopathogenic zone in this place or not. The first thing that caught my eye was, of course, the trees, their abnormal tendency to grow at random and sideways alarming. If you look at the rows of trees, you can see that they are tilted to one side - from the houses to the center of the playground. The trees walked side by side to the road linking the street. Lenin and Sputnik. The planted young trees were not as crooked as the rather middle-aged trees. Of course, the tops of the trees can be twisted due to the winds that create the currents of the moving air masses, but the trees were bent from the ground, it also seemed that one tree "fell" on another, a little bit more, and intertwined with it tops.

One could assume that the curvature of the trees is due to underground movements, that is, the rock has shifted - but next to the houses and their foundations would also move, and the five-story buildings - "Khrushchevs" are not designed for any movement and cracks would go. The inclined trees formed certain circles, that is, some were inclined from one house to the second, and others from the first to the second, and the trees were towards each other. A logical question arises - why the trees are twisted in such a strange way in a circular dance, and not only young, but also adult trees are curved, while not an isolated case, but a certain pattern has been revealed - circles, rows. At least we counted 3 circles, small circles - 4-5 meters in diameter. To draw a conclusion, it is necessary to turn to one more tool besides observation.

The most accurate instrument given to a person is his eyes. Defocusing a person's gaze allows you to see the volume in stereometric pictures, the luminosity of living objects, replacing the Kirlian effect. After training, you can see clouds around any living creatures, and whoever advanced further sees colors. Trees sleep in winter, they doze and await the arrival of spring, however, the twisted trees seemed to be very active. The luminosity of the trees inside the zone is stronger than the trees outside the zone, I think it is the zone itself that endows them with such luminosity. In the zone itself - it is on the playground - one can feel the heaviness in the heart - personal feelings.

After questioning local residents, it was found that no tragic accidents were observed, there were no serious incurable diseases either. Therefore, it is impossible to assert that this is a pathogenic zone; rather, it is true that this is a zone with unusual properties - an anomalous zone, with a small radius of action - in the playground zone. However, it should be added that one tree near the house grew like a snake, that is, upward, right-upward and left-upward, left-upward and right-upward - you can imagine a snake. Usually our spine is bent from the fact that we hold our back incorrectly for a very long time, but that in several places is, you see, nonsense. So the question arises - what or who holds and makes the tree grow twisted. Most likely it always feels that it is growing up,only the concept of top is distorted and in the coordinate system sometimes Y changes to Z, on the contrary.

Trees are living beings that live in the biosphere and take information from the noosphere. It surrounds us, since everything that surrounds us is the world of information. Trees obey the biofield of the earth and grow as they see fit. Sometimes for them on horseback, the growth of their trunk can be parallel to the ground, by the way, this is observed in some areas of the Bear.

It can be concluded that this zone is interesting for researchers, for biologists and botanists, representatives of alternative science - psychics, children - indigo. It is through common efforts that a curious veil of secrecy can be lifted, and the data of any one science will be too narrow to describe this indescribable phenomenon. You can ask any search engine on the Internet why trees are twisted, but you will not find a clear, well-founded answer. Check it yourself.

It should be noted that nearby houses are located outside the center of this anomalous zone, on its outskirts, however, as you can see, the “negative” zone itself does not bear and the study of the effect of the impact is the task of future trips with more serious equipment. I think this will help answer the question: what is the nature of this phenomenon and in what percentage it is from everyday life and from abnormality.



The village of Tsarev is a small settlement in the Volgograd region, Leninsky district. The village is located on the Akhtuba River, on the site of the ancient capital of the Golden Horde - Saray-Berke.

In the winter of 1922, residents of the Astrakhan province witnessed an unusual phenomenon - a meteor shower. Rumors about this spread throughout the country. Miraculous properties and unprecedented dimensions were attributed to the meteorite, but then no one was able to find the meteorite. … And the Geological and Mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences even offered a reward (“100 rubles in gold at the current ruble rate (over 2.5 billion in 1921)” …) for finding a meteorite.

The meteorite was found only in 1968 in the village of Tsareve on the Leninsky state farm when plowing fields. The first news of the find was received from B. G. Nikiforov, a rural electric welder. He had long been interested in astronomy and meteorics, so the unusual stones that tractors stumbled upon seemed suspicious to him. The sample sent by Nikiforov from the village of Tsarev turned out to be a chondrite meteorite and was added to the collection of the Geological and Mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences.

Until 1980, more and more finds of meteorites were found in the village of Tsarev. In total, 82 chondrite-type meteorites were found, weighing more than 1.5 tons. The largest specimen from the village of Tsarev is about 284 kg. A crater formed at the site of the meteor shower.

The meteorites found in the village of Tsarev are currently in great demand among American collectors.

