Is The Union Of Man And Nature The Future Of Russia? - Alternative View

Is The Union Of Man And Nature The Future Of Russia? - Alternative View
Is The Union Of Man And Nature The Future Of Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Union Of Man And Nature The Future Of Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Union Of Man And Nature The Future Of Russia? - Alternative View
Video: Why Climate Change Will Make Russia a Superpower Again 2024, July

Today I would like to talk about basic things: whether Russia has its own development strategy, whether we know where to move, because today our opposition calls something that loudly shouts “down with it!”, Completely not understanding what kind of this "down!" will follow.

Let's look at the experts, at the political scientists who are represented to us in the official field by the pro-government. They say a set of little things, eclecticism, some shreds, some tiny changes or something like that - the country has no solid, clear, clear perspective. And we are losing already here, at the very beginning, at the conceptual level.

Look, there is a Harvard project in the USA, there is a Houston project. They have developed them clearly. They strictly follow them. And how they do it - these are projects for the destruction of Russia. Houston already has it, Harvard has it, but what does Moscow have? Is there anything to oppose us? I do not see.

Let's talk about what we Russians can do to counter the Harvard project of destruction. We are being destroyed and very successfully. In fact, we are a colony in all respects. We have priority in the Constitution of international legislation over national legislation. We have the Fed running the central bank. We are addicted to absolutely all seams: technological, medicinal, absolutely any. The worst thing is that we have a digital addiction, because all the Internet tools that we use are American. Everything we do is transparent and everything is on the CIA table. Let's try to stand on our own feet and think about what to do.

So we are a colony. Let's not be proud, rejoice, shout that we are great Russia. Generally speaking, this is just such an informational stamp that increases our power in order to make anesthesia so easy for us. “Citizens, don't worry! Yes, you live badly, but great! " What is our greatness? We have a tiny, already "skinny" people living on a gigantic territory. According to some reports, there are no more than 100 million of us, and most importantly, we are rapidly dying out. How did we come to this pit? Let's start with the basics. We didn't come yesterday, not the day before yesterday.

Let's see why we have essentially lost ten centuries to our history. And let those who are proud of something be silent for a moment. Yes, it was not a complete darkness, but look, 3 grandiose victories won over us, and we lost three times and on a grand scale.

First of all, this is baptism. They drove us an absolutely imported, alien doctrine, they drove it with blood. We buried 9 million people at the start, and how long have fought for the purity of religion. Whole villages were burned for two fingers. We have been absolutely backward for nine centuries, the standard of living is disgusting. We had neither technology nor technology. We had no literature. Look at Tatyana Larina, what novels does she read? - French.

Further, we received the second blow in 1917. Imported commissars came with an imported ideology, absolutely smashed everything. We again became in the role of a catch-up, and so we still catch up with them.

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In 1991. absolutely imported liberals came with an import doctrine. And as a result, look what happened: a gigantic country with a highly intelligent people, with gigantic resources all the time in the role of catch-up. And we cannot catch up in any way, which is the most interesting. This is what it is and we just have to honestly admit it and think about how to get out of the most difficult situation in which we find ourselves.

Let's try to design our Russian development project. We have quite intelligent people, we have an expert network. I represent the "Committee of a Hundred" - this is what is called in English "think tanks" - a thought factory. 15 years ago, several scientists of different specialties gathered to put a limit to the destruction of national science. Our basic site is called “Movement for the Revival of Russian Science”.

But look what is being done. Why did we lose all the time? Because with each of these blows, first of all, a strategic conceptual power was cut out: the Indo-Aryan civilization, which reached incredible heights, the Slavs and those who came from India.

Who ran the country? In Russia they were the wise men, in India they were brahmanas. It was this conceptual power of the sages that all these blows cut out in the first place. Whom did the Christianizers burn and chop down? - the Magi. And they burned witches - the most intelligent, thoughtful and knowledgeable women. Whom did the commissioners completely knock out? - the intelligentsia. Whom did the liberals remove? - scientists (either completely thrown out into the street, or thrown out abroad). Russia is sitting headless. We can only make some small tactical movements within the framework of the doctrine that was hammered into us. It is now a liberal market. We were asked it, it is absolutely not our thing. Let's try to construct a Russian project.

What is the most important, most formidable danger for all mankind now? The fact is that the Harvard project, which was successfully implemented, turned out to be completely incompatible with nature. In general, the whole philosophy of the consumer society of the liberal market is the consideration of nature as a bottomless trash heap and a bottomless storehouse of resources. Therefore, all these Western models treat not only a man murderously, considering him simply as a slave (all these three constructions were slave-owning), but they also treat nature as a slave, they simply kill nature. Everything worked out with the Houston project, the Soviet Union was destroyed. And nature here also went on strike. These "wise men" Brzezinski, Kissinger, who did the Harvard project, they did not take into account,that at the “chessboard of the world” (as Brzezinski wrote “the grand chessboard”) there are not two players - Russia and the West, there is a third player - nature, and it is impossible to come to an agreement with it. You can deceive people, but nature cannot.

Let's try to construct a truly Slavic project, because what was the main thing for the Russian civilization? - Mother Earth. Let's think, first of all, how to preserve Mother Earth. This, in my opinion, is completely logical. We fly in a spaceship and if it crumbles (and we have almost destroyed it), then all other problems will disappear automatically. Over the years, the “Committee of the Hundred” has constructed a new Russian project of a new civilization, which is friendly to the Earth and people (we also call it Ecocivilization), in many works over the years. There are four main points:

1. We change the worldview. We now have anthropocentrism - everything for a person. Let's change it to geocentrism. Let us, first of all, keep the Earth.

2. What is the whole economy built on today? - growth, growth and growth. Logic absolutely fails. How can you grow endlessly on a small Earth? The economy must be fully consistent with the capacity of the ecosystem. Therefore, the main thing for this project is the co-evolution of nature and man, a person should not jump out of the capacity of the ecosystem in everything: in reproduction, in production, in any of his actions, he must measure everything according to this system.

3. A just attitude towards nature can only be ensured by a just society of the type of socialism. And the socialist system implies democracy. Now we only call democracy, in fact it is an imitation democracy. We must go over to real democracy, and not only political democracy, when all citizens participate in governing the country, but also economic democracy, when everyone participates in the division of the produced product. Now we have a completely ugly situation where one percent owns ninety percent of all assets. Such a civilization cannot simply come to terms with nature in principle.

4. Among the Russians, among the Slavs, the main thing in relations with the whole world was the world harmony. I now cite in all my works the research of such remarkable experts of the "Committee of the Sta" as Yu. A. Lisovsky - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, A. P. Shabalin - candidate of technical sciences, A. N. Samarin - candidate of philosophical sciences, as well as Yu. L. Tkachenko - candidate of technical sciences, ecologist. But the concept of "world harmony" was formulated by Satsevich from Belarus (Brest region). And that's a great concept! Someone says that this is a destructive thing. Let's calculate how much carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere by one explosion, and we already have 400ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And the climate will continue to distort even worse.

This means that if we do not now think about how we can move to such a civilization, we will simply lose a person as a biological species. And this is relevant not only for the masses, but also for the oligarchs, and they also, oddly enough, need to breathe, drink and eat.

Thanks for your attention!
