Gettysburg Field. USA - Alternative View

Gettysburg Field. USA - Alternative View
Gettysburg Field. USA - Alternative View

Video: Gettysburg Field. USA - Alternative View

Video: Gettysburg Field. USA - Alternative View
Video: The 147th New York on July 1st - Gettysburg Battle Walk with Ranger Zach Siggins 2024, July

The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle in the American Civil War, fought on July 1-3, 1863 in Adams County, Pennsylvania, and is considered a turning point in the conflict.


The fierce battle, which unfolded just a few miles from the city, lasted 3 days, but during this time more than 50 thousand people died here. Most of the fighters were buried at the Gettysburg Cemetery. The battle was so terrible and merciless that on November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln personally arrived on the battlefield to deliver a speech that is famous today, because it left its mark on the souls of its citizens forever.


Many years have passed since then, and shots with explosions are heard here only during reconstructions or filming. In 1993, one cloudy evening while working on the epic film Gettysburg, an old man in a shabby military uniform from those times approached the crew. The soldier held out a handful of buckshot and said in a hoarse voice: “Has it been a hard day, guys? (Rough one today, eh boys?).


The man, according to eyewitnesses, emanated a distinct smell of sulfur, which is part of the charges used during the civil war. Before the actors had time to come to their senses, the old man disappeared as unexpectedly as he appeared. The bullets that remained from him strongly resembled real ones. The experts' verdict confirmed their guesses: buckshot was indeed produced over a century ago.


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All this could be attributed to a joke, but the phenomenon of the old man was sometimes observed by reenactors. Many of them after that did not want to stay in these parts at all, considering the appearance of a ghost as a bad omen.

The role-players who stay in the field for the night also talk about mysticism. Sometimes in the dark, during heavy rain or fog, you can hear the clatter of hooves somewhere nearby. Neither horse nor rider is visible at the same time, which makes it really creepy. Particularly brave guys tried to find the source of the sound, but the clatter of hooves receded as they approached, as if beckoning.

Gettysburg Field is still considered one of the zones with strong otherworldly activity.