And who knows how many more stones the land of Tsarev keeps in itself …



The phenomenon of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

In those cases when all the ways to solve this or that life problem were exhausted and proved to be useless, a certain contingent of people seeks help from the supernatural forces. As a rule, this is a psychological aspect that has various origins - a feeling of helplessness and insecurity awakens in a person, subconsciously accumulating faith in effective reliance on supernatural forces. Whether they are dark or light (depending on the history of an individual), the result of mystical conversion is most important for the believer.

We will not go into disputes about the existence of the polarity of otherworldly forces (in my opinion, this is all relative), but we will only note that there are often cases of hope and belief in a positive outcome of a painful problem by a miracle.

On one of the forums in the city of Volzhsky, a message appeared that there is a church in the Volgograd region with a bleeding icon. We contacted the author of the post and received additional information about this whole story. The answer was as follows: “This icon is in the temple, in the village of Log. I went there on a trip, so I don't know how to get there. Myrrh-streaming icons are not uncommon. Scientists cannot describe the reasons for the appearance of the world on the icon, I consider it a miracle. The icon of the Mother of God itself is miraculous. Local residents say that if you pray from the heart at this icon, the Mother of God will help. Personally, I tried, what I asked her about came true. I do not know how much this is a coincidence, but I am telling it as it is ….

Naturally, the coordinates of the item Log were found out and without any hesitation, a group of researchers went to see the miracle. The composition of the group: Mikhail Ulitin, Viktor Kravtsov, Andrey Gordeev, Andrey Apukhtin, Sergey Lobanov.

The church was not found immediately. Having approached it, they were surprised by its small size. In the courtyard of the church there was a small shop selling various attributes of the Orthodox faith, including photographs of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God. It was not possible at that time to get into the church building itself in order to see the icon firsthand - the service was taking place. It was inconvenient to squeeze through the crowd of people completely immersed in the religious process and admire the icon, to put it mildly. I had to wait about an hour. Finally, the process was over, the church was freed from those participating in the singing, and we entered the temple. As they explained to us even before entering, it is strictly forbidden to photograph the miraculous icon. Nevertheless, having caught the moment, without the presence of anyone, I took several shots near the icon. Until the appearance of the abbot of the temple,everyone managed to approach the icon and get acquainted with the "miracle." I will make a reservation in advance, two members of our group felt “something”. Well, more on that below. After spending some time with the icon, we tried to detail the incredible events associated with it, from their direct witness.

The bleeding icon of the Kazan Mother of God in the Log Before presenting the information we received, I would like to touch on the historical religious value of the icon. According to legend, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was acquired by the girl Matrona in 1579. The face of the Mother of God was sent to Russia in gratitude for the efforts of the Russian missionaries in Kazan, the official church believes. It was in the year of the famous campaign of Yermak "for Kazan" that the image of the icon appeared. Already in 1612, when the Kazan Icon was sent to the people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky, Moscow was liberated from the Polish invaders. Since then, this face of the Mother of God has become a subject of special reverence for believers.

Father came up to us and we had a conversation. Our task was to restore the chronology of events. I wanted to hear all the details from the lips of Father Alexander Loban. On this occasion, there is enough information on the Internet. But how much you can trust her is a big question. Therefore, interviewing witnesses is the best way to test the words that highlight the issue. But verifying words is not the essence of verifying the truth. Truth can have another meaning - a stream of deliberate disinformation from witnesses cannot be ruled out. Here one must rely on the effectiveness of psychological methods to identify contradictions and, ultimately, on one's own intuition.

According to Alexander Loban, everything happened as follows. Four years ago, when the icon was not in the place of the temple where it is now, he noticed the beginning of this phenomenon. Everything looked like a gradual growth of a red spot, practically every day. It became clear to him that a miracle was happening. Alexander informed Vladyka Herman of this phenomenon and received an order from him to read molebens with akathists - church poetic praises. The icon was moved to another place where direct rays of sunlight did not fall on it. Here we must draw our attention to the moment of the periodic influence of the Sun on the state of the icon, but we will return to this later.

Soon the rumor about the miracle that had happened spread, and the first case of healing arose … An elderly woman, Anna Denisova, a resident of Log, received a burn on her hands with boiling water of soup. Yes, it burned so badly that solid blisters formed. On the same evening she appeared in the church and asked to grease the burn with oil from the icon lamp at the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. My father was against this, realizing that the effect can only be negative. But it was difficult not to succumb to Anna's persuasions, and in order to satisfy her desire to use the power of the icon, he was forced to anoint her hands with oil. Oddly enough, in the morning the believer had practically no trace of a burn left - only the skin between the fingers had a red tint, they did not lubricate them with oil - says Alexander. This story was convincing proof for believers not only that the icon bears the sign of God,but also has healing properties.

So, this incident described above served as the starting point for the conquest of the glory of the miraculous icon. The pilgrimage began. For the registration of healings even a corresponding journal was kept. All those for whom the prayer in front of the icon resulted in a miraculous effect, were not lazy to unsubscribe in this magazine. It contains not one or two cases of healing - there are dozens of them.

