New Climate Study Complicates The Global Warming Debate - Alternative View

New Climate Study Complicates The Global Warming Debate - Alternative View
New Climate Study Complicates The Global Warming Debate - Alternative View

Video: New Climate Study Complicates The Global Warming Debate - Alternative View

Video: New Climate Study Complicates The Global Warming Debate - Alternative View
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Not surprisingly, many people believe that human activity alone is the cause of global warming, as most scientists believe so. But experts should ask themselves why there is still a large group of “deniers” for whom anthropogenic climate change is a fiction.

The fact is that scientists have been caught more than once in shenanigans with climate data and ridiculous forecasts. Celebrities and pro-scientist politicians live in luxurious mansions, fly the world in private jets, and in general, because of their lifestyle, much more CO2 is released into the atmosphere than from the activities of ordinary people. With all this in mind, how can you take global warming seriously?

It doesn't help that respected scientists doubt the existence of global warming. Recently, two Australian researchers published an article explaining that today's temperature change in the world is quite natural.

Scientist Jennifer Mareisi, whose long track record includes the founding of The Climate Modeling Laboratory, begins her stunning report by turning to reality.

"Our new research is likely to be ignored," reads her article in The Spectator Australia.

She goes on to explain: "After examining proxy temperature data for six periods of 2,000 years, we came to the conclusion that recent warming is a natural process that would have occurred even if there had not been a technical revolution."

The difficulty is that in the Middle Ages, the temperature in the world was really higher, and for many years this remained a fact that proponents of global warming today deny. These researchers confirm that the world was warmer before the industrial revolution. Of course, in this regard, it is assumed that human activities have much less influence on the climate than environmentalists believe.

On the bouncing temperature graph, you can see two periods of increase: the first of them took place around 1200 and is known as the Medieval Climatic Optimum, and the second reached its peak in 1980, after which the temperature began to decrease …

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However, there is ample evidence that Europe was approximately one degree warmer during the Medieval Climatic Optimum, which corresponds to a temperature increase in the Northern Hemisphere in 1200. A huge number of reports based on proxy data have been published, which indicate higher temperatures during this period.

Most importantly, the debate about climate change has not yet been completed, and scientists have not come to a consensus (but even if they managed to reach a consensus, it should be remembered that the confidence of a large number of people in the truthfulness of a fact does not at all guarantee its reliability).

Too often, proponents of anthropogenic global warming have been caught in lies to believe them blindly.

Anton Komarov