Why Laugh At Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Why Laugh At Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View
Why Laugh At Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Video: Why Laugh At Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Video: Why Laugh At Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View
Video: Conspiracy Theories and Crazy People 2024, July

We were taught not to think, but to use ready-made templates, carefully thrown into our consciousness by manipulators. Therefore, for the most part, people react to events like small children who are just beginning to learn to think …

The vast majority of people, upon hearing the phrase "conspiracy theory", begin to smile indulgently or twist a finger at their temples. It would seem that if the principles on which all sorts of conspiracy theories are built are so absurd that they invariably cause a mocking smile, then why are significant funds spent on ridicule and caricature of such theories, bringing them to complete and obvious absurdity? Why is the media sparing no effort to discredit those people who put forward such theories?

Really, something is wrong here.

By the way, when they either don't talk about something at all or, on the contrary, talk too much and react too sharply, then the matter is unclean. After all, in order to shut everyone's throats, one must have, firstly, serious power, and secondly, a serious motive. In itself, the attitude of society towards conspiracy theories is very revealing. When you start to analyze this phenomenon, you immediately come to the most characteristic signs of manipulation of consciousness. Typically, the reaction is: “Conspiracy theory, you say? Ha ha ha! And to the question: “What made you laugh so much?”, Few people would even condescend to answer. Just think what nonsense.

That is, the dialogue does not work out, the prejudice to the problem has been hammered into the head so strongly that it does not even require any proof. However, if you still manage to talk your opponent into conversation, then in most cases no arguments will be provided. Here suggestion takes place, that is, the acceptance of an idea without its critical comprehension and understanding of its essence. But this is the core of the mind manipulation technique. But if conspiracy theory is so ridiculous, why did it take manipulation to combat it? Tell everything as it is, show why such a theory is incorrect and absurd, in short, drive the last nail into the coffin and forget about it. But no. In life, everything goes wrong, instead of an explanation - manipulation, ridicule and caricature, that is, in fact, there is no refutation.

Let's first figure out what this is all about. Another feature characteristic of manipulative technologies is the vague definitions. Lack of clarity allows manipulators to label a range of diverse phenomena. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia defines conspiracy theory as follows:

“Conspiracy theory is the branch of conspiracy theories that are most widely reflected in art and in the media. The essence of the phenomenon is the belief that there is one or several carefully concealed conspiracies of the "powerful": presidents, high-ranking intelligence officers, the rich, heads of international organizations, religious hierarchs, members of secret societies, and so on. Usually, the purpose of this conspiracy is indicated to deceive and enslave humanity (or, at least, the desire of the participants in the conspiracy for unlimited power). Conspiracy (from the English conspiracy - secrecy, conspiracy) - a system of views, a trend in history and political science, explaining certain events as a consequence of conspiracies of secret forces (for example, secret societies, special services, aliens, occult phenomena, etc.). The initial axiom of conspiracy theories is the idea of the existence of a secret society, whose members seek to subjugate the whole world and create a completely new order in which they will occupy key positions and reign supreme …"

So what is it about this interpretation that is ridiculous and so funny that it almost completely blocks any discussion of the conspiracy theory's validity? It turns out that, from the point of view of conspiracy theory, the historical subject is a group of influential persons who have set themselves a certain goal and achieve it. Are there many such influential people? Of course not, precisely because we are talking about persons who have the ability to push through laws and decisions that are beneficial to them at the highest level. That is, there is another important element of conspiracy theory - the presence of a narrow group of influential people.

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Move on. Who will be surprised to learn that practically the entire economy of our country is controlled by a very narrow group of people? Yes, this is such a banality that it has not been discussed for a long time. The same applies to the rest of the world, whose resources and economies are owned and / or controlled by literally a handful of people belonging to a few financial and industrial clans, many of which have a long history. And is it really so wild the assumption that the representatives of these clans are able to coordinate their activities with each other, to negotiate, to pursue a coordinated policy. What is absurd about this assumption?

The famous American journalist Richard Coniff has long been studying the lifestyle of the world's richest families. He summarized his observations in the best-selling book The Natural History of the Rich. In it, the author simply talks about what the representatives of the world elite eat, what they dress in, how they rest, what relations prevail in their circle, and so on. Koniff doesn't write a word about conspiracy theory, but here's a curious thing: it is clear from his book that almost all representatives of the world business elite know each other by sight. Their children go to the same schools and later go to the same universities. They dress from the same couturiers, buy the same exclusive cars from the same sellers. As entertainment, they visit the same closed clubs, rest in the same resorts,that is, from young nails they are boiled in their own juice. And although the world elite consists of representatives of different peoples, they have a common system of values, their own system of identification marks, their own range of topics for discussion. In fact, we are dealing with a special quasi-nation. Koniff himself jokingly calls them a separate human species.

Putting together the pieces of the picture, we get the conspiracy theory in its purest form:

There is a group of influential people in the country and more broadly in the world.

These persons have the opportunity to conduct successful lobbying activities to promote beneficial solutions at the highest level (Parliament, Government, President).

Influential persons are able to negotiate with each other, which means they can pursue a coordinated policy.

Each point is natural, and by no means comical, but together we get a "conspiracy theory", which cannot even be discussed in a decent society. We get a theory, the use of which is considered to be the lot of paranoid and psychopaths, who believe that oil prices are raised by "green men".

Let's try to go further in our reasoning. Let's think, is it profitable for the world elite to advertise their activities? The world elite leads an exclusively closed lifestyle. All sorts of paparazzi, of course, regularly supply the rest of the population with photographs of "stars", but all this is just a superficial foam, journalists are not allowed to go where serious decisions are made. One must be able to distinguish places where serious issues are discussed from all sorts of fancy "summits and meetings." All this is a kind of talk show for the masses. Let them watch the cheerful speeches of politicians on TV and listen to their endless verbiage about partnership, friendship and cooperation, the search for compromises and other nonsense. Do not confuse a talking head put in control by corporations with corporate leadership. These are different people and they prefer not to trumpet at all angles about their meetings and negotiations.

Koniff cites a typical example of this "modesty": the head of the publishing and information group Thompson Lord Kenneth Thompson - one of the richest and most influential people in the world - is almost unknown in his hometown. Few people know him by sight. It is also appropriate to quote Parshev: "You can go on an excursion to the US Congress and listen to the debate there, but during the meeting of the IMF leadership, journalists are not even allowed close to the building."

For completely natural reasons, it is unprofitable for the ruling elite to advertise their activities. Publicly taking responsibility for what is happening in the country and in the world is of no use to them, for this there are "talking heads". Governments change like gloves, presidents are elected every 4 years, and financial and industrial clans and their interests have existed for tens and even hundreds of years. This is what it says!..

But simply hiding information about oneself is not an effective way to remain gray cardinals. It is much safer to make sure that the very activity of the ruling elite, true and not public, does not become a subject of discussion. And for this there is nothing better than to caricature and ridicule any attempts of an ordinary person to see in historical events not a blind combination of chances, not the operation of objective laws that do not depend on a person, but the will of individual influential personalities and narrow elite groups.

This is why the conspiracy theory is presented in such a crazy way in the media.

Now imagine a different picture. In a private club, respectable people gather to discuss their affairs. Since business, politics and PR are closely related things, you can meet businessmen, politicians and media leaders in this club. Ridiculous? Not at all. And the ancient Romans, who based the famous Roman law on the principle “seek who benefits,” were not fools. In our time, this principle has by no means lost its relevance.

Vladislav Motkov