Here are some descriptions:

“… I would like to describe two miraculous cases that happened in our home from the icon of the Mother of God (Logovskaya Bleeding).

My son Nikolai (7 years old) was sick, he felt bad all day, he did not get up from the sofa. My husband and I did not know how to help him, he did not have a temperature, and symptoms of a cold either. Already in the evening they gave him some of the Mother of God water (with earth from Diveevo), and after that they baptized the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. He immediately jumped off the couch, vomited and the illness seemed to have disappeared.

July 17, 2005

I, the servant of God Olga, received healing from the lamp oil of the Icon of the "Kazan" Mother of God, which is located in the church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Log, Ilovlinsky district. In June 2004, by the will of God, I came to the Holy Icon for the first time and asked her to heal my eyes, because the film was blind, the film closed its eyes, the doctors could not make an accurate diagnosis, after a week of anointing with oil from the Icon, the film left, the doctor only stated that there was a small trace, like from an eye injury, but soon the trace disappeared. In August of the same year, ulcers appeared on the legs - skin cancer, no treatment helped, after 3 months, i.e. in November, to the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, I again got to Log, to the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, and again received healing from the oil from her Holy Icon, in which I testify before God about the miracle of healing from the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Most Holy Mother of God, pray to God for us!

Moiseeva Olga Georgievna. G. Volgograd

We are pilgrims from the Krasnoarmeisky district of Volgograd. I am the servant of God Tamara came to the church of the Apostles Peter and Paul on May 6, 2005 to Father Alexander and, anointed with oil from the miraculous icon of B. M. “Kazanskaya” was healed, my hands were cleansed, I did not recognize my hands. Having arrived on July 17, 2005 and having anointed my eyes, I can say that I received healing, I can read without glasses, before I could not read without them. I can say "thank you" to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

July 17, 2005

I, the servant of God Margarita, received relief from my old ailment during the prayer service "for the travelers" in front of the Icon of the "Kazan" Mother of God (bleeding). Completely healed or not I will inform you later. Holy Mother of God save us!


I, the servant of God Galina, testify about the healing from a severe form of measles in a young man - my nephew Roman, 18 years old, who was in intensive care with a temperature of 42˚C. All night the mother read prayers at the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God and drew crosses on the son's body with oil from the icon. By morning, the temperature subsided, the rash began to subside. After 4 days, Roman was discharged healthy. The doctors threw up their hands: "it shouldn't have been this way." Glory to you, zealous intercessor of the Christian family. Pray to God for us sinners.


I, the servant of God Galina, testify about the wonderful help received by the will of God after the prayer service before the miraculous Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.

In my daughter's family, her husband is the only worker and owner, was laid off in the number of 170 people. The family was left without income. It was a disaster. 10 days after the prayer service, they received a call from their home and offered to return to work. It was restored by the only one out of 170 people. Holy Mother of God, glory to you!


My father, the servant of God, Eugene, on January 10, 2006 was hospitalized in a serious condition (sugar coma). My mother, God's servant Valentine, turned to the Church of Peter and Paul for help to the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God, ordered a prayer service and bought oil, consecrated at the prayer service. The father regained consciousness after 3 days and recovered quickly. He underwent examination, ultrasound showed that everything was normal, sugar was 27, dropped to 5.4. Doctors will not understand where this sugar came from. We talked about stress, but we didn't have any stress. Our whole family believes in this Icon and oil. She helped my dad. Glory to you, zealous intercessor of the Christian family. Pray to God for us sinners.


I, the servant of God's Love, testify of the miraculous help from the oil sacred at the prayer service to the Kazan Mother of God. 10 years ago I had an accident. The diagnosis is a brain tumor. Using the healing oil, I felt an improvement. The headaches have diminished. Now I do not use drugs. The headache is relieved by eating holy oil. Glory to you, Mother of God, for your great help!


My youngest daughter had epileptic seizures, began to use oil - the seizures stopped. Most Holy Theotokos, low bow to you! My family never ceases to thank you for your mercy and care. Pray to God for us sinners!

The eldest daughter Natalya suffered from varicose veins - she was healed using oil.

Recently, my friend Elena told me that her husband Alexander is suffering from sugar. diabetes, his toes were amputated. The wounds don't heal, they bleed. I advised her to buy consecrated oil in the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The next day, Alexander felt relief, the wounds miraculously healed. Glory to you, zealous intercessor of the Christian family. Pray to God for us sinners.


I, God's servant Elena, came to the myrrh-streaming icon in March. I bought oil in the church and used it for my illness, it helped. This oil and faith helped me.



On July 24, 2009, the Volzhsky-AZ group went to the Devil's Game.

