Ufology: Origins, Hypotheses, Evidence - Alternative View

Ufology: Origins, Hypotheses, Evidence - Alternative View
Ufology: Origins, Hypotheses, Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Ufology: Origins, Hypotheses, Evidence - Alternative View

Video: Ufology: Origins, Hypotheses, Evidence - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, July

Ufology, called quasi-or pseudoscience, studies UFOs (unidentified flying objects), if translated into Russian the English-language term UFO (Unidentified Flying Object).

In addition to the objects themselves, the area of interest includes contacts with extraterrestrial beings, traces of aliens on Earth and cases of human abduction by such creatures.

The history of ufology dates back to 1947, when a flying saucer fell in the United States, New Mexico. The American authorities classified such a fact, like all supporting evidence.

Later, especially in the 90s of the last century, the number of eyewitnesses of strange objects, as well as evidence of abduction by some "gray" creatures.

In support of the theory of the existence of reason in the Universe, in addition to humanity, there are scientific discoveries of exoplanets and research confirming the conditions on them, suitable for the existence of life.

Also, the "Theory of ancient astronauts" says that once aliens visited the Earth. And there is a lot of evidence of this.

It is believed that it was the aliens who gave us writing.

Evidence of the presence of alien astronauts on different continents of the Earth is presented in images and separately found statuettes. In addition, aircraft of various shapes and sizes are depicted, amazing devices that were invented relatively recently or generally of unknown purpose. All this is proof of a huge layer of knowledge that humanity once possessed, but lost for some reason. The most amazing thing is that all the images, separated by thousands of kilometers and hundreds of years of appearance, are very similar and sometimes identical.

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Such evidence can be attributed to the mysterious drawings of the Nazca desert, which can hardly belong to a human hand: on solid rocky soil - images of animals that are distinguishable only from a bird's eye view or higher.

The pyramids of Egypt are also attributed by origin to extraterrestrial architecture, because the age is older than the appearance of the first intelligent man on Earth, and the very structure of the pyramids. And the pharaohs used them much later and for their own purposes.

There are written references in the religious works of the past about the descent of sheaves of light from heaven to Earth, legends of African and Indian peoples about the existence of gigantic-sized gods, the Brazilian and Amazonian tribes have similar legends.

Despite the huge amount of artifacts and evidence of the existence of an extraterrestrial culture and the meetings of people with aliens many years ago, now all of humanity is divided into two camps: those who believe in the existence of UFOs and opponents of this theory. By the way, in Russia 46 percent of the population believe (among women, this figure reaches 60%).

There is an opinion that extraterrestrial civilizations continue to observe people, but are unhappy with our behavior. And a return to contact was predicted in 2600 at the UFO Summit in Brazil (2018) by the time traveler Mia. When people stop fighting, the intelligent beings of the Universe will again get in touch with earthlings.