Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 6 - Alternative View

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Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 6 - Alternative View
Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 6 - Alternative View

Video: Real Scary Stories From Reddit Users. Part 6 - Alternative View
Video: Scary Stories | True Scary Horror Stories | Reddit Horror Stories 2024, July

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 -

Something in the house

I live in a three-story house with an attic and a basement, and in the basement I was always very uncomfortable even during the day. And if for some reason I need to go down to the basement in the evening, I constantly feel the desire to jump out of there and run away to my room.

I think you understand this feeling when you go down the stairs into the darkness and it seems that someone is waiting for you there. Every time I leave the basement in the evening and go through a special corner, I feel like something is looking at me and tracking me as I leave.

I was especially alarmed when my dog cringed next to the same place with fear several times. And this is a very friendly and sociable dog, she is not afraid of strangers. One of such cases, when my dog was terribly scared because of this angle and was even afraid to get up, I filmed on video.

And a couple of weeks ago, I began to notice changes in air temperature when I enter my room. Feeling as if you are in something wet and warm.

I decided that it was my own fault and it was from a heap of accumulated garbage. But when I removed everything and put the fan on, the air was still very heavy and sometimes it was even hard to breathe.

A few days later, my paranoia almost reached the point where I felt that I was being constantly watched. As if someone is standing behind my shoulder. And when I go to bed, something ends up in the closet. So now I always keep the closet open.

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Little old man in the house

I now live in the same house where my father grew up and when he was between 10 and 14 years old he saw something unusual. One night my dad got up to go to the kitchen and drink some water. His bedroom was on the attic floor and therefore had to go down the stairs to the kitchen.

And so he went downstairs, entered the kitchen and froze. Because on the countertop next to the toaster I saw a little man. He was no more than 12 inches (30 cm) tall and looked like an old man with a very white and long beard.

This old man was looking at the toaster, but when my dad came in, he quickly darted somewhere and disappeared.


Many years passed, my father grew up, married my mother and she began to live in the same house. And then one day she went into the kitchen and suddenly she also saw a little old man. And also on the countertop next to the toaster.

This time the old man was obviously not so afraid of people, at the sight of my mother he giggled and only then disappeared. When my mother described him, this description completely coincided with what my father saw as a child.

I accidentally heard about these stories of theirs and still have no idea what it was."

Man in the park

It happened when I was 16 years old and I was in high school. I lived in a small town and there was a park not far from our houses. It was a very warm Friday in May and I decided to do a jog in the park after school.

When I finished running, I walked out of the park and next to him on a bench was a black man in a brown coat. He was reading a newspaper and in sight he was 50-60 years old.

I was tired of running and sat on the bench next to him to rest and get my breathing in order. Only 12 thousand people lived in our town, so there were few crimes and I was not afraid of strangers. I decided to talk to the old man and we had a conversation in the style of "What a good day today, is there something interesting in the newspapers?" etc.

But then this old man asked me: "What are you doing here on such a rainy day?" I was surprised, it was May, the weather was great, and it hadn't rained for several weeks. "What do you have in mind? A wonderful evening!”I chuckled. "Well, if you say so …" - muttered the old man and again buried himself in his newspaper.


After that I said goodbye to him and went to the exit from the park. And then I seemed to pass out, and came to myself lying on the grass near the exit. All my clothes were wet through, even my sneakers, because while I was lying there was a heavy downpour.

I got up slowly and tried to understand what had happened. I do not have the habit of sleeping in the park and when I came here it was 15.30, and now the clock was 16.30. I somehow got home completely wet, and then my parents came home from work. My father asked me if I ran in the park today, they say it was a great day and it would be a pity to miss it.

“I ran well,” I replied and added, “But then I got caught in the rain.” “What kind of rain?” Dad asked, “The sun was hot all day today.”

My father works in the city and I believe him that he did not see any rain. I told my parents what happened to me and they did not know what to say to me. Then I decided for myself that the old man was apparently a very unusual person.

Unexplained things

Over the past 12 years, I have come across several strange and inexplicable things. One day my mother was about to take me to school and was already driving when suddenly something black and shapeless, which appeared out of nowhere, crashed with force on the hood of the car.

Mom didn't have time to notice anything, but she heard it hit. And I saw that it not only hit, but bounced into the air and disappeared again into nowhere. Then I walked around the car, thinking at first that it flew to the side, but there was nothing there.

Another time I was sitting in the living room doing my homework, and suddenly the house began to shake and a bright light flooded the window through the curtains. It felt like our house was nearly demolished by a huge truck, but there was nothing like that on the street, and besides, there was a backyard on the side where I was.

Another incident happened a few years ago, when I was already an adult and married. My wife was at work that night, and I went to bed and suddenly felt that someone was sitting on the other side of our bed.

I looked in that direction and did not see anyone, but then I woke up in the middle of the night and … saw a little girl. She stood at the foot of the bed and looked at me. But as soon as I blink, she disappeared.

Don't get up at 3 a.m

I've been a skeptic most of my life, but what happened last week completely shook my confidence.

I live in my father's house, which was built back in 1750. When I was little, I knew for sure that there were ghosts, there were creaky floors, someone's steps in the middle of the night and my cat often ran out of the basement in fright.

Now I am 17 years old and everything in the house was very quiet and calm until last week.

Last Friday I went to bed a little earlier than usual at about 11 pm and woke up in the middle of the night at 2.30 because I wanted to use the toilet. However, for some time I lay in bed due to laziness to get up, so when I got up it was already 3.15 in the morning.

My room is on the first floor of the house, and to get to the bathroom, you have to go through the kitchen. And when I was walking to the kitchen, I suddenly felt a strong draft. However, I dismissed it, the house is old, you never know where that shows through.


But when I entered the kitchen, I felt a hand touching me below my back, and then a creaky voice very eerily said "Good morning" into my left ear. I even felt someone's invisible breath on my skin.

My first thought was “Oh God, someone entered the house!”, I was 100% sure that there was a man of flesh and blood behind me. But when I mustered up the courage and turned around, to my utter horror, no one was there.

And believe me, when I turned around, I felt his hand on my back for half a second.

Realizing what had happened, I screamed and ran to my parents' room. There, for the next two hours, I sobbed hysterically with fear. My mind was frantically trying to find a logical reason for what happened and did not find it.

After the overnight incident, there were several more strange cases in the following days. The cup on its own crawled over the ledge in my room and smashed against the wall. And then I sat in Snapchat and applied the dog filter (virtual overlay of dog ears and tongue on a person's head) and it showed that there was another person in the house.

And yesterday I woke up with scratches all over my back. It's getting really creepy."


Some time ago, when I was still very young, my sister and her friends came to visit the grandmother of one of my friends for a holiday. They had a pleasant time in her house and when they were amused, they climbed into the attic and there photographed themselves against the background of old things.

When my sister returned home and started to print the photographs on the printer, one of the photographs showed an uneven image of a very pale bare leg, the leg was completely white, like an albino.

My sister just threw this picture out as spoiled, and then I sat and thought that it was a very strange leg, not at all like the leg of my sister and her friends, and how then could all other parts of this person's body look like?

Also, the leg was sticking out at such an angle that I could not understand how this picture was taken at all.

Continued: Part 7