Such a description of this place can be found on the Internet:

"Devil's game" is a strange natural boundary, an old sandy crater of unknown origin, located in the center of the Volgograd region. Crater dimensions: diameter 230 meters, depth 7-8 meters. When it appeared, nobody remembers. Several versions of the appearance of these unusual sands have been put forward - from the fall of a meteorite to evil spirits. The first hypothesis was rejected in 1990 at the Astronomical Institute. Steinberg, where samples of rocks (sand and stones) were sent. There they made a conclusion: the reflow took place in terrestrial conditions, not of cosmic origin. Locals believe that ghosts live in the Devil's Game. And indeed, seeing these unusual sands for the first time, you can believe anything. A few trees grow inside it; birches here are crooked and small, grow in bush, there are many growths and knots on the trunks and branches. The trees behind the crater are normal - tall and straight. But most unusual is the color of the sand - yellow, white, bright red, dark red, rusty and white. Lumps of melted sand and stones are scattered across the sand. The initial information about the crater was collected by Alexander Dolgov ("Kotovo-Cosmopoisk").

On the way to the "Devil's Rumble" you see only a steppe crossed by gullies with a small number of groves. But once you get there, you see this "Devil's play" itself, which is something like a crater (funnel) about 500 meters in size, which is filled with multi-layer sand of various shades. The natural palette contains white, yellow, orange, red, pink, terracotta and burgundy shades. Seeing all this (shape, size and color), you understand why this place is named that way. In general, there is still something similar to what is written in the articles.

Now we will further disassemble and destroy the myth about this place.

Let's start with these words: "Here, except for dwarf deformed birches, nothing grows, which indicates the presence of an anomaly" - partly true! But partly only because, in fact, in this place there are not only birches, but also other trees, bushes and even grass, just on the sand itself, of course, nothing especially can grow, therefore there are only blotches of dwarf birches and shrubs, but in places of trampled sand and earth, tall, beautiful slender trees grow rather calmly and smell, especially on the heights of this beam.

Moving on: “One of the versions of the occurrence of an anomalous place is the fall of a meteorite. What is indicated by the volcanic structure of the sand, the multi-colored soil similar to the Martian surface”- there is no scientific evidence that a meteorite fell in those parts, and in this place nothing of the kind was found, not pieces that would look like meteorite fragments. "Volcanic structure of sand" - what is volcanic in it, I do not understand, evenly laid crumbly sand. "Similar to the Martian surface" - this comparison arises only because of the color of the sand, just red and yellow prevail in this sand, so the entire surface consists of shades of red, which resembles the color of the Martian surface, which is broadcast to us by the media.

Now let's dwell on the sand itself, figure out what sand is and why it is red or yellow. Sand is a granular material of natural origin, consisting of small particles of rocks and minerals. The size of the grains (grains of sand) ranges from 1⁄16 to 2 millimeters in diameter. An individual particle of this size is called a grain of sand. In geology, a substance whose particle size is an order of magnitude smaller than that of sand is called silt: particles, from 0.0625 mm to 0.004 mm in diameter. The substance with larger, relative to sand, particles is gravel, the size of its grains ranges from 2 mm to 64 mm. Sand is usually divided into five subcategories based on size: very fine sand (1/16 - 1/8 mm diameter), fine sand (1/8 mm - 1/4 mm), medium sand (1/4 mm - 1 / 2 mm), coarse sand (1/2 mm - 1 mm), and very coarse sand (1 mm - 2 mm). Typically, sand is produced by erosion of rocks.

The particle size distribution is highly dependent on the degree of destruction of the parent rock. The color of the sand is determined by the chemical composition of the rock. The presence of various salts and metal oxides gives the rock all kinds of shades. Sand, continental and non-tropical coastal sediments, is basically composed of silica (silicon dioxide, or SiO2), usually quartz, which, due to its chemical inertness and considerable hardness, is resistant to erosion.

The composition of the sand is highly variable, depending on local mountain sources and conditions.

The vibrant white sands found in tropical and subtropical coastal areas are eroded limestone and may contain fragments of shells and coral in addition to other organic material.

In this case, we are faced with the standard most characteristic arkase mixed (polymict) sand of red or gray color. This, arkazy sand, consists of the most characteristic mixture of minerals, in which, in addition to quartz, there are feldspars, micas, amphiboles, salts of chromium, iron and other minerals, which color the sand in orange, yellowish, brown and red colors.

“Here is an anomalous zone - the compass needle starts spinning” - the excess content of iron and other metals included in the sand can explain all this. But we did not observe such a phenomenon there.

"Devilish playfulness" is an ordinary beam with colored sand, formed, apparently under the influence of wind erosion, on the site of some reservoir or river that was previously located there, while the Chertoleyka river flowed there (which once again confirms that this is only a beam, but not a funnel from a meteorite). Although this is just an ordinary beam, its combination of different shades of yellow and red is worthy of respect and arouses great admiration. This beam is truly beautiful.



Kotovsky ellipsoid objects.

Ravine with objects In mid-May 2010, about 3 kilometers north of a village called Mokraya Olkhovka in the Volgograd region, local residents discovered strange ellipsoidal objects at the bottom of a ravine. This ravine was washed away by the river that rose during the flood, as a result of which ellipsoids were exposed.

