How To Have A Heart-to-heart Talk With The Deceased - Alternative View

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How To Have A Heart-to-heart Talk With The Deceased - Alternative View
How To Have A Heart-to-heart Talk With The Deceased - Alternative View

Video: How To Have A Heart-to-heart Talk With The Deceased - Alternative View

Video: How To Have A Heart-to-heart Talk With The Deceased - Alternative View
Video: People Read The Last Texts From Their Deceased Loved Ones 2024, July

Traditionally, after Easter on the ninth day comes Parent's Day / Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Many people visit cemeteries to remember their loved ones who have gone to another world, to sit on the grave and “communicate”.

But as a rule, this "communication" is one-sided. We indulge in memories, regrets about what was not the way we would like, about the fact that we can no longer be together, about what could have been more, but will never happen. What if you could really communicate with the souls of the dead people close to you? This thought will frighten someone, but for someone it will breathe hope and deliverance from long torment and regret.

Why disturb the departed

Surely many will say: “Why disturb the dead? You cannot disturb them. All of this could end badly. And in general, it smells of devilishness …”But there are situations when fear does not even care, when I am ready to do much just to receive news from the other world! For example, a loved one has left, and you have not seen each other for many years, or worse, you were in a quarrel or disagreement, and you never said goodbye. And maybe there is no resentment anymore, but only there was no time for it. Or maybe so much has accumulated to express to a person, or to ask your questions, but there is no one already … And then you live with this burden on your soul, and it gnaws and crushes. And if you could express everything, relieve your soul?

Or maybe you can also receive forgiveness and an understanding that everything is long gone, and that you can then calmly walk along your path without a burden on your conscience? Or, for example, you live without thinking that life is fleeting. Everyday life, routine every day, a lot of everyday worries. And somewhere there are old parents … You love them, remember, but there is no time to call, and even more so to break free and visit. But one day their last day comes … And you did not have time to hug, say how much you love them, thank you from your heart for the sleepless nights, for the invested strength and love, for always being there and supporting everything you could, not feeling sorry for yourself.

And there are completely trivial cases: you cannot find important documents or some things that the deceased person knew about. And you really need his help, hint, information about something. Or perhaps you are interested in your kind, are engaged in genealogy or other generic practices. In such situations, sometimes it becomes necessary to find out something about their ancestors, who they were, what their life was like, what happened in the family, which entailed serious consequences, etc. But you never know what other situations arise when you need the help of those who are not burdened with a more bodily shell, or simply there is a need to feel their presence nearby, love and care.

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How to communicate with deceased loved ones

And if you are not afraid of the very thought of communicating with the dead, then the question arises - how to do this? There are different ways. If you are not in the subject, it is best to contact a specialist.

For example, there are mediums - people through whom the spirit of your loved one can talk to you. First, get ready to fork out. And secondly, and this is the most difficult thing, the main thing is not to run into a charlatan. You need to carefully choose the person you can really trust.

You can conduct a seance on your own, as many did in childhood, by drawing letters and an arrow on a saucer on a Whatman paper.

The third option is communication in a dream. Although more often there are cases when the dead themselves come in dreams and warn about something important. It's good if they do it in plain text! But sometimes a message is so encrypted that its meaning becomes clear only after everything has already happened … And in order to consciously get in touch yourself, you need to train a lot.

You can use the technique of unconscious writing, when you take paper and a pencil, enter a meditative state, tune in to the person you need and, having clearly formulated your question, start writing.

What comes out of the pen will be the answer to your request.

The easiest and most accessible way, which is valuable precisely by the living sensations of the presence of a loved one, is to call on his soul in a state of meditation, tune in to his presence and try to feel, hear, talk.

This, of course, requires self-confidence and training. But everything is quite feasible.

The main thing to remember is that there are such concepts as mutual respect, ethics and, of course, love for everyone with whom we deal. And if there is light and love in your heart, then they will surely respond, and everything will turn out the way you wish.