Finding Eternity - Alternative View

Finding Eternity - Alternative View
Finding Eternity - Alternative View

Video: Finding Eternity - Alternative View

Video: Finding Eternity - Alternative View
Video: The Hidden Teachings of Jesus (NOT WHAT YOU THINK!) 2024, July

In this new world - the Internet - we are faced with a phenomenon that no one has yet really comprehended: a kind of network communism. While some are trying to make money on the Internet, and others - to use it for sabotage and sabotage, the bulk of users seeks to help humanity for free and disinterestedly, providing access to many works of science, art, journalism, philosophy at no cost. The Internet is, first of all, a huge number of FREE gifts - those things that would have cost money before: after all, you need to buy a book, a gramophone record, and a video cassette - having paid, if not the author's work, then at least the information carrier …

Networked communism, in which people WHY write and correct free articles in various "Wikipedias", conduct educational blogs, create cinemas and libraries - reflects the engine of civilization, which theorists overlooked in both Marxism and liberalism. It reflects the primordial desire of a morally intact person to do good for humanity, precisely for free and disinterestedly. This moral feeling, demanding from a person selfless service to his family (and not at all the thirst for profit), led through the centuries great scientists, artists, creators and creators. This is what drove the progress - and not at all the material interest of swindlers and swindlers, as Marx believed and liberals believe today.

And we say no. The parasitic fungus does not help the growth of the birch, increasing. It takes juices from its growth (without it, it would grow faster), it grows as it grows, but ultimately it can kill the tree if it grows too much (as it is today).

One person thinks - how to help humanity. He is a donor, he gives himself. Another person thinks - how to parasitize on the achievements of humanity. That is, ultimately, how to parasitize on the donor, on the one who gives himself to humanity. All great discoveries and achievements have been made by selfless idealists who believe in humanity and its bright future. But they are used, among other users, by crooks and scammers.

Both Marx and liberals believe that the personal interest of the egoist drives science and technology: they say, trying to increase sales, the egoist thinks how to release new goods, more, cheaper, so that they are technically more perfect, etc.

The egoist and the ripper strive to raise prices, not lower them, they squeeze everything out of the old world, and do not create a new one. For creativity, other guidelines are needed - the contact of the human soul with Eternity and eternal values. We see history as attempts by the best people to make the life of mankind easier, burdened by parasitic fungi of the worst people, striving to parasitize on these attempts and their success.

But where it comes to motivations by eternal values, about the dialogue of a person with Eternity - there one cannot avoid the terms “Absolute”, “Metaphysics”, “World Reason”, etc. That is, in general, civilization, with its progress, turns out to be the ascent of believers into something eternal to their religious (by the original nature, if not by form) ideal.

People around to such an undertaking treated differently. Some did not understand and did not see this "sect" actively exchanging information about the world among themselves, others laughed at it. Still others assented and adjusted to steal - realizing that it is easy to rob an idealist, in his elevation he always leaves a gap for the theft of his property by cynical outsiders …

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But who drove progress and civilization? Prone to dull indifference? Mocked? The thieves? It is perfectly obvious (but not to Marx and not to the liberals) that no.

Those who thought about Eternity served future generations and humanity as a whole. Those who stayed within the bounds of their time thought about themselves, their pleasures and, as a result, robbed humanity.

This section is the main one, defining the essence of history, and not at all a class struggle.

The class struggle can explain the shuffling of history from side to side, but it cannot explain the rise, the upward movement. After all, there is something that carries us not just from corner to corner, but raises, raises … In addition to the fuss, in which everyone thinks only about himself, there is also a rise, the creators of which think about everyone (and they often forget about themselves) …

By pulling out this idealistic foundation from socialism, you will make the horror of Chubais' advent irreversible. Which, in fact, was proved by the tragic Soviet history …

Alexander Leonidov