Location coordinates: latitude 50 ° 29 "59" N, longitude 44 ° 58 "37" E.

The location of the ravine

On June 5, a group of detachments of the Volzhsky-AZ group in the amount of three people, as well as several researchers who were not in the group, went to the site to study the objects.

Two ellipsoid objects They are ellipsoids, about one meter long and 70 cm high. One, larger object stands out - 110 cm in height, the exact length has not been established, since the object protrudes from the slope of the ravine. At the time of inspection, some objects were split, from the inside they are empty, only partially filled with some light fine-grained substance, their walls are about 20 cm thick.

The objects are very similar in shape to eggs. All ellipsoids lie on their side, protruding either from the slopes or from the bottom of the ravine.

Measurement of radiation Objects, presumably, of sandstone consist, the composition of the substance contained inside the place could not be established. On-site measurements of the radiation level showed the natural background (16-20 μRh).

In total, as a result of inspection, 14 ellipsoids were found. An interesting formation, where 4 objects are located almost on the same line.

Some objects are located almost in a line

Below is a diagram of the location of objects in the ravine. All objects are located rather crowded, around one of the ravine spurs. Perhaps, there, underground, there are more similar objects. The diagram is not drawn to scale.

At the moment, the group is considering three versions explaining the origin of the objects - they are fossils of objects of organic origin, geological or artificial.

At first glance, these ellipsoids may appear to be the fossilized eggs of some large dinosaur, but they are not. The eggs of the largest known dinosaur - the diplodocus, reaching a length of 30 meters - were no more than 20 cm in diameter. The largest known fossilized egg belongs to an extinct bird - Archeopteryx - 30 cm in diameter. But it is possible that these are fossils of some kind of sea creatures. Judging by the depth of the objects, they can be attributed to the geological period from 300 to 500 million years ago, when there was a sea in these places. In this case, it could be the fossilized shells of the ammonite cephalopods that lived about 300 million years ago in the Tethys Ocean. The diameter of such a shell could be from several cm to 2 meters. Or it could be the shells of an echinoderm cystodeus dating back to the Ordovician period. Also,with some degree of probability, these may be fossils of some other creatures, previously unknown. Veins of objects

The idea of the artificial origin of objects is suggested by cavities inside and by a strange mesh of veins covering them, reminiscent of a mounting mesh. Veins The objects may have been assembled from segments and then soldered in some way. However, it was not possible to make any assumptions about their possible purpose. It is necessary to wait for the results of the analysis of the samples taken.


Until now, the subject of heated debate is the history of the occurrence of "Filin failures".

In the vicinity of the farm Filin, Volgograd region, there are formations, the so-called "filin's failures". For the first time they started talking about this phenomenon back in the spring of 2006, immediately after their discovery.

The head of the Volzhsky-AZ research group, Sergei Lobanov, and a member of the group, Sergei, went to investigate this place, to check the UFO sightings. There was a version that the origin of the failures is directly related to UFOs.

Departure took place on October 4, 2007. Arriving at the site and setting up camp, the researchers, despite the vagaries of autumn, immediately went to study the area. Approaching the edge of one of the holes, they were surprised by the view. One got the impression that a giant drill had worked here, the drill was removed and a clear imprint remained, like in a tree. The structure of the dip had the shape of a truncated cone. Despite the local collapse of the pit wall, on the whole, the form of formation tended to be correct. Researchers estimate that "about 760 cubic meters of soil have disappeared!" No land was found nearby, the question begged: "Where did it go?"

Unable to resist curiosity, the head of the Volzhsky-AZ group, Sergei Lobanov, went down the hole. Interestingly, not a blade of grass grew either on the walls of the strange pit, or on its bottom! The bottom of the sinkhole was investigated for the possibility of the presence of an upper collapsed soil layer (a version of a karst sinkhole was considered). No traces of it were found, which, in principle, did not contradict the version of the karst sinkhole (the physics of the formation of the sinkhole, let's call it an "hourglass", gives little chances for the collapsed upper soil layer to remain on the surface of the sinkhole bottom).

There was also another version. It was assumed that some extraterrestrial cylindrical object took soil samples for research. This version is very interesting, but no direct evidence has been found to support it.

According to the photographs made by a digital apparatus in the dark, the facts of fixing anomalous moving balls were checked. It turned out that apart from small illuminated particles by the camera, nothing is recorded there.

The next day, local residents were interviewed. They told very interesting cases: the villagers in this neighborhood found quicksands, which inclines more to the version of a karst sinkhole. At the same time, data of UFO sightings in the vicinity of the Filin farm were checked. Indeed, a number of residents witnessed the sighting of a cylindrical UFO. Several cases have been observed. But it is difficult to connect these facts with the formation of dips, not only because UFOs were observed high in the sky and not one of the eyewitnesses confirmed the approach of objects to the ground, but, in general, due to the lack of logic in this hypothesis.

