Scientists Have Named Global Catastrophes Of The Future That Threaten Humanity - Alternative View

Scientists Have Named Global Catastrophes Of The Future That Threaten Humanity - Alternative View
Scientists Have Named Global Catastrophes Of The Future That Threaten Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Named Global Catastrophes Of The Future That Threaten Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Named Global Catastrophes Of The Future That Threaten Humanity - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

A video was published on the YouTube channel RealLifeLore about the catastrophic events that await our planet in the next billion years.

So, according to the authors of the video, after 8 thousand years with the software, a problem of the ten thousandth year may arise, which is due to the fact that four, not five digits are used to represent the year in dates.

But in 50 thousand years, the Earth will face a new ice age, and what is very sad - Niagara Falls will disappear. Over the next 500 thousand years, our planet is likely to collide with a huge asteroid about one kilometer in diameter, and another half a million years later, a supervolcano will erupt on Earth. By that time, the star Betelgeuse, according to the creators of the video, will turn into a supernova.

Scientists believe that in 50 million years Phobos (one of the two natural satellites of the Red Planet) will fall on Mars, and in 100 million years an asteroid with a diameter of more than 10 kilometers will crash into our planet. The planet Saturn will have completely lost its rings by that time.

400-500 million years later, a powerful gamma-ray burst should occur, which can destroy the ozone layer on our planet. But the Sun will become brighter, which in turn will lead to climate change on Earth. The level of carbon dioxide will drop sharply, as a result of which photosynthesis will become impossible.

And finally, after a billion years, the Earth will actually turn into one continuous desert, since all oceans will disappear from it due to the powerful greenhouse effect.