On this, the study of the phenomenon of "Filin failures" was completed. Based on all the facts at our disposal, we are inclined to consider the "owl sinkholes" as karst.



udes of the Medveditskaya ridge are heard by many. Indeed, many publications have already been published that touch on the problems of this zone to one degree or another. Both manifestations on the ridge of different in their nature AYs and their consequences are of interest. The phenomenon of the "drunken forest", the mystery of the system of underground tunnels, traces of UFO landings, the actual appearance of UFOs - all this and much more certainly pulls many ufologists (and not only them) to this area.

This area has been actively studied by ufologists for a long time. "Cosmopoisk" arranges expeditions there annually. It was this association that managed to collect a lot of information about the AEs occurring within this zone. You can learn more about them in the book by V. Chernobrov “Medveditskaya ridge. Mysteries of Volga Region Anomalies”. And I will only touch upon those interesting moments that took place directly with our participation (“Anomalous zone”) in the 2007 summer expedition.

In advance, you need to make a reservation about the conditional names of some areas of the area. "The slope of mad (ball) lightning", "Shanghai Hill", "Bald Mountain", "Drunken Forest" - received such nicknames either due to the peculiarities of the topography, vegetation, or in relation to the specificity of the AN, characteristic of this place.

UFO night flight



In the evening, while talking with a Volgograd explorer, being not far from the fire, I noticed a bright star-shaped object from the side of the "slope of the mad hills", the apparent dimensions of which were definitely larger than the brightest star in the sky at that time. It seemed that he was only gaining altitude, and he did it in a zigzag manner. Then the UFO moved to the northeast (the slope itself was in the west from us). From time to time it disappeared into the clouds, the brightness did not change, the angular flight altitude was 50 degrees. Fixation time 22:10, observation time 2-3 minutes.

The slope of ball lightning on the Medveditskaya ridge


Unlike the first day of our stay, the evening on August 5 made us happy with its absolute serenity. The sky was very beautifully strewn with stars. Due to this circumstance, it was decided to carry out night observations without fail, but outside the camp, since the forest edge covered the southeastern part of the sky. At about ten o'clock I went to collect the necessary things for the night watch, when I heard the cries of enthusiasts, warming themselves by the fire, about the appearance of the "three-star". In a moment I was near those who were the first to notice the "triangle" and asked to show it to me. The fact is that no matter how hard I tried to see him on the way to the fire, it didn’t work. Subsequently, they explained to me that very rarely a "three-star" moves with such barely noticeable, dim lights. And I have never seen such a UFO before. Finally, not without the help of the "seers"was able to catch his eye. Imagine three moving lights (stars) in the sky, forming a regular triangle (the flight is made at an angle forward) and, as was the case in our case, one of the two rear lights turns off. Such a "triangle" flight mode (two-light system) is not a rare case. It was after the flight of such a UFO according to observation data that its landing site was found in due time. The dowsers determined the boundaries of the trail, and the instruments confirmed its anomalousness. One of the remarkable properties of that locality was the change in the course of Time. In some areas time is slowed down, in others it is accelerated. Even the structure of changes in physical parameters was outlined. As a result, any agricultural. equipment, and the landing site was on the cultivated field, driving into the limits of the anomalous track, stalled. Visually, the trail was a triangular-shaped island of thickets on arable land.


Traces of UFO landings on the Medveditskaya ridge.

Two years ago, A. Petukhov, the head of the Stalker squadron, Kosmopoisk, checked for the last time the ability of the trail to influence the operation of the engine. They drove the UAZ to the "island" and found out that this anomaly disappeared after several years. However, the wonders of the landing site did not end there. Recently, tests of the influence of AZ on the psychic abilities of a person were carried out on it. The results showed their enhancement.

The object's speed was not high; flight direction north-south. Angle height 85 degrees. Another important point: when the UFO flew directly over us, a satellite was seen moving from the southwest to the northeast, and how lucky we were that it was at this moment that it approached the object. The satellite disappeared for a moment, approximately flying over a figure formed by two existing and one missing (off) lights, a regular triangle. Although, it must be emphasized, the stars were not at all blocked by the invisible body of the object. Thanks to this situation in the sky, we got evidence, maybe controversial, but still imitating the starry sky by the bottom of a UFO. This idea is not new, it has long crossed the minds of researchers. Apparently, artificial terrestrial technology is not taken into account by the camouflage system.

At 22:35, a star-shaped object similar to that seen on August 4 was again seen from the side of the "slope of mad lightning". The object passed directly over our camp. For a moment it seemed to me a "triangle". But I was dissuaded, as it turns out later, in vain. The UFO was moving from west to east. Observation time is 4-5 minutes.


Again, the weather was favorable for many hours of observation. This time the "slope of mad lightning" became the night refuge. At about nine o'clock in the evening, a group of about 10 people advanced there. I had to join them later, a serious conversation delayed me. All the same, I broke free and moved towards the goal with the idea of shortening the path, going not along the road, but on the straight.

On the way to the slope at 21:21 I notice a star-shaped object. The direction of flight is already banal (as is the actual appearance of this UFO), west-east. The movement of the object was carried out in jerks. It is worth noting that this time he surprised not at all by his appearance, but by the time of this event. Although the sun was already below the horizon, the sky was still blue, the first stars were just appearing. In a word, it was light.

There was little left for the group of observers. But since in front of the forest separating me from them, I was already completely darkened, I had to get a portion of night adventures on my head. Well, that's another story. Ultimately, I found them and settled down.

It didn't take long. At 22:57, a star-shaped object was again seen from the west. Konstantin Shuvalov (Moscow) was the one who finally managed to successfully fix it on a digital camera.

Triangular UFO recorded in 2007 on the Medveditskaya ridge

Thus, we found that we took "three stars" for a star-shaped object. For the human eye, all separate lights merged into a single glow. Therefore, we saw him as a star.


Our short stay on the Medveditskaya ridge was coming to an end. The camp is located a two-hour walk from the final stop of Novinka village and in order not to get ready for an early bus in the dark, we spent the last night on the “Shanghai Hill” near the village. The rest of the lovers of night contemplation did not leave us either. In total, more than 10 people were present on the hill that night.

At 21:44, a bright star-shaped object was noticed moving in a west-east direction, azimuth 73.

At 11:20 pm, a bright object (of course, a star-shaped one) with an azimuth of 125.

And the last thing. When photographing the area near the triangular trail, an object was recorded in the sky.

Mysterious Night Explosion

“It was already dark when a deafening explosion was heard high in the sky,” said Alexander Mironov from Dar-Gora, one of the eyewitnesses of the incident, to the City of Heroes news agency. - We immediately ran out into the street. It turned out that our neighbors heard this explosion, they also ran out into the street. High in the sky, we saw incomprehensible flying objects, not at all like airplanes. And they were at an altitude much higher than conventional passenger aircraft fly. Bright, glowing circles emanated from them. The neighbors said that before this, the objects seemed to collide with each other, after which these glowing circles appeared. In a matter of seconds, the sky lit up with a bright light. Then a third flying object appeared.

Eyewitnesses assume that some satellites were flying over Dar-Gora and hope to hear explanations from the military.

Meanwhile, international news agencies disseminated information from Israel that dozens of residents of the "promised land" contacted the police telephone service yesterday with a message that they had seen a luminous object in the sky. Some added that they saw a tail of smoke behind the object.

The presence of a luminous object was also recorded at the Israeli observatory in Givatayim, the agency reported. The chairman of the country's astronomical society, Yigal Pat-El, notes that the object began to grow on one side, after which it began to make circular movements until it turned into a cloud of smoke. According to him, the luminous object that excited the Israelis was located at an altitude of 80 kilometers, several tens of kilometers north of the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Astronomers are wary of making assumptions about the nature of the luminous object, and the Israeli army is verifying the information.

Another message was spread by INTERFAX. RU. According to him, the Strategic Missile Forces carried out yesterday a successful test launch of an RS-12M Topol intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region. “The training warhead of the missile hit a conventional target at the Sary-Shagan training ground (Republic of Kazakhstan) with a given accuracy,” said Colonel Vadim Koval, an official spokesman for the press service and information of the RF Ministry of Defense on Strategic Missile Forces.

So what did the residents of Volgograd and Israel see in the sky last night?

Mystical and mysterious places of Volgograd

Was the building of the Cossack theater built in memory of the drowned woman?

The building of the Cossack theater, the former Gvardeets cinema, has a long and interesting history. According to one of the legends, the Tsaritsyn merchant, timber merchant Alexander Shlykov, built it in memory of his daughter, who drowned in the Volga before reaching adulthood.

- There are assumptions according to which the bas-relief of a girl in a pearl shell decorating the facades of the building is a portrait of Shlykov's daughter, and the gray-haired old man on the pediment is the cruel god of waters Poseidon or Neptune, who took his daughter away from her father, says Roman Shkoda, author of the Tsaritsyn

The expert said that the building was built in 1862 for some "public needs". Almost half a century later, a women's gymnasium was opened here. And although the merchant himself did not live up to this time, having died in 1908, he still left the memory of his deceased daughter.

- Shlykov displayed her face on the building itself as many as 13 times. Perhaps this figure indicates the age of the child. Today, after several reconstructions, there are 27 female faces on the building, - says the Volgograd resident. - If you look closely, you can see that all faces are the same and deliberately made ugly. Pronounced bags under the eyes, slightly curled lips, rough features. It is assumed that by doing so Shlykov wanted to achieve an accurate portrait resemblance.

Alexander Naumenko, organizer of the online community of architectural local lore in Volgograd, worked in the Cossack theater for several years. During this time, he repeatedly had to hear from the watchmen amazing stories about miracles that happen at night in the building of the former "Guardsman".

- Women watchmen said that almost every night unusual phenomena occurred in the theater building - unexpectedly, in the corridor on the first floor, resonant steps appear, as if a giant or an adult is walking, but in very heavy shoes. Suddenly the sounds stop right on the border of the corridor with the entrance and echo with the same booming echo on the second floor of the building, - the Volgograd resident notes, adding that he also heard more than once stories about the whitish silhouette of a young girl in a long dress that appears on the staircase when descending into the locker room. It is believed that this is the very daughter of Shlykov, and the mysterious steps in the corridor supposedly belong to her father.

However, Nika Eliseeva from Volgograd, who studies the history of the Cossack theater, believes that there is nothing surprising in it, and the riddle of the old "Guardsman" is considered solved today.

- The fact is that the merchant Shlykov had two daughters. It is known about the youngest that she really was a schoolgirl, but no tragedy happened to her. The eldest was named Olga. She married the merchant Pyatkin, thanks to whose descendant the real story became known, - says Eliseeva. - Unfortunately, the girl died during childbirth. Shlykov also had a son, Vasily, who at the age of 21 drowned in the Volga. His body was never found.

Volgogradka is sure that popular rumor has mixed all these memories into one legend.

A jealous man dealt with his beloved

Another ghost is wandering around the blood transfusion station. At the time of Tsaritsyn, there was a church and a cemetery here, recalls Alexander Naumenko. According to an urban legend, a tragedy based on jealousy broke out here. The merchant Kotov, madly in love with a young girl from a very wealthy family, left the church and saw a carriage passing by, in which his passion was embracing a young man. The sight shocked the man so much that he rushed after the carriage without hesitation, jumped into it and stabbed first an unknown rival, and then a beloved screaming in horror.

- Rumor has it that then the unfortunate was seen on the banks of the Volga. He cried and tried to wash blood-stained clothes. And closer to night, the merchant went to wander around Tsaritsyn and in the place where he saw the traitor, he stuck a knife in his heart. Since then, the ghost of the merchant occasionally appears near the blood transfusion station. According to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, the ghost looks like an ordinary person, but walks through the air and his hands glow. Seeing the lovers, Kotov asks them if the guy and the girl love each other, and if he gets an affirmative answer, tells his sad story, - notes Naumenko.

Sounds are still heard in the former dungeons of the NKVD

The hotel of the regional GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, located in the Voroshilovsky district on the street, has its own mystical history. Barrikadnaya, 16. This building is pre-revolutionary and formerly belonged to the merchant Amerkhanov. According to one version, in Tsaritsyn's time there was a "house of tolerance", as evidenced by the narrow ornate corridors, made so that the eminent merchants who came here for pleasure would not intersect. According to other sources, there was a monastery compound here, but which one is unknown. With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the building was transferred to the ownership of the NKVD.

- In the cells located in the walls of the house, interrogations, tortures were carried out, on the site in the courtyard - executions and executions of townspeople. A morgue was located in the basement, - say members of the online community of Volgograd architectural local history.

Decades have passed since these terrible events. However, several years ago, hotel guests and employees began to observe translucent silhouettes wandering aimlessly along the corridors of the building.

- Administrators on duty are afraid to go down to the basement alone, especially at night, because sometimes the sound of footsteps is heard from there. Perhaps these are the souls of people who died on the "shooting site". They say their bones are walled up in the foundation of the building, - said the hotel staff.


Psychics sealed energy funnels in "Old Sarepta"

In 2011, a film crew from the Moscow TNT channel came to Volgograd. Together with the participants of the program "Psychics are investigating" TV journalists tried to reveal the secrets of the museum-reserve.

According to employees, in the premises of the complex one could observe the mysterious movement of objects, breaking dishes, and in the photographs - an inexplicable glow. Museum exhibits changed places, motion sensors were triggered for no reason in empty rooms. Some claim that they saw ghosts here - a man and a woman with a child.

The psychics Nonna Khidiryan and Alena Orlova who arrived at the scene confirmed the rumors about the existence of paranormal activity in Sarepta. They pointed out that the place where the museum complex is located is disastrous, since a lot of people are buried here.

Note that in the 30s. XX century on the territory of the museum-reserve there was a execution prison, and in wartime there was a hospital there. According to historical records, those who died in a hospital bed were buried in a square in the center of Sarepta.

After a short wandering around the territory of the museum, psychics said that the spirits living here, in particular, a lady with a child who were walled up in their home, as well as the old German potter Johann, for some unknown reason, who began to bother the townspeople with his appearance, are in fact guardians of the area and do not want to harm anyone. Nevertheless, Khidiryan and Orlova performed several rituals and, with the help of simple spells, “sealed” the energy funnels from which “negative entities” could fly out.